Chapter 46 Nick Fury
While Gu Xuan was still concentrating on suppressing Bucky, he was on the other side of the highway.

While the three of the US team were still discussing how to proceed with the next step, a howitzer from nowhere hit the three of them accurately.

Fortunately, the US team used the shield as a skateboard in time to help the three escape from the car.

Seeing that the opponent's firepower was too fierce, the three of the US team had no choice but to fight and retreat.

At this time, the battle on Gu Xuan's side was about to come to an end, so it was impossible for Hydra's support troops to arrive in time.

I saw countless flames attacking Gu Xuan at the same time.

Seeing this scene, Gu Xuan shook his head helplessly.

"What era is this? Why are you still thinking about using guns to solve problems? It seems that Zola's algorithm is not very powerful."

As he said that, Gu Xuan just raised his hand and waved lightly, and all the bullets shot towards Gu Xuan stopped motionless in mid-air as if they had been cast with a fixed spell.

Immediately, under the surprised eyes of everyone, all the bullets seemed to come alive, and they turned around and aimed at the Hydra people.

"Look for cover!"

I don't know who in the crowd yelled this sentence, and then all the bullets swept across the Hydra support force wantonly like a metal storm.

Under the ravages of these bullets, Hydra's support troops suffered heavy losses.

In a short while, all the Hydra support troops had been wiped out, and even the few remaining escaped people were nothing to fear from the overall situation.

After dealing with these Hydra support troops, Gu Xuan immediately turned his head to look for Bucky.

Among the ruins, Gu Xuan did not find Bucky.

"Forget it, since this is the case, there is no need to waste time here."

Saying that, Gu Xuan's figure turned into an afterimage and disappeared on the spot.

Gu Xuan left the area before the arrival of the police media.

On the way back, Gu Xuan didn't encounter any trouble.

Soon Gu Xuan found the three members of the US team who were surrounded by Hydra troops.

Just as Gu Xuan was about to make a move, he saw Lang Muluo coming with a large group of S.H.I.E.L.D. special forces.

Facing the heavily armed special forces, the three of the US team can only choose to catch them without a fight.

After watching the three of the US team being brought into the armored vehicle, Gu Xuan followed from afar and waited for an opportunity to act.

Soon the convoy gradually left the downtown area and turned into a remote path.

Suddenly, Gu Xuan noticed the movement of fighting in the armored vehicle.

Then Gu Xuan quickly jumped up and landed in the grass outside the armored vehicle.

From under the armored vehicle, the captured three members of the US team, as well as the agent beside Nick Fury——Agent Hill fell out!
Gu Xuan appeared in front of everyone in a flash.

Seeing that Gu Xuan came back safe and sound, Captain America's heart sank.

"Oh, I thought you didn't know anything?"

Seeing Gu Xuan who suddenly appeared in front of him, Hill couldn't help making a joke.

But after the ridicule, Hill immediately greeted a few people and boarded a truck that had already parked on the side of the road.

Soon everyone was led by Hill to an underground air-raid shelter.

"Hey, you guys have to stop the bleeding for this young lady, she lost maybe half a liter or a liter of blood in the car just now."

Seeing that everyone came to a safe environment, Sam immediately spoke.

Hearing what Sam said, Hill immediately arranged for a doctor to stand by.

"But before that, I think you have to meet someone with me first."

Is there anything more important than letting Natasha stop the bleeding?
With such doubts, everyone came to an operating room that looked like a makeshift operation room.

A hospital bed was placed in the middle of the operating room, and lying on it was a person that Captain America and the widow never dreamed of—Nick Fury!
As soon as he saw the US team coming, Nick Fury sat up and said.

"Long time no see, everyone!"

"Injured spine, broken sternum, shattered collarbone, perforated liver, shattered lungs, and a headache that's killing me, everything else is fine."

Looking at Nick Fury's appearance on the hospital bed, Captain America suddenly fell into deep self-blame.

If I had communicated well with Nick Fury in the first place, I might not need Nick Fury to face Hydra's revenge alone.

Maybe Nick Fury wouldn't be lying on the hospital bed in such a state of embarrassment at this moment.

On the other side, after learning that the three of the US team had escaped, Pierce came to the secret test base where Bucky was held in a rage.

Under the protection of a group of Hydra members, Pierce came to Bucky and wanted to ask some details about the mission.

But Bucky seemed to have been beaten stupid, unable to say a word for a long time.

Instead, during the battle, Gu Xuan constantly used mind control to enter Bucky's mind, and instilled the memories of him and Captain America into Bucky's mind.

For a moment, Bucky had doubts about these inexplicable memories in his mind.

Facing Pierce, Bucky asked directly.

"I know the man with the shield, why should I kill him?"

Faced with Bucky's question, Pierce planned to use Hydra's way of talking about Bucky.

But soon Pierce found out that this set didn't work for Bucky who now had partial memory.

In a fit of rage, Pierce had to give up and ordered the scientific research assistants on both sides to use electric shocks to erase all unnecessary memories in Bucky's mind.

All of this was within Gu Xuan's expectation, but at the moment when Bucky's head was shocked by electric shock, Gu Xuan was also filled with anger.

Because the spiritual connection between Gu Xuan and Bucky has not been broken at this moment, every move of Pierce and others is under the supervision of Gu Xuan.

The reason why Gu Xuan did this was to prevent Bucky from being erased from his mind again by Pierce and others after he went back.

Second, after doing this, Gu Xuan will be able to know all the planned actions of Hydra in the first place.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be invincible in all battles.

But at this moment, Gu Xuan was not in a hurry to make a move, and just silently watched Hydra doing all this.

Hearing the screams from Bucky's mouth, Gu Xuan felt his teeth itch with hatred.

If possible, Gu Xuan would not mind eradicating them all if they were inhumanly stopped by Hydra.

But Gu Xuan couldn't bear Bucky's screams that kept ringing in his mind.

So it was like helping Bucky share a little pain.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Gu Xuan's consciousness entered Bucky's mind, a tearing pain swept towards Gu Xuan in an instant.

And Gu Xuan's body, who was far below the air-raid shelter, couldn't help but scream at this moment.

Seeing Gu Xuan's sudden change, the members of the US team immediately helped him up.

(End of this chapter)

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