Chapter 61 Goodbye
Time passed so quickly that half a year passed, and with the help of Gu Xuan, Wanda quickly mastered all the basic skills.

And according to Gu Xuan's original promise to Wanda, Gu Xuan also immediately contacted Nick Fury, and informed the latter of their plan to visit Pietro.

Since this period of time, Pietro has always maintained a good cooperative attitude in the face of the interrogation of SHIELD.

All about Hydra's experimental plans in Siberia were easily ascertained by the Heavenly Sword Bureau led by Nick Fury.

And regarding such a long time of contact, Nick Fury also found that it was just a coincidence that Pietro would become the subject of Hydra's experiment.

Pietro himself is not too hostile to society.

The original reason for attacking the Avengers members was entirely out of personal hatred for Tony.

But for others, he didn't intend to have any malice.

Therefore, Pietro was taken out of the interrogation room by Nick Fury a long time ago, and he has been with him during this time to deal with various emergencies.

At this moment, Pietro can already be regarded as a member of the agents of the Tianjian Bureau.

So Nick Fury readily agreed to Gu Xuan's request.

After getting a positive answer from Nick Fury, Gu Xuan took Wanda to the headquarters of the Heavenly Sword Bureau early the next day.

Looking at the organization in front of him that resembled SHIELD, Gu Xuan was suddenly full of thoughts.

Until now, Nick Fury has been following the blueprint in his mind to build an institution that can maintain world order in his mind.

Everyone in the Avengers has been saying that the US team and Tony are the two most stubborn people in the team.

But from the perspective of the third party, Gu Xuan, in fact, in the Avengers, everyone has their own obsessions in their hearts.

Before the obsession is achieved, you will not easily choose to compromise or give up.

Whether it is Thor, who is a god, or Nick Fury, a mortal, they are constantly moving forward to realize the obsession in their hearts.

Withdrawing all his thoughts, Gu Xuan and Wanda were quickly brought to a conference room by Nick Fury.

The moment the two of them stepped into the conference room, they saw a figure who had been waiting there for a long time.

After hearing the sound of two people pushing the door and entering, the man also turned around.

The moment Wanda saw Pietro, the blood in her body seemed to boil.

This is probably the so-called blood sense.

When Pietro saw Wanda for the first time, he immediately guessed the latter's identity.

Then he stood up and walked towards Wanda: "Wanda, it's been a long time!"

"Yeah, long time no see!"

The next moment, Wanda's eyes were completely wet with tears.

The two siblings have been separated for so many years, and no one thought that they would meet again in this kind of place.

Looking at the strange yet familiar person in front of them, the words that the two brothers and sisters had been suppressing in their hearts for a moment were unable to speak out like a stuck machine.

"Wanda, are you okay?" Pietro walked up to Wanda, stretched out his hands, and wanted to touch Wanda's cheek.

But Wanda avoided it all at once, and just stood there in a daze, without saying a word.

Although Wanda has always missed Pietro very much in her heart, looking at this strange man in front of her at this moment, Wanda still finds it difficult to accept it for a while.

Seeing such a situation, Pietro had a wry smile on his face.

At this time, Gu Xuan also came over, smiled and patted Pietro on the shoulder: "Okay, don't be too sad, we haven't seen each other for so many years, why don't you sit down and have a drink?"

Pietro nodded slowly when he heard the words, and then sat down.

At this moment, Gu Xuan was suddenly full of emotions: "It's really unexpected. After so many years, our little brother has grown up, matured, and become handsome. I don't dare to I admit it, your appearance makes me feel that I am really inferior to you."

Pietro was amused by Gu Xuan's words, and couldn't help laughing, and Gu Xuan also laughed, and then said: "Actually, I always knew that you were still alive, but I didn't know Where exactly are you?"

Hearing this, Pietro also told Gu Xuan and the others about his experiences over the years.

Through Pietro's words, Gu Xuan could also clearly feel that after sending Pietro away, Pietro's life was not easy.

Being the most adopted son, his status in the family is always inferior to that of other parents.

Moreover, the society was chaotic at that time, and criminals ran all over the streets.

The adoptive parents also soon declared bankruptcy due to the economic depression.

Pietro, who was young and had no blood relationship, naturally became the object of everyone's vent.

Soon, he became a victim of that family and was sold to underground human traffickers.

After that, there were several twists and turns, and finally became the experimental subject of Hydra by accident.

After hearing all that Pietro said, Gu Xuan suddenly felt his heart twist.

If he hadn't made up his own mind and chose to use some means to send Pietro away from Wanda, maybe Pietro would not have experienced so much misfortune.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault. If I hadn't been able to find you, I'm afraid you wouldn't have suffered this kind of ordeal." Gu Xuan said apologetically.

Pietro shook his head when he heard the words, and said: "No, these are my fate, I can only blame my bad luck, but now I'm fine, I have regained my freedom, I have survived all these years of suffering, I only hope that Wanda and you can continue to live well, and now that you are all safe and sound, I feel a lot of comfort in my heart."

In this way, the three chatted for a whole afternoon in the conference room of Tianjian Bureau.

It wasn't until night fell that the reminiscence of the three was interrupted by a phone call from Tony.

"Hey, boy, how are you doing these days, I have a party here tonight, please be there on time!"

Hearing that it was Tony, Gu Xuan couldn't refuse, so he could only readily agree.

After hanging up the phone, Pietro also stood up very tactfully and said.

"Well, Director Nick and I have a meeting soon, and it's getting late, so I'll make preparations first, and we must have a good get-together when I'm on vacation."

Hearing this, Gu Xuan also showed a knowing smile.

Sure enough, even with close people, after being separated for so long, there will still be a little emotional gap.

I don't know how long it will take for the gap between them and Pietro to be completely eliminated.

(End of this chapter)

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