Chapter 43 Anim Zola

When he came to the warehouse, Gu Xuan found the switch with the help of the flashlight of his mobile phone.


With a soft bang, the electric switch fell.

Gu Xuan pulled down the electric switch heavily, and the originally pitch-black warehouse suddenly became like daylight, and Gu Xuan felt dizzy for a while under the pale fluorescent light.

The warehouse is full of old-fashioned computers, a few tables and chairs, and it is also full of sundries.

The widow walked towards a computer that looked like a mainframe in the middle, picked up a chair, sat down, turned on the computer, and prepared to check it out.

Looking at an external set-top box that looked like a black box on the operating table, the widow took out the USB flash drive brought by Nick Furuina from her pocket.

Align the data port of the set-top box and insert it.

Immediately, the machines around the three of them seemed to be unblocked, and started to work, making a buzzing sound.

At this time, a line of words appeared on the computer screen in the middle.

[Do you want to start the system? 】

【start up! 】

As the widow pressed the confirmation button, green lines gradually appeared on the computer screen, and finally these green lines outlined a face that was familiar to Captain America.

[Steve Rogers was born in [-]]

[Natasha Erianovna Romanov was born in [-]]

【Gu Xuan was born in [-]】

Seeing the weird scene in front of her, the widow sister blurted out and asked.

"What image is this?"

【Oh, miss, I'm not a simple image. Maybe I'm not the one who was caught and imprisoned by the captain in [-], but I'm still me. 】

As he said that, a wanted poster appeared on the small monitor beside him.

"Arnim Zola! You should have been dead for a long time, why did you appear here?"

Facing Captain America's doubts, Zola said triumphantly.

[In 20, I was diagnosed with a terminal illness. The science at the time was unable to save my body, but my brain was still worth saving. They were preserved in a [-]-foot-long storage belt, Look around here, I'm more alive than ever. 】

[You are standing in my brain now!Your government thinks I can help their cause, and in fact I'm not only helping their cause, but I'm continuing my own. 】

Hearing this, Captain America hurriedly and rudely interrupted Zola.

"Hydra and Red Skull are dead!"

[No, no, captain, once you try to cut off one head, two heads will grow back immediately. 】

Looking at Dr. Zola who was divided into two on the screen, Captain America immediately connected all the things that happened during this period of time in his mind.

Immediately, a conjecture that made everyone afraid of the US team appeared in his mind.

But the US team also knows that they can't easily believe Dr. Zola's words.

Therefore, the US team asked Dr. Zola to produce evidence that could prove this set of rhetoric.

Dr. Zola on the screen only made a faint notification sound upon hearing the words.

【Reading archive】

As soon as the prompt ended, Dr. Zola played a recording file.

[The original intention of Hydra was to believe that freedom cannot be handed over to human beings, but when anyone tries to take away freedom, they will resist.After the original Hydra was destroyed, in order to avoid such a situation from happening again, S.H.I.E.L.D. came into being. 】

[But this also led to the birth of the new generation of Hydra. They parasitized in SHIELD and constantly used various means to promote various international war conflicts. If history does not obey them, they can only change history. 】

[Finally, human beings are finally willing to choose to give up freedom voluntarily in exchange for safety.As long as the insight plan is successfully implemented, a new order belonging to Hydra will be born! 】

After listening to Dr. Zola's words, the three of the US team finally sorted out the whole thing thoroughly.

And why Nick Fury wanted so desperately to get on the S.H.I.E.L.D. ship that was hijacked by pirates before.

Captain America immediately punched the computer screen furiously.

Before the US team could continue to take action, the phone in the widow's pocket rang an alarm sound of "beep~beep~beep~".

The widow immediately took out her phone.

"what is that?"

"A short-range missile."

"Where did it come from?"


[Sorry Captain, actually I have been procrastinating for time, and now your time is the same as mine, there is not much left, hahahaha.】

Right now, there is no other extra time left for the three of the US team to vent.

As the melody of the siren became more and more urgent, the US team immediately pulled away the protective fence of the drain on the ground.

Without waiting for Captain America to say anything, Sister Widow and Gu Xuan tactfully jumped down the drain.

At the same time as the three of them hid like a drain, the missile followed closely.


At the same time as the three of them hid like a drain, the missile followed closely.


The missile hit the ground heavily.

In an instant, there was a terrifying temperature that could melt metal.

The huge shock wave generated by the missile explosion caused the rubble on the ground to fly endlessly, and the warehouse was instantly razed to the ground.

All of this happened in a split second, which caught the three of them off guard, and they didn't even have time to react.

When the three stood up from behind the shield of the US team, all they saw was a pile of Dr. Zola's stumps and ruins.

On the other side, unknown to all three, in the home of Pierce, the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D., sat another person who was hiding in the darkness.

If the US team were here at this moment, they would definitely be shocked by the people in front of them.

The Winter Soldier - Bucky!
Pierce on the side filled his glass and said to Bucky indifferently.

"This mission has three targets, level six threats, I need you to eradicate them all within ten hours, they caused me to lose my Zola!"

At this time, Renata, the nanny who had already left, suddenly turned back to look for her mobile phone.

Seeing Bucky and Pierce sitting in front of her, Renata knew the terrible secret that she accidentally bumped into Pierce.

Just as he was about to beg for mercy, Pierce directly picked up the pistol on the table and pointed it at the poor man who was implicated innocently because he didn't knock on the door before entering.

A flash of fire flashed in the darkness, Pierce signaled Bucky to deal with the three of them as soon as possible, and then walked back to the room on his own.

On the other side, the three members of the American team who escaped from death left New Jersey quickly after learning of Hydra's conspiracy, intending to prevent the smooth implementation of the insight plan.

(End of this chapter)

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