Marvel: I Can Fish the Heavens

Chapter 35 Rescuing the Hostages

Chapter 35 Rescuing the Hostages
"What the hell is your boy doing?"

Tony picked up a piece of wreckage and fiddled with it in his hands.

Gu Xuan said with a smile.

"I want to imitate Chitauri's technology and change all weapons into pure energy devices. This will not only increase the power of the weapons, but also reduce the restraint by a lot."

For Gu Xuan's words, Tony deeply felt the same, otherwise his own battle armor would not be all weapons with pure energy output, it would be like Colonel Rhodes' war machine, full of cannons and machine guns.

While the two were discussing, Bill had moved the steel battle armor brought by Gu Xuan and the others to his face.

Looking at the dilapidated steel armor in front of him, Tony also felt guilty.

But soon Tony sorted out his thoughts, lifted the battle armor to the workbench beside him, and started the repair work of the battle armor with Bill's assistance.

Seeing that Tony was tinkering with such a damaged battle armor at this moment, Bill was also puzzled.

I don't know when Tony, who has always been rich and powerful, has become so thrifty in managing his family.

If it weren't for his satellite being monitored by Aldridge Killian now, Tony wouldn't be in such a mess as he is now.

On the other side, Gu Xuan also successfully found the whereabouts of Aldrich Killian.

And also found a lot of video materials about the Extremis virus experiment.

Just as Gu Xuan and Tony were preparing to deal with Aldrich Killian, the latter had already taken the lead.

Aldrich Killian sent his men to lure Colonel Rhodes into a pre-arranged trap.

Then let his minions wear war machines to capture the president back.

In this series of actions, Aldrich Killian's purpose is very simple, that is to use this incident to push the reputation of the puppet Mandarin he supported to the peak.

Immediately, he began to use the name of Mandarin to sell the Extremis virus to global terrorist organizations, and took the entire western army and terrorist forces into his own hands.

In this way, he formed his own empire and completely trampled Tony under his feet.

Tony is largely responsible for what Aldridge Killian is doing today.

So Tony showed a level of persistence that he had never seen before.

Just when Gu Xuan was still planning to discuss with Tony how to rescue Rhodes and the president, Bill brought an urgent message.

Aldrich Killian quietly came to New York City at some point and kidnapped Pepper.

Tony, who heard the news, could no longer calm down.

Putting on the repaired steel armor, he rushed to a port according to the location Jarvis had located.

Seeing this, Gu Xuan, worried that Tony was alone, also followed Tony here.

I saw that the originally empty port was now full of containers.

Moreover, every entrance and exit on the port is full of fully armed guards.

These were obviously Aldrich Killian's men.

Just when Tony was about to step forward to make a move, Gu Xuan abruptly stopped him.

"Hey, Mr. Stark, please calm down, these are not ordinary armed personnel, these are Extremis soldiers injected with Extremis virus in their bodies."

"If you rush out blindly like this, you will be sifted by them."

Hearing Gu Xuan's words, Tony had no choice but to give up.

Afterwards, the two of them began to sneak in towards the depths of the port.

At this time, Gu Xuan's superpowers were particularly buggy.

Every time he encountered a difficult corner, Gu Xuan would use mind control to turn all the guards into blind and deaf.

Soon, the two managed to find Colonel Rhodes in a cabin.

"Next, what do we do?"

Facing Rhodes' question, Tony also quickly sorted out his thoughts and said.

"You and Gu Xuan hurried to rescue the president, and I will go to Potts."

After assigning the task, the three of them quickly acted separately.

With Gu Xuan's help, Rhodes easily rescued the president.

But on Tony's side, things didn't go so smoothly.

Not surprisingly, Tony met Aldridge Killian on the way.

"Whoa, who is this, sneaking around here like a mouse and stealing things from other people's houses."

In the face of Aldridge Killian's taunt, Tony didn't get on as much as he did at the beginning.

Instead, he calmed down and tried to get the location of Pepper from Aldrich Killian's mouth.

But as the saying goes, it's not speculative, and Aldridge Killian took the lead without talking a few words.

I saw Aldrich Killian suddenly accumulated a big mouthful of anger, and spit it out towards Tony.

Tony dodged it, and then leaped forward, hitting Aldrich Killian's chest with a punch, knocking him into the air.

After knocking Aldridge Killian into the air, Tony didn't want to waste any more time. Tony quickly ran to another place, trying to find the trace of Pepper.

But as soon as Tony took a few steps, he was stopped by Aldridge Killian.

Tony stopped involuntarily, and turned his head to glare at Aldrich Killian.

Seeing Tony's angry look, Aldrich Killian couldn't help but let out a piercing laugh.

And once upon a time, such a precarious and unknown little person, at this moment, actually forced the famous Tony Stark to such a situation.

For a moment, Aldrich Killian seemed to see himself standing at the pinnacle of his life after eradicating Tony.

Tony really hated Aldrich Killian in front of him at this moment.

If it wasn't for the obstruction of Aldrich Killian in front of him, he would have already saved Pepper.

Fortunately, Xiaojiao has not been rescued yet, but he is trapped here, and he can't even find a person, it is really aggrieved.

Seeing Aldrich Killian's rampant appearance, the anger in Tony's heart suddenly burned. He roared and rushed forward.

I saw Tony kicking his legs on the ground, and his whole body hit Aldrich Killian like a cannonball.

Tony's speed was extremely fast, and he was in front of Aldridge Killian almost in the blink of an eye.

The fist wrapped in the steel armor slammed hard at Aldrich Killian's cheek, trying to severely wound Aldrich Killian.

But as soon as Tony approached, he felt a strong thrust, which made Tony unable to move forward.

Tony panicked and tried to break free from Aldrich Killian's restraints.

But the harder Tony pushed, the deeper he sank.

At this moment, Aldrich Killian turned red all over, exuding an unbearable high temperature for ordinary people.

Tony knew that he had to get rid of Aldrich Killian's shackles as soon as possible, otherwise once he was entangled by Aldridge Killian, it would be difficult to get rid of it.

Thinking of this, Tony's heart trembled, and he transferred all the energy of his body to his arms, trying to pull his fists out of Aldrich Killian's palm with all his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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