Marvel: I Can Fish the Heavens

Chapter 5 Undercurrents surging

Chapter 5 Undercurrents surging
It was almost morning after returning to the residence, Gu Xuan just took off his bat suit and planned to lie down and squint for a while.

There was a sound of "dong dong dong" footsteps coming from outside the door.

This made Gu Xuan's nerves suddenly tense up.

Could it be that Jin Bing started to take action so quickly?
Thinking in this way, Gu Xuan immediately put on the bat suit again.

Gu Xuan tiptoed to the door, and carefully opened the door a gap.

Through the gap, Gu Xuan did not see anyone outside the living room.

Could it be that I was too nervous and had an illusion?

But on second thought, Wanda was still in the next room.

So, Gu Xuan decisively opened the door and walked out.

Suddenly a black shadow flew towards Gu Xuan.

Subconsciously, Gu Xuan raised his right hand to block, and immediately put his left hand in a posture, ready to give the bat dart to the other party for breakfast.

The expected scene of blood splatter did not happen, and instead, Wanda sat on the ground with a buttock.

Wanda was in pain with tears in her eyes, while looking at Gu Xuan resentfully.

"What's wrong with you so early in the morning?"

"Ah? Well, I heard a voice outside the door and thought the house was broken into, so I came out to check, haha."

Facing Wanda's questioning, Gu Xuan could only scratch his head and smiled embarrassingly.

You can't let this little girl wait until last night, or she will be nagging endlessly.

"By the way, what are you doing up so early?"

Gu Xuan asked after recovering.

"That... I'm going to go for a morning run to exercise."

Now it was Wanda's turn to panic.

She didn't want Gu Xuan to know that she was going to work as an hourly worker at the breakfast shop downstairs.

In the nearly a year since he came here, except for some times when Wanda was alone, Gu Xuan rushed to help pay for the rest of the expenses no matter what.

When the tuition fees were insufficient, Gu Xuan helped to advance the payment, and it has not been paid off yet.

It will be Gu Xuan's birthday soon, and Wanda also wants to buy a gift for Gu Xuan.

Not long ago, I saw a watch on the Internet. Although it is second-hand, the price is not much cheaper than the brand new one.

Looking at the numbers in her bank card that she could count with one hand, Wanda had no choice but to use her spare time to go out to work.

When I came back yesterday, I happened to see the recruitment notice in the breakfast shop downstairs, so while Gu Xuan was still sleeping soundly, Wanda just planned to go downstairs.

As a result, Gu Xuan was more lazy than a pig on weekdays, and today he didn't know what medicine he had taken wrongly, yet he got up so early.

"Then when you came back, you happened to help me bring a fried dough stick from the breakfast shop downstairs. When you come back later, I will give you money, thank you."

As Gu Xuan walked towards the room, he said without looking back.

"Okay, I see. And you don't actually have to pay me."

After finishing speaking, Wanda secretly glanced at Gu Xuan.

Unexpectedly, when Gu Xuan heard this, it was like a cat whose tail was stepped on by someone, so he turned his head and came to Wanda and said seriously.

"I'll say it again, you are my sister and I am your brother. I should treat you well, understand?"

"I see, why are you so fierce, really, fierce mother-in-law."

Wanda didn't expect Gu Xuan to have such a big reaction, so she muttered softly.

"Excuse me, what did you just say I am?"

"Ah, it's nothing, I'll go down and buy you breakfast now."

After finishing speaking, Wanda disappeared from Gu Xuan's sight as if the soles of her feet were oiled.

Seeing Wanda's flustered appearance, Gu Xuan felt so cute for a moment.

Now that the crisis is resolved, it will be Gu Xuan's time alone.

Looking at the alarm clock on the wall, it was only five o'clock, Gu Xuan thought he could sleep for a few more hours, so he hurried back to his room.

And in a place that ordinary people couldn't notice, Jin Bing was angrily cursing the minions kneeling in front of him at the moment.

"A bunch of idiots! You can't do such a small thing well, and you don't even know how the goods were lost. What a waste!"

"Boss, we have sent someone to bring that driver back from the police station, look."

"Bring him up to me!"

"Okay, boss."

After a while, the driver, who was still in a complete daze, was brought in front of Jin Bing.

Looking at the driver who hadn't recovered from his senses, Jin Bin suddenly lost his temper, raised his futon-sized slap and slapped the driver's face.


Immediately, the driver flew out sideways and upside down like a sandbag.

When he was carried back, the driver had passed out.

"Go and find out! Hurry up and find out who did it for me!"

Jin Bin's roar resounded throughout the room.

At this time, Gu Xuan, who was still lying on the bed and sound asleep, didn't know that there were two gangs of vicious people looking for him.

"Wake up, breakfast is here."

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, Gu Xuan was pulled out of sleep by Wanda's magnetic voice.

"Ah cool."

After waking up, Gu Xuan stretched lazily, walked out of the room and saw a table full of breakfast.

"Why do you buy so much, are there any guests at home today?"

Gu Xuan asked puzzledly.

"No, it's just that the owner of the breakfast shop is a nice person. He knew we lived upstairs and went to buy breakfast every day, so he gave us some more."

Wanda said foolishly.

"Oh, that's it, it's not in vain that I praise their family's conscience every day."

"Hey, why don't you sit down and eat together?"

"Oh, here it is."

As soon as Wanda sat down, she saw Gu Xuan start to whirl over the food on the table again.

"Wanda, do you have any plans for today?"

Gu Xuan asked inarticulately with a deep-fried dough stick in his mouth.

"Me? I originally asked someone to go to the library together, but yesterday morning the library was blown up by a military tank, so I didn't have to go."

Recalling yesterday's scenes, Wanda felt like a movie she had watched, after all, ordinary people would never see that kind of thing once in their lifetime.

"Really, how about taking you to Herald for a stroll this afternoon, and buying you some clothes by the way, how long has it been since you bought clothes?"

"Ah, don't waste money on me, I have clothes, and those things are too expensive, there's no need."

As soon as Wanda said this, she regretted it, so she hurriedly said it again.

"Although I don't need it, if you want to go, I can go with you. Okay?"

Seeing Gu Xuan who bowed his head and remained silent for a long time, Wanda felt very regretful at the moment, why did he say that kind of thing.

But what Wanda didn't expect was that instead of being angry as expected, Gu Xuan said with a smile.

"Okay, then we'll leave at one o'clock in the afternoon, you get ready."

After speaking, Gu Xuan continued to work hard.

This little girl is still so stubborn.

(End of this chapter)

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