17 The Way Forward
No.17 The road ahead
Faced with Nick Fury's recruitment, Gu Xuan was somewhat surprised.

Because in my own cognition, I have never shown any special abilities in front of Nick Fury, and I am just a college student who has just passed his 21st birthday.

At first, Gu Xuan only guessed that the purpose of Nick Fury's trip was to recruit himself as a support staff, but he never thought that he would go directly to the front line to fight the aliens.And I am really not very willing to participate in the frontline battles. Although I have many superhero abilities, in the end they are only superpowers in the human category. If Gu Xuan meets Thanos with six infinite gems, Gu Xuan will There is no self-confidence to contend with.

Thinking of this, Gu Xuan planned to refuse.

Perhaps seeing Gu Xuan's hesitation, Nick Fury didn't want to be directly rejected by the former, so he continued.

"As for whether you want to accept my recruitment, you can still think carefully about it, and if you join us, you will get the resources of the entire SHIELD in the future, so that no matter what you want to do in the future, It will undoubtedly be much easier.”

Originally, Gu Xuan came to this universe, just wanting to rely on his superpowers to enjoy life and experience life, but because of some accidental things, he had to be involved in some disputes and conflicts. Right now, Gu Xuan wants to It's more just a life of ease.

But who has a heroic dream?

So, after thinking about it for a long time, Gu Xuan still couldn't convince himself whether to refuse or join.

After seeing Gu Xuan's hesitation, Nick Fury knew that he would not be able to get an affirmative answer no matter what today, so he stopped staying any longer, called a few agents, and drove away in a car loaded with dozens of catties of drugs.

After dealing with the affairs of the company for the day, Gu Xuan dragged his slightly tired body back to his residence.

After more than half a year of hard work, Gu Xuan and Wanda have already moved out of the small rental house near the school and moved into the ultra-luxury apartment at No. 56 West 611th Street completed by Alvaro Siza.

I still remember the first time Wanda came here. The excitement of getting rich overnight made Wanda unable to recover for a week.

Every time I am alone at home, I do everything lightly, for fear of accidentally damaging the furniture in the house, just like a "Grandma Liu" who has never seen the world.

Sitting alone in the empty living room, Gu Xuan had the illusion that he was dreaming for a while.

Since I traveled to this universe, my daily life is like a sports car without brake pads, spinning continuously.

No, I can't go on aimlessly like this anymore, it's time to make some changes!
Gu Xuan stood up suddenly, picked up the landline phone placed beside the coffee table and dialed a series of numbers; "Hello"

Nick Fury on the other end of the phone didn't give up after knowing that the recruitment failed, but decided to take some compulsory measures.

First, include Gu Xuan in the list of dangerous persons.

Nick Fury knew that even though SHIELD's intelligence department had been busy for more than half a year, they couldn't find any more information about Gu Xuan.But since such an excellent agent is still within S.H.I.E.L.D.'s sight, he should be drawn in well, even if they can't get together in the end, at least they won't let the latter fall into darkness.

At the same time, Nick Fury also dispatched special agents to monitor Gu Xuan's every move. Faced with a person with enormous energy like Gu Xuan, Nick Fury dared not let him move around at will.

In any case, as long as Gu Xuan dared to leave the city of New York for half a step, he would immediately receive an arrest warrant from S.H.I.E.L.D.

There is one more important point.

Whether it was in the battle between Ross's army and the Hulk before, or accepting the commission of S.H.I.E.L.D., he took over the task of eradicating Jinbin.

During these times, Gu Xuan has been paying attention to Wanda who came out of the same orphanage as him.

According to SHIELD's investigation, Gu Xuan's background is quite simple.

He was discarded at the gate of the orphanage since he was a child, and after being adopted by the orphanage, he didn't show any abnormal difference from other children. The only thing worthy of attention is Gu Xuan's intelligence beyond ordinary people.

Obviously a child's body, but it has a weather-beaten appearance, which also makes Gu Xuan always look out of place with everything around him.

Nick Fury looked at the identity background of Guxuan and Wanda submitted by the agents below, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Gu Xuan and Wanda used to live in an orphanage in the suburbs of Los Angeles. Not long after, Gu Xuan and Wanda were adopted by a family and left the orphanage.

After the family adopted Guxuan and Wanda, they left New York with them, but not long after, the couple died unexpectedly in a car accident.

According to the narration in the dossier, this family seems to have some relationship with Jin Bin's forces, and there are even rumors that they are Jin Bin's subordinates.

Although it is not clear whether it is true or not, Nick Fury feels that this case must be investigated.

According to the records in the data, one of the childhood playmates of Guxuan and Wanda was a key figure whom S.H.I.E.L.D. has been missing all along—Pietro!
After dinner.

Gu Xuan was sitting on the sofa, holding a laptop and browsing the web, while Wanda was sitting opposite him, eating an apple.

"Gu Xuan, what are you doing?" Wanda asked, she found that Gu Xuan was flipping through an article.

"Oh, I'm reading a report." Gu Xuan said lightly.

What Gu Xuan was watching was the Thor's Hammer that fell from the sky in Mexico, and the "war of gods" that was beyond the conventional scope of human understanding, and the reason why he chose to watch it at home was very simple.

After rejecting Nick Fury's recruitment, Gu Xuan Mingrui felt that there were many strange people around his residence and company.

Although Gu Xuan knew that these people were sent by S.H.I.E.L.D. to monitor him, Gu Xuan didn't take it seriously.

A memory emerged in Gu Xuan's mind, which came from the memory he got from "Reunion Chronicle".

According to the records inside, the next time point will be a very important turning point.

In this year, Loki will lead Thanos' army to Earth.

Corresponding to the relevant timeline of the first reunion.

Then Gu Xuan can take this opportunity to go to the Sanctuary in New York to find the supreme mage-Gu Yi.

Only by finding the ancient one can we successfully help Wanda awaken in advance.

Gu Xuan didn't want to see Wanda being treated as an experiment along the timeline of his own universe.

This was the only thing he could do. Feeling the pressure from time, Gu Xuan only felt that his task was getting heavier and heavier.

(End of this chapter)

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