I have a super illustrated book of elves

Chapter 191 Trailing Enemies

Chapter 191 Trailing Enemies

Evening, 19:30.

On Ruyi Street, Li Xiaoyao and Na'er walked side by side.

"That's it."

Li Xiaoyao roughly explained the chat between [Flowers Bloom Wealth] and Lin Mengmeng, as well as his own affairs.

"I didn't expect you to be so lucky." Naer said with a smirk.

"What's good about this?" Li Xiaoyao emphasized, "I'm here to get closer to Lin Mengmeng's heart and for her future future!"

"I went to see Lin Mengmeng this time, and it's time to expose this invisible relationship."

"I can't hide her forever." Li Xiaoyao sighed.

Sometimes, he felt that Lin Mengmeng was a poor child.

The tragic childhood made it hard to give up such a child.

He also tried his best to help Lin Mengmeng, but just relying on righteousness and enthusiasm can't keep going.

"Understood." Naer nodded without any objection.

"You mean you want me to play the role of 'Flowers Blooming Wealth' to get close to Lin Mengmeng, and then take advantage of the situation to deal with the Pokémon Hunter who is following Lin Mengmeng?" Naer said.

"That's right, everyone knows your identity. Lin Mengmeng, a state-recognized Pokémon researcher, can probably accept it. Unlike me, there are still people who don't know my researcher status." Li Xiaoyao With a wry smile.

After all, he is famous for too many things. The champion of the Rising Star Competition defeated Wei Zhao and Hunter Killer with one to five. All kinds of big news almost covered up the fact that he became a nationally certified Pokémon researcher. It is the tip of Li Xiaoyao's iceberg, and many people have mixed impressions of him.

"Then where are you hiding?" Naer asked.

"We're here." Li Xiaoyao suddenly stopped and pointed to a high place on the construction site.

"That's my ambush."

When the time came to 19:35 in the evening, Li Xiaoyao and Mu Muxiao had already ambushed in the dark of the building on the construction site, and could observe the situation on the street at any time.

Next to the concrete pillar on the construction site, Naer was wrapped in a big padded jacket, sat on it, and sneezed from time to time.

This construction site is No. 160 Ruyi Street. It is relatively remote and few people come to it.

This is also the most suitable place for private transactions.

Squatting in the construction site, Li Xiaoyao glanced at the mega bracelet again, and the time jumped to 19:36.

The current mega bracelet has many more functions, which he added on purpose.

General and practical functions such as z power, super evolution, extreme giantization, using some Pokémon props and checking the time.

It is small in size, only the size of a mechanical watch, and the color is darker. This is also a simplified version of the mega bracelet that Li Xiaoyao specially customized for himself.

Suddenly, there was movement outside.

Li Xiaoyao showed his eyes in the dark, looking in Naer's direction, at this time Lin Mengmeng had already arrived ahead of schedule.

"Good guy, come more than 20 minutes early. If I really come at eight o'clock, I'm afraid I won't see you." Li Xiaoyao complained in his heart.

Fortunately, he was one step ahead and had already arranged the "theatre" in advance to wait for the Pokémon hunter to take the bait.

Na'er breathed some hot air into her palms, rubbed her hands together, looked up and saw Lin Mengmeng walking towards her.

"Hi." Na'er greeted Lin Mengmeng with a smile.

"You, hello..." Lin Mengmeng lowered her head slightly, not daring to look at Na'er.

After seeing Na'er, Lin Mengmeng's movements became sluggish, and her speech began to stutter.

Looking at this scene, Li Xiaoyao shook his head and sighed in his heart.

Lin Mengmeng has an old problem.

When you meet someone you don't know well, you can't speak.

If it wasn't for the relationship of [Flowers Blooming Wealth] to cover up Naer, he guessed that Lin Mengmeng would have been stunned and at a loss when she saw Naer.

"Mr. Naer, are you Teacher Huakai Fugui?" After a short hesitation, Lin Mengmeng finally plucked up the courage to ask.

To Lin Mengmeng's question, Naer just nodded with a smile.

After all, she knew little about the affairs between Li Xiaoyao and Lin Mengmeng.

All she knew was that she only had to pretend to be a teacher named [Flowers Blooming Wealth].

The Pokémon hunter who came after Lin Mengmeng, Li Xiaoyao would naturally solve it the moment he showed his flaws, she just had to finish the scene.

"This is 100 million union currency." Naer took out a check with 100 million written on it.

This was specially instructed by Li Xiaoyao to her.

When he took the fossil, he handed over the 100 million alliance currency check to Lin Mengmeng.

"Hmm..." Lin Mengmeng shyly took out a small stone from her shoulder bag, which looked like a transparent marble.

"I didn't expect Teacher Fugui to be Teacher Naer..." Lin Mengmeng bit her lower lip, and shyly handed the evolution stone to Naer.

Li Xiaoyao, who was hiding in the building, also noticed the dark shadow behind Lin Mengmeng.

Li Xiaoyao was slightly taken aback.

There are three people!

"It seems that the visitor is not kind, but it is still a Pokémon hunter organization." Li Xiaoyao said to himself.

When Lin Mengmeng just took out the Xanadu evolution stone, those black shadows also started to move around.

Suddenly, the air became hot.

A danger came quietly.

Not only Li Xiaoyao, but even Na'er sensed something was wrong, and hurriedly protected Lin Mengmeng, putting Lin Mengmeng behind her, and took out the golden monster's elf ball.

A silver-gray golden monster appeared.

After a while, a one-meter-tall Nine-Tails appeared in front of Naer in an instant.

Kyuubi is a yellow fox Pokémon with nine tails. It is good at using fire and magical powers to attack enemies. Its own special defense and speed are among the top-level Pokémon, and it is very difficult to deal with.

As a few black shadows flashed past, behind Naer, two hot cats blocked their retreat.

Immediately, a huge vortex of flames swept out, surrounding the entire construction site like a wall of flames.

Behind Nine Tails, Wei Zhao appeared with two Fire Team members.

"It's you." Na'er recognized Wei Zhao at a glance.

"Dr. Naer, long time no see." Wei Zhao grinned.

"Last time, you scolded me so badly that my position in Platinum City was a little unstable."

Naer didn't care about Wei Zhao's words.

"Aren't you afraid of death if you release such a big fire in Platinum City?" Naer threatened.

"Don't forget, Pokémon League Champion Munchi is still in Platinum City."

Wei Zhao smiled lightly, looking up at the sky and the surrounding walls of fire.


"I have my own way to deal with him."

Wei Zhao took out the gem of fire and delivered it to Jiuwei.

"Compared to Mengqi, you should worry about yourself!"

"Nine tails, shoot flames!"

Nine Tails absorbed the power of the Fire Gem, and strong fire energy surrounded it.

Immediately, the giant gold monster hurriedly used its super power to pull Na Er and Lin Mengmeng away from Nine Tails.

The flames swept across the earth recklessly, gradually reducing the living space of the golden monster, and the two hot cats were constantly disturbing the golden monster from a long distance.

For a moment, the giant golden monster fell into a disadvantage.

 We won a silver medal in skiing in the Winter Olympics, which was our first medal in skiing.

  At this moment, I can only say that Su Yiming is awesome!
  (Others won the silver medal at the age of 17, and I was struggling with what to eat for lunch at the age of 17)
(End of this chapter)

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