Marvel: I Can Fish the Heavens

Chapter 52 Confronting Bucky

Chapter 52 Confronting Bucky
When Captain America first saw Bucky, he felt a burst of joy in his heart.

Just when he was about to say something, Bucky suddenly rushed towards the US team.

At this time, Gu Xuan also noticed the two people who were fighting on the ground, but this time Gu Xuan did not intend to make a move.

Because Gu Xuan knew that the current Bucky was like a ghost with a dead soul.

What he is doing now is just the order implanted in his mind by the original Hydra.

If Bucky's soul is not completely liberated, even if Bucky can be persuaded by the US team and others to stand on his side, sooner or later new enemies will appear, using the orders implanted by Hydra to restore this killing machine work up.

However, Bucky, who is the Winter Soldier at this moment, doesn't care so much. In his eyes, the current US team is just a task for him.

The lowest order Hydra implanted in his mind is that he will never give up until he achieves his goal, even if he pays the price of his life for it.

Therefore, for so many years, Hydra has relied on the near-death Winter Soldier to complete almost fatal assassination missions again and again.

These make every time a certain key point in history is reached, key figures will be stabbed to death.

And right now, even if Hydra's insight plan is destroyed, and the death of leader Pierce and others.

But before the task is completed, or before the person in charge gives Bucky a termination order.

Bucky will tirelessly complete the task.

So this time Bucky came here specially to look for the US team.

Seeing Bucky rushing towards him aggressively, Captain America also knew that now is definitely not the time for the two to talk about the old days.

Captain America was taken aback and quickly dodged.

"Bang!" Captain America was hit hard by Bucky on the wall, and suddenly felt dizzy, and countless small stars appeared above his head.

Captain America was startled when he saw this, and hurriedly threw a shield at Bucky to stop him from continuing.

But Bucky ignored the shield's attack at all, and directly used the metal arm made of vibrating gold to catch the flying shield firmly, and then turned to exert force, smashing the shield in his hand quickly To the US team.

Faced with Bucky's powerful blow, Captain America hastily raised his hands, stepped back three steps, and barely managed to catch the shield.

When Bucky saw this scene, he didn't intend to leave Captain America with a breather at all, and continued to rush towards Captain America in the blink of an eye.

Captain America was anxious, and immediately raised the shield in his hand to block Bucky's heavy punch in the face.

"Bang!" Another impact happened, but this time the impact did not produce a huge sound, but a muffled sound.

The hit body of Captain America backed away again and again.

Bucky took advantage of the victory to pursue, quickly caught up, and dealt another heavy blow to Captain America.

Captain America raised his shield again to block, but still received Bucky's heavy punch narrowly and dangerously.

Captain America's arm was numb from Bucky's heavy punch, and the shield in his hand almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Captain America reacted quickly enough to stabilize his arm quickly.

"Crack!" Bucky's fist hit Captain America's cheek heavily, and a blood-red bruise appeared on Captain America's fair skin, which looked shocking.

"Wow!" Captain America couldn't help crying out in pain.

"Flick, bang!" The shield in Captain America's hand slipped from his palm and fell to the ground.

When Bucky saw that Captain America dropped his shield, he immediately sped up his pace and continued to attack Captain America, attacking Captain America.

Bucky's attack was too violent, Captain America didn't dare to take it hard, and quickly dodged aside.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" Bucky pressed Captain America tightly, attacking again and again, each punch brought up a blood mist, which made people tremble with fear.

Captain America kept dodging and dodging.

"Bang!" Captain America finally avoided Bucky's punch, but his right arm was still hit by Bucky's fierce elbow.

As if struck by lightning, Captain America flew back upside down, knocked over the garbage can and the garbage in the garbage can, fell to the ground, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Captain America's body fell to the ground, twitching non-stop, the blood spilling from the corner of his mouth stained his face red, looking extremely embarrassed.

And Gu Xuan, who was still trying to grab the wreckage of the three helicarriers above, also noticed the current situation of the US team on the ground.

Knowing that the US team has been restrained because of the relationship between Zeng Jin and Bucky, and has not been able to exert its full strength.

Seeing that if this continues, the US team will be beaten to death by Bucky, Gu Xuan still can only find the right time, and smash a huge aircraft carrier wreck towards Bucky's body.

Faced with this sudden change, Bucky obviously failed to react.

Before Bucky could react, he was firmly suppressed by the smashed wreckage on the ground, unable to move.

Seeing that Bucky couldn't move anymore, Gu Xuan stopped paying attention to the situation here, and continued to focus on his work of picking up trash.

Captain America looked at Bucky, who was crushed under the wreckage and was struggling. After struggling to get up, he staggered to Bucky's side.

Then he reached out his hands to the ground of the wreckage to help Bucky move the pair of wreckage away.


With the joint efforts of two super soldiers who were also injected with super serum, the wreckage was easily lifted up.

But the first time Bucky got out of trouble, he punched Captain America heavily in the face.

But the first time Bucky got out of trouble, he punched Captain America heavily in the face.

Captain America's body suddenly lost his balance, and flew upside down to the side, and finally fell heavily on the ground, falling in a mess.

"Bucky, you know me!"

However, only Bucky's strong fist responded to Captain America.

"I know you?" Bucky froze for a moment, then rushed towards Captain America violently, and punched Captain America's body fiercely, "I never knew you, you just It's just one of my missions!"

Hearing Bucky's words, Captain America dropped the shield in his hand and said to Bucky.

"Then, let's complete your task now."

Bucky was not polite when he saw this, he rushed to the front of the US team with one stride, and slammed down on the handsome face of the US team.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

A muffled sound continued to echo around.

Faced with Bucky's fists to fleshy iron fists, even with a body as strong as Captain America, it gradually began to be too much.

I saw that the US team's originally clean and clean ground was now covered with blood stains and dirt.

Seeing this scene, Gu Xuan could only sigh helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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