I have a super illustrated book of elves

Chapter 82 Geranium's long-cherished wish

Chapter 82 Geranium's long-cherished wish
The flames and superpowers mixed with each other, creating a huge boom in the center of Tsinghua Forest.

At the same time, the big-tailed raccoon who was in the sea of ​​flames also canceled the effect of the immobilization method.

Suddenly, it began to rain lightly, and the sea of ​​fire began to gradually extinguish.

The sea of ​​fire gradually disappeared, and the big-tailed raccoon was also defeated by the surprise attack by the flame queen lizard, and the hold method disappeared, so he began to pray for rain.

On a rainy day, Roosevelt's fire-type Pokémon gradually fell into a disadvantage. Coupled with the harassment of Li Xiaoyao's Dan Boss and Dan Er Er, and the super power of the giant golden monster hindered him, he had to stop.

"Forget it, anyway, I've got what I want, so I'll let you off this time." Roosevelt took back the Pokémon, took the Arrow Eagle, dropped a smoke bomb and started to escape.

Although Boss Egg and Egg Egg's superpowers and seed machine guns tried their best to stop it, but because the Arrow Eagle flew too high, the smoke from the smoke bomb blocked most of the field of vision, and Roosevelt escaped.

Fortunately, the fire has stopped spreading, at least the entire forest will not be burned.

"Mo Bing." Li Xiaoyao walked over, looking at the miserable situation with a painful face.

Geranium was dying, half burned, and the energy from her body was beginning to drain.

The surrounding Pokémon wanted to perform photosynthesis to heal Geranium, but it was of no avail.

The flames burned so badly.

Treatment is no longer possible.

Coupled with the loss of Geranium's energy, this means that this Pokémon has come to an end.

Behind the geranium, the nanny hugged the sleeping wood owl, and many grass-type Pokémon and bug-type Pokémon suffered burns to varying degrees.

There are also Pokémon who have been lying on the ground, unconscious, and fell asleep forever in the arms of Mother Earth.

"Walking grass, trumpet buds, paras..."

Li Xiaoyao walked by lightly, and around him, there were all dead Pokémon, and even many Pokémon had most of their burns.

Dan Boss and Dan Lao Er followed closely behind, using moonlight to shine on these fallen Pokémon, trying to heal these fallen wild Pokémon.

But the result is still the same.

These Pokémon have lost signs of life.

There was no energy to reorganize life activities, and the flesh and blood all over his body began to collapse, turning into dead flesh.

The plants on his body gradually withered, leaving only a mess.

"Human, it's you again..." Geranium's trembling voice sounded in Li Xiaoyao's mind.

Unlike the last time we met, this time Geranium was already dying.

"Stop talking, the people from the elf center will come later." Mo Bing supported the geranium and wiped away the tears from his eyes.

The big-tailed civet obediently stretched out his two little hands, following Mo Bing's example to support the geranium.

But Geranium still fell to the ground, and the remaining consciousness looked at Mu Muxiao who was sleeping in the nanny's arms.

Geranium smiled slightly.

"Look, I brought you your favorite food this time." After speaking, Mo Bing took out a few packs of Pokémon snacks from his satchel.

"Although Mu Muxiao doesn't eat it every time and hides away from me, I know that it likes to eat it." Mo Bing put these Pokémon snacks on the ground and sobbed, "So , you have to live well, Mu Muxiao can't lose you..."

From the communication between Mo Bing and Geranium, Li Xiaoyao also understood why Mo Bing came to Tsinghua Forest.

She and Geranium have always been friends.

"Obviously I hate humans, but I don't hate you, why..." Geranium was very confused, the petals under the neck began to wither, and the tentacles on the head were also slightly gray.

"Thank you for saving them."

Li Xiaoyao stood aside, silently watching the powerless Geranium.

The detailed status of Geranium is displayed in his elf illustrated book.

Geraniums are already at the end of their battle.

Soon, geraniums will finally embrace nature like these fallen Pokémon.

But this time, Li Xiaoyao no longer kept the geranium at arm's length, but knelt down and stroked the geranium's head.

"You really hate things stuck in your throat." Li Xiaoyao said softly.

Geranium was taken aback for a moment, and then fell into deep thought.

When he came into contact with the geranium, the information in the Elf Guide in Li Xiaoyao's mind was refreshed again.

In Geranium's body state, a metal device is stuck in the throat, and it is tightly fixed in Geranium's throat with a metal plate, or it can be said to be in the long neck.

And that metal device will always absorb the plant energy of the geranium to provide power, so that the geranium has the consciousness that can speak.

For this reason, Geranium endured the pain caused by this metal device every minute and every second, and was tortured by this metal device even while sleeping.

"I'm going to die anyway, it doesn't matter, the guy who set fire just now has taken away my source of life, I can't live," Geranium narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at Mu Muxiao, "But Mu Muxiao doesn't Same."

"It doesn't belong here. It's an excellent artificially bred Pokémon. It's innocent and cute, and it's not sensible yet... It was an egg I picked up in the forest at the time..." Geranium smiled lightly, Consciousness is a little fuzzy.

"I hope you can take Mu Muxiao away, those guys will definitely not let Mu Muxiao go, it is still small, it shouldn't..." Geranium's breath began to slow down.

"Stop talking, Geranium, the people from the Fairy Center will come." Mo Bing hugged Geranium's body and sobbed.

Li Xiaoyao silently looked at Geranium's trembling body, and then at the corpses of Pokémon everywhere, his heart was filled with compassion.

"Boss Egg." Li Xiaoyao said suddenly.

When Boss Dan heard it, he rushed over. Although the expression on his face was a little dull, his head was not dull.

"Use super power to pull out the metal device in its throat." Li Xiaoyao said.

When Mo Bing heard this, he quickly got up and stood in front of Boss Dan.

"Let them come..." Geranium's trembling voice penetrated the minds of several people, "I just want to enter the earth as an ordinary Pokémon, and I don't want to die with the sins of these humans."

"But..." Mo Bing's legs softened, and tears flowed uncontrollably again.

Her heart had already collapsed at the moment, and she could only wipe away her tears and walk behind a tree, and couldn't help but look at the geranium.

"Come on." Geranium opened her mouth actively.

"Boss Egg."

"Egg!" The egg boss responded.

click -

A piece of black metal with green sap spat out by the geranium.

"Geranium..." Li Xiaoyao sobbed from the corners of his eyes.

Geranium slowly closed its eyes, and the pair of antennae gradually lost their vitality.

At least, geraniums don't suffer from that stuff anymore.

For some reason, the corners of Li Xiaoyao's eyes suddenly became moist.

The information in the Elf Illustrated Book in Li Xiaoyao's mind was also updated again, and the information on Geranium had been judged as dead.


It's not over yet.

Pokémon stories never end when a Pokémon dies.

 Geranium is not dead, it just changed a way to accompany everyone
(End of this chapter)

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