Marvel: I Can Fish the Heavens

Chapter 19 Preparation

Chapter 19 Preparation
Seeing Gu Xuan and the widow in front of him, Banner was only surprised at first, but then he was relieved.Looking at Gu Xuan and Widow Sister in front of him, Dr. Na was only surprised at first, so he was relieved.

"How long have you been following me?" Dr. Banner asked indifferently.

"Now the outside of this room should be your people, but I hope you don't act rashly. I don't know when the guy in me will come out."

Hearing this, Gu Xuan silently blessed himself with "Quick Silver's Speed" and "Wolverine's Self-Healing".

Gu Xuan didn't want to be beaten to pieces by the guy in front of him.

It's no wonder that Gu Xuan made such a fuss, and even the widow, who had experienced many battles, secretly became wary of Dr. Banner's words.

After all, in Gu Xuan's knowledge, except for a few "aliens" similar to Thor, people who can hold Bruce Banner's fist may not have been born on the earth.

"Calm down, we just want to come and talk to you, I believe you can control that guy in your body, after all, you haven't let that guy show up again in the past six months."

The widow said carefully, for fear, because she said a wrong sentence, the guy in the latter's body should explode.

"Then let's see what you are here for."

Dr. Banner asked half-jokingly.

"Is it to continue to arrest me and put me back in the iron cage? Or to let me hold back the endless research, or to tear me apart."

"For all this, I can only answer you... No! The guy came to me by himself, I want to hide behind and be obedient, I just want to stay here and be an ordinary person with peace of mind."

Looking at the blue veins on Dr. Banner's forehead, Gu Xuan's little heart trembled. At such a close distance, Gu Xuan was not sure that he would be able to do everything as he did last time on campus. preparation.

And if you accidentally expose your true ability, you will be completely targeted by S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Everyone back up." The widow picked up the walkie-talkie strapped to her waist and whispered to the soldiers outside.

Then the thirty soldiers who were still surrounding the room, retreated quickly.

After giving the order, the widow sat back on the chair again, and had no intention of leaving.

Dr. Banner glanced at it, but still maintained the original posture, and the sitting widow did not move at all.

Dr. Banner was a little puzzled by the actions of the widow sister, what was she doing?
"In any case, our goal is the same. Since this is the case, I hope we can cooperate. After all, we are all people on Earth, why can't we deal with that thing together."

The widow said with a smile that she did not directly tell Dr. Banner the ultimate purpose of her trip.

Dr. Banner was taken aback by what the widow said.

This was the first time that the widow sister took the initiative to negotiate terms with him.

"We are all people from the earth, you are from the earth, why can't you help me, but help Ross and his gang to deal with me."

The widow shook her head and said, "No, you're wrong, I'm not under Ross, I'm from S.H.I.E.L.D., and I'm not here to arrest you, but to invite you back. You join our team to fight a threat from outer space. I hope you will consider it."

"I don't need a team because you're all enemies in my eyes."

Hearing Banner's words, the widow sister couldn't help being taken aback.

"Then what exactly do you want, we can satisfy you, but you must join us."

Hearing this, Dr. Banner couldn't help frowning. He is a scientist, how could he join any organization? Although he now wants to know what the aliens in the widow's mouth are like, he also knows that it is not time to ask these times.

"Do you want to know what is going on in outer space? I can tell you that as a scientist, I think you will be interested in these. Have you heard of the Rubik's Cube?"

"Cosmic Rubik's Cube" Dr. Banner naturally does not know, and he has never heard of the existence outside the earth.

"Aren't those just other people's myths?"

Dr. Banner asked.

"Yes and no."

Hearing this, Dr. Banner was a little puzzled as to what it meant.

As long as you agree to join us, I will tell you all this in detail.

On the other side, in a rare underground training hall, a strong figure was frantically hitting the sandbag in front of him.Sweat flowed down like no money.

"You won't be alone, Rogers."

"Oh, I can't believe this man is still alive."

Thinking back to the scenes in his mind, Rogers felt like his head was about to be overwhelmed by these sudden extra memories.


The sandbag in front of him was punched through by Rogers.

Just as Rogers was just hanging up a brand new sandbag to continue training, a familiar voice sounded behind him.

"Why can't you fall asleep?"

I saw Nick Fury coming out of the shadows.

"I've been sleeping for 70 years at a stretch, and I don't want to sleep anymore. Is there any mission to find me, sir."

Seeing Nick Fury's arrival, Rogers didn't intend to continue training, but just walked aside and silently removed the bandages on his hands.

"Do you want me to integrate into the new world?"

Seeing that Rogers was so straightforward, Nick Fury didn't intend to continue to make rounds, and said straight to the point.

"No, I want you to save him. There is a very important task right now, and I need you to help me complete it. This was accidentally salvaged by Howard Stark in the sea when he was searching for you."

Said Nick Fury handed a file to Rogers.

"Is this Hydra's secret weapon?"

"He was taken away by a man named Rocky. According to reports, he doesn't seem to be a local."

"And most importantly, it's pretty much the same as I expected. This may be the key to our discovery of eternal energy. And this is what the world needs most."

Seeing that there was no wave on Rogers' face after hearing all this, Nick Fury knew that for the man in front of him who had been sleeping for more than 70 years, it was difficult for him to shake his heart easily.

"If you are willing to join us, I will arrange someone to take you into this new world as soon as possible. Now the times are developing rapidly, many things are different from before, and the same task files will appear on your home table. If you are interested If so, call me."

Before Nick Fury could say anything more, Rogers picked up a sandbag from the ground and walked out.

Looking at the back of Rogers leaving alone, Nick Fury couldn't help asking.

"Do you have any good suggestions for retrieving the Rubik's Cube?"

Rogers stopped and turned his head and said.

"When you find the Rubik's Cube, throw it into the sea."

Hearing this, Nick Fury just shrugged noncommittally.

(End of this chapter)

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