Marvel: I Can Fish the Heavens

Chapter 40 The Insight Project

Chapter 40 The Insight Project
"Hey, Nick, what the hell do you mean by that?"

As soon as he returned to S.H.I.E.L.D., Captain America aggressively pushed open the door of Nick Fury's office.


Looking at Nick Fury, it seemed that he had expected it, but he still had no intention of explaining.

"You're used to deceiving people, even if you don't want to, you can't help it, right?"

"No, no, I never lied to you. Natasha's mission itself is different from yours."

"Then you are not obliged to explain to me?"

"I'm not under any obligation to do anything, to explain to anyone."

The US team did not expect Nick Fury to be so decisive.

"Then you are not worried about the safety of the hostages. Do you know how many people may be killed because of your action?"

After hearing that the US team was about to start the old rhetoric again, Nick Fury hurriedly interrupted.

"So, I sent the greatest agent in history to execute this thing, to prevent tragedy from happening, didn't I?"

Seeing Nick Fury look like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, Captain America couldn't help but want to punch this sunspot in the face.

"Do you know that what a team needs is trust. What's the difference between a team that doesn't trust each other and a bunch of mobs who just pick up guns and shoot blindly."

Captain America's words immediately reminded Nick Fury, the biggest villain in Marvel, of a past that he never wanted to recall.

Nick Fury himself believed too much in his teammates, which caused him to lose sight in one eye.

But Nick Fury still didn't attack the US team, but continued.

"I never asked you to do anything beyond your bottom line, and Natasha has no bottom line. She will do many things you are not willing to do."

"But in this way, each of my team members has its own separate mission. Sorry, I can't continue to lead such a team."

With that said, Captain America made a gesture to leave.

"This is what I call divisional management. Even if there is a mistake in a certain part of the mission, it will not cause the entire mission to collapse because of someone, because no one knows all the plans."

Hearing what Nick Fury said, Captain America just looked at Nick Fury coldly and said.

"except you!"

Hearing Captain America's complaint, Nick Fury just smiled lightly.

"No, that's not all you said. I'm a person who knows how to share. A person who is kind to others."

After speaking, Nick Fury got up and walked out of the office, and motioned for the US team to follow.

Taking the elevator, Nick Fury led the US team to the underground base of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"What is the insight plan just mentioned?"

Just when he took the elevator that the US team had never taken before, the artificial intelligence of the elevator mentioned that he did not have the right to know the plan.

But soon Nick Fury included the US team into the authority of the insight plan.

Therefore, the US team can probably guess that the place where Nick Fury will take him next may have something to do with the insight plan.

Soon the elevator went down to a depth of more than 100 meters underground, and Captain America was shocked by the scene in front of him.

In the huge underground space, the engineers of S.H.I.E.L.D. are busy.

Looking around, three huge helicarriers suddenly occupied all of the US team's field of vision.

Seeing the three terrifying war beasts lying there quietly, Captain America didn't know what to say for a moment.

Nick Fury on the side explained in a timely manner.

"These are three new-generation Helicarriers, and this is the Insight Project."

"These three ships are all equipped with anti-gravity engines. As long as they are lifted into the air, there is no need to land again."

Approaching and looking at the three behemoths in front of him, Captain America asked indifferently.

"Is this Stark's masterpiece?"

"Yes, Stark has given us some advice since he had a close look at the previous generation of engines last time. These engines can allow the Helicarrier to fly in sub-orbits for a long time."

Looking at the artillery group at the bottom of the Helicarrier, Nick Fury explained.

"The three motherships are all synchronized with the satellite communication. As soon as the terrorists walk out of the bunker, the DNA will be recognized by the Star of Lemuria in an instant, and then the artillery can reach the efficiency of killing 1 people in one minute."

"This way we can nip threats in the bud before they arise."

After listening to Nick Fury's words, Captain America couldn't help asking.

"Shouldn't there be guilt before punishment?"

Nick Fury really couldn't bear the rigidity of this old man who had been sleeping for decades.

"We can't afford to wait until the threat emerges to find a way to deal with it, and we don't have time to wait."


"After the New York incident, I successfully persuaded the World Security Council to completely improve threat analysis technology. This time we are at least one step ahead."

"Oh, pointing a gun at people all over the planet, you call that protection?"

Nick Fury didn't dare to show weakness and replied in the face of the US team's questioning.

"I have investigated the archives of the Strategic Research Agency, the greatest generation, didn't you also do a lot of shady things?"

"Yes, we did, but these things make our conscience uneasy, and we can't close our eyes day and night. We do this for people's freedom. You don't call it freedom, it's called fear."

With that said, Captain America pointed to the Helicarrier above.

Nick Fury also said lightly after listening.

"The times are different now, captain, it's time for you to adapt to the times, and you shouldn't always be against the times."

Hearing what Nick Fury said, Captain America didn't say much, just turned around and left silently.

The American team left SHIELD and didn't go anywhere, but came to the history museum alone.

Looking at all the posters in the hall, on the walls, and in the display cabinets that recorded what his generation had done, the US team couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

What was shown on TV was a documentary about myself and the Roaring Commando team exterminating Hydra. Seeing the children in the museum watching the documentary and imitating the scene when I was fighting with the team members, Captain America seemed to have a little bit of clarity. Enlightenment.

After leaving the museum, the US team went to Peggy Carter's home.

The US team confides to Carter what has happened to Carter during this time, and the differences between him and Nick Fury.

After hearing this, Carter just put Captain America's hand on his chest and said softly.

"Hey Rodgers, you always take things seriously and exaggerate, but you should know that you saved the world, but we messed it up, and now we can't change the times, we can only try to fit in he."

Listening to Carter's words, Captain America was also silent.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that there was indeed an invisible gap between himself and this era.

Is it my fault?

(End of this chapter)

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