I have a super illustrated book of elves

Chapter 287 Today, Nobody Wants to Run

Chapter 287 Today, Nobody Wants to Run
Machado waved his hands behind the bushes, and a strong superpower energy kept surging, slowly forming an energy vortex.

Li Xiaoyao and others slowly walked out of the vortex of superpower energy, followed by a coconut egg tree and a Solgaleo.

It took a full 5 minutes for everyone to come out of this superpower energy vortex and come to the back of the ruins.

"I didn't expect Dr. Li Xiaoyao to come up with such a method. Now we can directly attack the enemy's back!" The two trainers who came out first were happily discussing this superpower energy vortex.

"Super powers can be used in many ways. As long as you make good use of them, you can explore more ways." Li Xiaoyao said.

Because there are too many roadblocks and stone pillars in front of the ruins, coupled with the difficulty of moving, there are many Pokémon hunters, and a frontal breakthrough is basically death.

And calculate the distance between the mountains, let the super power Pokémon use teleportation to tear open a space wormhole, and accurately land the super power energy vortex wormhole, then you can easily go around.

This approach is very risky, and requires a huge amount of superpower energy. If it weren't for the fact that several of the trainers accompanying them had beards, he would not have dared to let Boss Egg and Solgaleo take such a risk.

Of course, before the wormhole is fully opened, he still needs to find out whether there are enemies stationed behind the ruins, so he needs to send a petite and flexible Pokémon to go there ahead of time to clean up the enemies.

But from this point of view, Machado accomplished this task very well.

After the super power energy vortex wormhole was closed, Hu Di and other super power Pokémon holders and trainers put the Pokémon into the poke ball and took a nap.

"Dr. Li Xiaoyao, you are really strong. You are not only strong in battle, but also very flexible in your mind." Miaomiao, who was on the side, cast an envious look.

"It's just basic knowledge." Li Xiaoyao said lightly.

If he hadn't thought of the elf illustration book in his mind, he probably wouldn't have thought of using superpower energy for super-large teleportation.

Fortunately, relying on the computing power of the Elven Illustrated Book, it is possible to accurately calculate the distance between them and land steadily.

"Take a break first, we will raid the ruins later, and try to conserve as much energy as possible," Meng Qi said.

Meng Qi walked up to Li Xiaoyao and called Li Xiaoyao to a remote bush.

Walking in the bushes, Meng Qi had a sad face and a bit of confusion in his tone.

"Dr. Li Xiaoyao, can I call you Xiaoyao?" Meng Qi suddenly turned around.

"Yeah." Li Xiaoyao looked at Meng Qi puzzled.

At a critical moment, Meng Qi suddenly pulled him into the bushes, which play was this?
He doesn't remember Mengqi having any strange hobbies...

cough cough.

Meng Qi stretched out her arms, put her heavy palms on Li Xiaoyao's shoulders, and leaned weakly on Li Xiaoyao's shoulders.

"Xiaoyao, do you still have the confidence to enter the ruins and stop Talada?" Meng Qi's voice was weak.

"I know it hurts fighting spirit to say this at this time, but with the fighting and state along the way, I feel that I have no ability to stop Talada."

"If it wasn't for you on this journey, I'm afraid I would have died long ago." Meng Qi blamed himself.

Listening to Meng Qi's words, Li Xiaoyao was silent for a while, and then slowly pushed Meng Qi's tired body away.

Meng Qi has already retreated.

He has been completely defeated by reality.

Not only does he have to face the pressure of other high-level Pokémon Alliance, but he also has to fight with Pokémon Hunters, which is really tiring.

And he is not firm enough, he can persist until the end.

"Master Champion, I understand what you are worried about. Are you afraid of losing this battle, sorry for the trainers who died along the way?" Li Xiaoyao took out a small box from his backpack.

"This is?" Mengqi asked suspiciously.

"Z pure crystal." Li Xiaoyao opened the box, and there were stacks of z pure crystals inside.

Li Xiaoyao handed the box to Meng Qi without hesitation, and said with a smile, "Take these, this is my last possession."

Meng Qi was startled at first, then slowly looked at Li Xiaoyao with shocked eyes.

At this time, Li Xiaoyao was like a trainer exuding golden light, with flowers of hope growing all over his body.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Li Xiaoyao, to tell you this." Meng Qi took over Z Chunjing, feeling a little regretful.

"I know you are very tired, but," Li Xiaoyao pointed to the high place of the ruins, "we still have a goal."

"Stop Talada's plan."


According to the plan, Guido and others raided from behind the ruins, trying to delay the Pokémon hunters on the outside, while Meng Qi and Li Xiaoyao found an opportunity to rush into the ruins, looking for Talada.

The inside of the ruins is dark and the environment is very humid. It looks like a castle that has been abandoned for many years.

With the help of Xi Duolan, Li Xiaoyao, Meng Qi and others can also find their way up smoothly.

There are almost no people in the ruins, except for a few Pokémon hunters guarding the ruins, there are almost no living things.

But along the way, countless Pokémon corpses were piled up, and blood flowed in every corner of the ruins.

Especially on the upper level of the ruins, the higher you go, the more blood on the ground, and the more obvious the traces of the battle.

After reaching the sixth floor, Li Xiaoyao stopped first.

"Wait." Li Xiaoyao leaned against Xi Duolan tightly.

Observing with the help of Sidolan's flame, he unexpectedly discovered that this layer was very clean, as if it had been specially cleaned.

This is already the sixth floor, and further up is the seventh floor, which is also the highest floor.

Along the way, they did not see Talada.

"If you go further up, you will reach the top." Li Xiaoyao said.

Meng Qi nodded, cheered up again, and was vigilant about his surroundings.

All the way from the first floor to the sixth floor, none of them saw Talada, which meant that Talada could only be on the sixth floor or the highest floor.

After walking carefully for more than ten minutes, Li Xiaoyao and Meng Qi found the stairs to go up again.

It's just that the stairs have been sealed and tightly blocked.

If they were to be forcibly destroyed, the entire ruins would likely collapse, and they would be very dangerous inside the ruins.

"Welcome to my castle, you two." A strange voice echoed throughout the sixth floor.

Suddenly, all the torches around the sixth floor were lit, and behind a high wall, a trainer dressed like a magician brought a crystal lantern fire spirit.

"It's Talada." Meng Qi said with certainty.

"It's finally you, Meng Qi, and the hunter-killer, Li Xiaoyao." Talada chuckled.

Talada waved the cloak, and the crystal lamp fire spirit spit out a large flame, surrounding several people inside.

"Today, no one wants to run away!"

 It's broken, it's broken, I really can't write the magnificence that the finale should have, I feel like a piece of rubbish.

  I don’t know if I don’t write. Now I really admire those who can finish the book without collapse. Alas, the road of web writing is not suitable for me.

(End of this chapter)

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