Chapter 151 Recovery
After several hours of emergency surgery, Strange was finally brought back from hell.

After a long time, Strange also woke up accompanied by Christine Palmer.

As soon as Strange opened his eyes, he saw his hands full of rivets, and then tried to lift his fingers, but after some attempts, Strange found that he had Those incomparably dexterous fingers have also lost consciousness at this time.

At this time, Christine Palmer, who fell asleep on the side, also noticed Strange's movements, and immediately woke up from his sleep.

Soon Christine Palmer also discovered Strange's situation at this time, so he immediately said: "It's okay, everything will be fine for Strange."

Hearing the voice of Christine Palmer, Strange recovered from the despair just now.

Strange looked at Christine Palmer in front of him and asked suspiciously, "What did they do to me?"

Hearing this, Christine Palmer's eyes also became flickering.

Strange, who was originally psychologically sensitive, also keenly caught this change on Christine Palmer's face, and immediately fell into a burst of despair.

Christine Palmer, who saw this scene, couldn't bear to see that the proud Strange turned into this, and then hurriedly said: "They brought you here by helicopter Yes, all of them were dispatched at the first time, and it took a long time to find you, but this also made them miss the golden time to treat your nerve damage."

At this time, Strange couldn't listen to what Christine Palmer said, and immediately continued to ask: "What did they do to me?"

Hearing this, Christine Palmer also choked up and said: "They inserted a total of eleven stainless steel needles into your bones, multiple ligaments were torn, and the nerves in your hands suffered the most severe damage. The operation lasted eleven hours in total."

After listening to all this, Strange also said in a crying voice: "Look at these retainers."

Christine Palmer also said at the side at this time: "No one in this hospital can do better."

Hearing this, Strange turned his head to look at Christine Palmer with difficulty and said, "I can do better!"

For a long period of time afterwards, Strange, accompanied by Christine Palmer, checked the X-ray film of his hands day and night.

But as the research progressed, Strange didn't feel the slightest joy at this time, because in Strange's eyes, it seemed that a doctor who made a recovery treatment plan for himself was like a doctor who couldn't even defecate himself. It's like a three-year-old child who can't handle it well, and if he goes on like this, he will only be completely destroyed by it.

For all of this, Strange also saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart, because right now he couldn't even pick up the simplest thing, let alone heal himself.

As time passed, the injuries to Strange's hands were also recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Finally, on a cloudy afternoon, Strange also ushered in the day when he unbandaged his hands.

At this time, neither Christine Palmer, the attending doctor, nor Strange himself was very nervous.

As Christine Palmer continued to move his hands, Strange's hands gradually appeared in the sight of the three.

However, when Strange saw that his hands had no other problems except some scars caused by the operation, instead of feeling the slightest joy, he looked at the attending doctor in front of him with resentment and said, "You ruined me!" life."

Looking at his trembling hands, Strange also knew his bad news.

But Strange didn't intend to accept his fate. Since no one else could help him, he had to do everything by himself.

After learning of Strange's intentions, the top executives of Manhattan Hospital also expressed their strong opposition.

"Doctor Strange, we understand your feelings very well, but you must know that the soft tissues of your hands are still in a state of repair. If you perform surgery at this time, we have no ability to guarantee that your hands will not be completely disabled. "

After hearing the suggestions of several professors with the most advanced medical skills in the entire New York City, Strange also hurriedly expressed his own solution.

"Then speed up and use the stent to enter the brachial artery to the radial artery."

After listening to Strange's plan, the extremely experts sitting across from him also showed shock on their faces. They also didn't expect Strange to have such confidence to take such a big risk on himself.

At the same time, they also said to Strange: "This plan is indeed feasible, but Doctor Strange, you must know that this technology is still in clinical testing, and we are not fully sure, and you must know this The cost of the method is also extremely high.”

Hearing this, Strange also said firmly: "Don't mention the high price to me, what I need now is a feasible solution!"

Immediately, under Strange's strong request, Manhattan Hospital began to prepare for Strange's surgery under tremendous pressure.

After seeing Strange being pushed into the operating room, Christine Palmer also showed worry.

After all, this is a surgical method that no one is sure about. Even Strange himself hadn't tried it before the accident.

During the operation at this time, the two chief surgeons had already carefully removed the steel needles on Strange's hands.

Even with the support of the most high-end equipment in the entire New York City today, this operation was not carried out smoothly.

After all, not everyone can achieve Strange's level.

But fortunately, the operation was finally successfully completed, but now everyone does not know whether Strange's hands can be restored to their original appearance again.

The rest can only be left to time to decide.

Strange was also very dissatisfied with such a result, he could not tolerate his life being cut short by a car accident.

(End of this chapter)

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