Marvel: I Can Fish the Heavens

Chapter 11 The first contact

Chapter 11 The first contact

Hawkeye immediately signaled the researchers behind him to evacuate, while he dived down with his quiver on his back.

Under the cover of the night, Hawkeye quickly managed to get behind the shadow.

But Hawkeye didn't plan to make a move immediately, but turned around and hid behind a pair of cranes, quietly watching the shadow's every move.

After all, even S.H.I.E.L.D. couldn't move the hammer, so Hawkeye was very curious whether the "strong man" in front of him could be stronger than the crane.

"So you're here, don't worry, I'm coming."

At this time, a pale thunder and lightning flashed across the sky, and through the light of the thunder and lightning, Hawkeye briefly saw the appearance of the strong man.

This is none other than Thor, the god of thunder who was knocked down from the mortal world!
Of course, Hawkeye and Thor don't know each other at this moment.

I saw Thor successfully descended into the pit and came to Thor's Hammer.

Straightening his posture, Thor stretched out his hand to suck Thor's Hammer into his hand.

But the next moment, Thor's face darkened.

Only because Thor's Hammer did not obey Thor's wishes as usual, but continued to lie quietly on the muddy ground.

"Hey man, that's not a funny joke."

Although he was still smiling, Thor clearly understood in his heart at this moment that since he was deprived of his godhead by God King Odin, his connection with Thor's Hammer has gradually become blurred.

So that when I was just knocked down to the earth, I couldn't sense Thor's Hammer at all.

But Thor's Hammer is the only way for him to return to Asgard, and Thor is not willing to give up easily.

Ever since, Thor rolled up his sleeves and held the handle of Thor's Hammer with both hands.


It's a pity that not everything will have results after hard work.

Accompanied by Thor's unwilling roar, the first attempt also ended in failure.

After that, Thor resigned himself to his fate and tried many times, but Thor's Hammer didn't move at all as if it had grown on the ground.

Feeling the icy rain splashing on his face, Thor's originally extremely determined heart was shaken a little bit at this moment.

He was originally the heir to the throne of Asgard, the eternal realm, and was admired by others.

However, due to a reckless action, he almost provoked an ancient war, so he was exiled to the earth by his father Odin.

Not long ago, Thor met the beautiful female scientist Jane Foster and her working partner on the earth. With their help, Thor finally found Thor's Hammer, who was demoted with him.

Just when Thor thought that the punishment of his father Odin would stop there, and he could return to Asgard by finding Thor's Hammer, the reality gave Thor a resounding slap in the face.

The Thor's Hammer at this moment does not belong to him.

On the other side, Hawkeye, who was hiding in the dark and observing all this, completely lost his previous interest after seeing Thor's incompetent roar.

In his view, this is just a reckless man who relies on his well-developed muscles but is simple-minded and overconfident.

Coincidentally, the SHIELD troops who have been guarding Thor's Hammer here have also been in place.

Red dots of light fell on Thor's body one by one.

Thor, who had witnessed all this, turned around and smiled disdainfully at everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Do you think you can defeat the noble god with just a few primitive toys?"


Hawkeye on the side couldn't listen to Thor's crazy words, so he swung his compound bow and pointed it at the back of Thor's head.

Jane Foster, who saw this scene in the stands, couldn't help but yelled at Nick Fury on the side.

"You can't treat him like this, this Thor's Hammer really belongs to him."

"Miss, please calm down. Regardless of whether what you said is true or not, I can send you all to the federal prison just because of the behavior of a few of you sneaking into the military base."

After all, Nick Fury signaled the soldiers on the side to bring Jane Foster and others into the car together with Thor.

Inside S.H.I.E.L.D., Tony looked around and finally set his sights on Nick Fury, who was opposite him.

Finally, Nick Fury took the lead to break the silence.

"You're very skilled. Where did you train. Pakistan, Chechnya or Afghanistan?"

"But in fact, in my opinion, you are more like a mercenary."

"Where is your employer, in South Africa?"

"There are organizations all over the world that hire people like you to carry out various activities around the world."

"Tell me, who are you, maybe this will help you in the future."

Looking at Thor who was still unmoved, Nick Fury continued.

"Even if you sit here and continue to say nothing, it won't affect us at all."

"Trust me, it just takes a little work and we'll know everything we want in no time, because that's what we do."

Suddenly a phone rang, and Nick Fury turned and walked out of the room.

And when Nick Fury just went out, a familiar figure appeared in front of Thor.

"Why are you here, Loki?"

"Let me out, and I'll explain it to my father."

Loki, who heard Thor's words, suddenly showed a sad expression, and spoke with difficulty.

"No, father is dead."


Shock was written all over Thor's face at the moment.

Facing Thor's doubts, Loki just spoke calmly.

"Since you were expelled from the heavens, our war is about to break out, and all this makes him unbearable."

"You don't have to blame yourself too much. I have tried to tell him countless times how much you love him, but he just can't hear you."

"Yeah, what a sarcasm. The hammer of Thor is right in front of you, and you can't pick it up."

"Now the throne of Asgard can only be inherited by me."

"Then can I go back to Asgard?"

Thor asked tentatively.

Loki said after pondering for a moment.

"Expelling you from Asgard is Jotunheim's truce condition."

"And mother doesn't want to see you go back."

"Goodbye brother, I'm sorry."

"No, you don't have to be sorry, it's me who should really be sorry, thank you for coming to see me."

Thor suppressed his sadness and said.

"Take care of yourself."

After leaving a last sentence, Loki turned and left.

After Loki left, Shavig came to S.H.I.E.L.D. with forged documents to take Thor away.

Looking at the fake information on the system, Nick Fury did not expose it.

"Go and follow them."

Nick Fury said to the agents beside him.

Loki, who had left before, did not return directly to Asgard, but came to Jotunheim.

"It was me who interrupted Thor's enthronement ceremony; it was me who kept our kingdom from falling into the hands of idiots like Thor."

After listening to Loki's words, Jotunheim leaned forward slightly, and asked slightly teasingly.

"Then tell me about your plan."

(End of this chapter)

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