Chapter 22

But the little porter didn't have time to show patience. The falling wooden sticks and the natural low-speed racial value made him fall under the hypnosis of the egg boss without reaction time.

I saw that the hand of the little porter softened, and the wooden stick in his hand fell to the ground.

In just a few breaths, the porter fell to the ground and fell asleep.

The small porter with a race value of only 35 speed can't get close to the egg boss at all.

In addition, the weather in the sky is still sunny, and the chlorophyll properties of the egg boss make it even more powerful.

Deliberately use the shadow clone to draw the opponent closer to him. In close range, the low hit rate of hypnosis can also be improved, making it easier to hit the opponent.

After the referee's ten count, the porter was declared incapacitated.

"The porter has lost his ability to fight, and No. 88 player Li Xiaoyao has advanced."

After the referee announced the promotion, Li Xiaoyao turned his head back and left the arena without looking back.


Li Xiaoyao found a bench in the player's bench and sat down, took out his phone and glanced at the messages that popped up on the phone.

At first glance, the class group who usually didn't pay much attention to him actually picked him up.

[Liu Hai]: Awesome, Li Xiaoyao, who was silent in our class, actually beat Deng Yuan's porter!

[Zhang Wei]: I see, what the fuck, I thought our class had no hope of making it to the top 32, but I didn't expect Brother Xiaoyao to hide his secrets!

Afterwards, congratulations came one after another in the class group.

After all, in the mixed Pokémon battle test competition between the first and second year of high school, the second year of high school has far more experience in Pokémon battles than the first year of high school. Now Li Xiaoyao defeated Deng Yuan from the second year of high school and his handling Little craftsman, it can be said that everyone is happy.

At this time, even the class monitor who didn't talk much in the class made a sound.

[Mo Bing]: Congratulations.

Although there were only two words, it caused an even bigger commotion in the group.

[Zhang Wei]: Damn it, all the ladies in the class have spoken, brother Xiaoyao, the line is full all of a sudden.

[Chen Zhenhua]: Damn it, the eldest lady has spoken.

[Liu Hai]: Damn it, the eldest lady has spoken.

Then, in just 1 minute, this sentence occupied the screen in the class group.

Even the group leader posted a group announcement congratulating Li Xiaoyao.

【Li Xiaoyao】: It's nothing.

Li Xiaoyao said that he hasn't used his full strength yet, why is it that the group is as lively as someone getting married and drinking wedding wine?

[Zhang Wei]: Brother Xiaoyao, you can’t say that. If you enter the 32nd place, our summer homework will be safe. Otherwise, if you don’t even get the 32nd place, our homework will definitely double this summer!

Others also expressed their approval in the group.

At this moment, another message popped up on Li Xiaoyao's phone screen.

[Bai Xue]: Not bad, I made it into the top 32. If I didn't participate this time, I would really like to meet you.

Li Xiaoyao looked at the message on the screen, but was stunned for a moment, then slowly typed back.

[Li Xiaoyao]: Then sister Xue, do you want to see me win a championship for you?

[Bai Xue]: If you can really win the championship, I will give you whatever you want.

[Li Xiaoyao]: Anything is fine?

[Bai Xue]: Let's wait until you win the championship.

【Li Xiaoyao】: Must win.JPG
After chatting on the mobile phone for a while, the competition outside has reached the second round.

Soon, it was Li Xiaoyao's turn to score 32 from 16.

"Your Pokémon is Eggy, right?"

"It's really a coincidence, my Paras seems to be particularly restrained in terms of attributes."

This time Li Xiaoyao's opponent was a sophomore in high school who talked a lot, and he could feel a strong sense of sarcasm from his words.

If it were someone else, the quadruple-weak worm's Dandan was really flustered against the worm-plus-grass attribute Pylas, and coupled with the opponent's trash talk, I'm afraid there was already a lot of pressure in his heart.

But Li Xiaoyao would not care about the disadvantage of restraint of this attribute.

Don't you know that the protagonist has a reverse attribute talent?

"It doesn't matter if you don't know that Master is a master of inverse attributes. It's not your fault for being ignorant." Li Xiaoyao also responded mockingly.

The opponent's heart was suddenly filled with anger, he had never seen such a brazen person.

After the two sides released the Pokémon, the referee gave an order, and the battle began.

"Pylas, use combo!"

Under the command of the trainer, Pylas's forelimbs became extremely sharp, like a blade.

After strengthening, Palas slashed at Boss Egg.

Boss Egg took advantage of the sunny weather and relied on chlorophyll to dodge lightly. Just dodging, Boss Egg left the sight of Pellas.

"I thought how strong it was, that's all it is?" Li Xiaoyao also imitated the other party's yin and yang strangeness and replied.

Pallas's slashing didn't just hit Boss Egg, it took a lot of effort to even capture Boss Egg's moving direction.

Before Pyras could react, Boss Dan hit Pyras with a hypnotic spell, and within a few snaps of his fingers, Pylas fell asleep.

Within seconds, Pallas lay down peacefully and fell asleep.

"Wake up, Pallas, quickly use the combo!"

No matter how the opponent yelled, Pylas remained silent, as if he had died.

As the referee counted down, Li Xiaoyao's opponent looked at Pallas with ashamed faces.

He has been training Pylas since the first year of high school, and he has been training Pylas every day on how to use the skill move of combo.

Even in order to prepare for the Pokémon battle exam in the college entrance examination, during the past few months, he deliberately let Pallas use the combo move to split wood every day. Its sharpness and power are enough to split a thick tree trunk .

However, a simple trick of hypnotism made all his efforts for several months in vain...

"Pylas loses his ability to fight, No. 88 player Li Xiaoyao advances!"

With the referee's announcement, Li Xiaoyao won.

For this reason, the referee gave Li Xiaoyao a surprised look.

Although he hadn't directed the match in the morning, but this afternoon, Li Xiaoyao easily won twice in a row by relying only on hypnotism, without even using powerful moves, but the referee was very impressed.

Even the audience in the auditorium was shocked by this. They watched the game in the afternoon from the morning, and they watched almost every game.

But Li Xiaoyao, with only one ball, relied on hypnosis to advance all the way, defeating four opponents in a row, which is really indescribable.

Even the principal and teachers in the judging panel were surprised by this.

"I said, which class is this student in? Why haven't I heard of him in school? It's too ridiculous that you can defeat so many students with hypnosis alone?" The principal whispered to the teacher on the left road.

"This, it seems to be Li Xiaoyao from Class 2, Senior One?" The teacher next to him was also surprised.

Originally, she thought that this student who only relied on hypnotism along the way would lose the game against Pallas, so she paid special attention to it, but Li Xiaoyao's performance really surprised her.

It's just outrageous fucking open the door to outrageous, outrageous home.

"It's just a high school student, so he has so much potential?"

The headmaster's unbelievable eyes only came back after Li Xiaoyao left the arena.

 _My fingers are useless today, and my coding speed is greatly reduced
(End of this chapter)

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