I have a super illustrated book of elves

Chapter 289 Zekrom and Reshiram

Chapter 289 Zekrom and Reshiram

Seeing Talada's one-sided trend, Li Xiaoyao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He already had an estimate of Talada's strength in his heart, and he would definitely be unable to resist with his current strength alone or Meng Qi.

In particular, Talada still holds the Light Stone and Dark Stone that can summon two dragon-type Pokémon in his hands, let alone hard steel, and can only outsmart.

So long before he came to the top of the ruins, he arranged for Nanhaibei to be on standby at any time. When Talada was slack, he would use a superpower signal in the shape of an "S" to hang high in the sky as a secret signal to notify Nanhaibei to act.

And the position under the "S" signal is where Talada is located, which is convenient for the attack of Giganta Reggie Locke to hit Talada more easily, allowing the sneak attack to succeed.

As long as Talada is killed before Zekrom and Reshiram are freed, he won't have to deal with two big problems.

That's all he planned.

Looking at the fallen ruins, the six-layer energy of the entire ruins was also attacked by the different-color super Xanadu, and the energy output was unstable. It was overpowered by Magearna, and was hit by Magearna's z-power flower cannon , falling from the sixth floor of the [-]-meter-high ruins.

"Dr. Li Xiaoyao, this is..." Meng Qi was obviously still in a daze, feeling at a loss for the sudden appearance of the gigantic Reggie Locke.

"The extremely giant Reggie Locke of the seniors in the South China Sea and North." Li Xiaoyao explained.

Meng Qi's worried expression gradually disappeared when he heard that it was from the South China Sea and the North.

Looking at everything that fell apart, all the pressure accumulated in his heart was released at once.

He succeeded.

Thwarted Talada's plan.

On the sixth floor of the ruins in front of me, a big hole appeared, and the top fragments of the seventh floor were piled up on the sixth floor of the ruins, forming small ruins one by one.

However, Li Xiaoyao, who was on the side, was still comforting Shanaiduo.

"Xanaiduo, don't be sad." Li Xiaoyao comforted.

Li Xiaoyao's hand gently stroked Shanaiduo's long hair, wiping away the sadness on Shanaiduo's face.

"There are still our people below, and your child will be fine."

Li Xiaoyao took Xanadu's hand and said gently.

One's own child is against oneself, that kind of feeling may only be experienced by one's own experience.

Xanadu's sadness also reminded Li Xiaoyao of his relationship with his father.

He and his father also have a chain that cannot be untied.

Even if he understands his willfulness, he has no way to solve this problem, leaving only regrets.

After solving the immediate troubles, Li Xiaoyao planned to use the power of Dan Er Er to clean up the stairwell, climb to the top floor of the ruins, and see what was on the top floor of the ruins.

The source of extreme giantization?Promise that?
Or, nothing.

bang bang-

Then the gravel in the stairwell was broken, and Meng Qi volunteered. When he wanted to climb up, a strong shock wave of dragon-attributed energy hit the two of them.


Li Xiaoyao immediately noticed the direction of the attack, and quickly pushed Meng Qi away.


The sudden attack shattered the stairs, and this force also told Li Xiaoyao that if touched by this force, it would definitely be turned into ashes.

There was a whistling in the sky, and the entire ruins began to shake continuously, and extremely gigantic energy surrounded the entire ruins.

"Dr. Li Xiaoyao, look over there!" Meng Qi shouted.

Li Xiaoyao hurriedly looked towards the place Meng Qi pointed at. On the top of the ruins, stood two black and white Dragon Pokémon.

And these two dragon-type Pokémon have been staring at them, as if they would tear them apart at any moment.

Li Xiaoyao frowned, his face a little embarrassed.

He recognized the two dragon Pokémon at a glance.

It's Zekrom and Rashiram.

The legendary two dragons, the mythical dragon Pokémon.

"Czechrom, Reshiram, answer my call and destroy them!" Under the ruins, Talada held two stones tightly in his hand.

And those are the two stones that summon Zekrom and Reshiram.

The Dark Stone corresponding to Zekrom and the Light Stone corresponding to Reshiram are all in the hands of Tallada.

Regarding Talada's order, Zekrom and Reshiram directly ignored Talada and fought each other, and the resulting dragon attribute energy fluctuations directly left indelible deep marks on the ground.

Before Talada, who was crushed by the ruins, had time to get excited, he was accidentally injured by the battle between these two dragon-type Pokémon and became the first victim.

"The plot is getting more and more interesting." Li Xiaoyao held his chin and looked at Zekrom and Reshiram who were fighting each other.

On the [-]-meter-high ruins, the aftermath of the energy generated by the fight between the two dragon-type Pokémon also began to affect the entire place, and the ground began to collapse and collapse.

The extremely giant Reggie Locke waved his giant hands, trying to stop the two dragon-type Pokémon, but was directly bombarded by Reshiram's interlaced flames, and his body was burnt black and fell under the ruins.

The aftermath of energy intensified, and the entire ruins collapsed with the battle between Zekrom and Reshiram.

"Dan Er, use root to stabilize our feet." Li Xiaoyao ordered.

They are still at the top of the ruins. Once the ruins collapse, the distance of [-] meters will be enough to smash them to pieces.

Relying on the rattan whip that he stretched out, Dan Laoer tightly stabilized the floor under Li Xiaoyao's feet, so that all six floors of the ruins would not collapse.

"Dr. Li Xiaoyao, let's go, our mission has been completed," Mengqi used the remaining energy of Magearna to block the energy aftermath of the fight between Zekrom and Reshiram, "These two dragons we It is impossible to defeat."

After finishing speaking, Meng Qi wanted to hold Li Xiaoyao's hand, and wanted to take Li Xiaoyao away from the sixth floor of the ruins, to the first floor of the ruins, and leave here.

As long as they leave here, they don't have to worry about these two dragons.

Without the worries of Pokémon hunters, after they go back, they will recharge their batteries and have plenty of time to come back and deal with these two dragons.

"Let's go."

Magearna carefully supported Meng Qi, and walked step by step towards the descending rope that Magearna had arranged in advance.

Li Xiaoyao smiled lightly, and waved his hand to reject Meng Qi's invitation to retreat.

"Dan Er Er, send the champion away." Li Xiaoyao said.

"Dr. Li Xiaoyao, you can't be stupid..."

Dan Laoer quickly stretched out two cane whips to tie Mengqi and Magiyana, and Mengqi and Magiyana threw them together.

Meng Qi descended rapidly, and Dan Er Er also served as a support point, controlling the distance of the descent.

"Li Xiaoyao..." Meng Qi's voice became smaller and smaller.

"Three, two, one, let go." Li Xiaoyao squatted at the corner of the ruins, calculating the distance from Mengqi to the ground.

After confirming that Meng Qi landed safely, Li Xiaoyao turned around and faced the stairs going upstairs.

He didn't come here purely to help the Pokémon League stop Tarada.

He hasn't revealed the secret of Wuji Taina yet.

Taking advantage of the fact that Zekrom and Rashiram were fighting, Li Xiaoyao quickly ran across the stairs.

Touching the dilapidated escalator, walking on the stairs full of broken ladders.

"The top floor of the ruins, here I come."

(End of this chapter)

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