Chapter 187 Hunter Killer

Yin Hui, an elite trainer, 39 years old, male.

Stealing the rare fruit Dragon Fire Fruit, he was arrested in Maple Grove and imprisoned after the third day.

According to the police's account, Yin Hui was probably charmed by the demon Xanadu, to steal the dragon fruit, and dedicated the dragon fruit to the demon Xanadu. He was finally sentenced to life imprisonment, and the Pokémon was confiscated and handed over to the state. .

Later, these Pokémon were also bought by the Shangri family at a high price and became the Pokémon of the Shangri family.

Among them is Elle Duo.

Sitting in the villa in Shangri-La, Li Xiaoyao was sitting on a rocking chair, reading newspapers with news reports from a few years ago.

Immediately, Li Xiaoyao picked up the pen on the table and crossed out the two words "Devil Xanadu" and "Charm".

"Hey." Li Xiaoyao shook his head and sighed.

Immediately, he looked at Li Jiaran who was playing with Xanadu outside the window.

Li Xiaoyao smiled, revealing a gratified smile.

After what happened yesterday, he successfully subdued the rumored "Demon Xanadu".

Only, the story is about to change.

Yinhui, before stealing the dragon fruit, was originally a Pokémon hunter who was on the run. Later, he changed his name and surname, and then changed his name to Yinhui.

And the memories that Xanadu brought to him were related to Yinhui.

I don't know that Yinhui is out of sympathy. She feels that Xanadu lost her child and was restrained in the maple forest.

I still want to take the opportunity to win Xanadu's trust, repeat the same mistakes again, capture this Xanadu, and sell it to earn a bonus.

No matter what the purpose is, or whether Yinhui helped Xanadu is sincere or hypocritical.

But he did.

Let Xanadu remember him, make Xanadu unable to forget his existence, and leave a deep image in Xanadu's heart.

At least, the truth came out, Xanadu didn't have any malice at all, let alone charm anyone.

She is just the rage and madness caused by the trauma of the heart, no one healed her, and she was mistaken for a demon by people.

"Hey, the great hero Li Xiaoyao is here."

Pushing open the door, Katz's voice reached Li Xiaoyao's ears.

Behind Katz, there is Senior Skaven.

"I didn't expect you to catch Hardison." Kaz was holding an exquisite gift box and a pennant.

"This is a reward from the Shendu City Bureau." Katz put the gift box in front of Li Xiaoyao's desk.

"A reward for me?" Li Xiaoyao looked puzzled.

He vaguely remembered that the four previous Pokémon hunters were captured by Katz, right?
And Hardison, he deliberately tied up and notified Katz to accept him, also in order not to cause unnecessary trouble.

He wants to be a passerby more than a good citizen who catches Pokémon hunters.

This kind of honor should have been given to Katz.

"No need, this is all thanks to Brother Katz and has nothing to do with me." Li Xiaoyao refused with a smile.

He doesn't want anything to do with Pokémon Hunter.

Hide as far as you can.

"How can it have nothing to do with you?"

Katz opened the pennant, on which were written the seven characters "Be brave for Li Xiaoyao".

Li Xiaoyao's face darkened, and he almost fainted.

"No..." Li Xiaoyao was at a loss for words.

He wished he could tear up the pennant now.

"Brother Katz, this honor should belong to you." Li Xiaoyao quickly retorted.

While not many people know about it, he thinks he still has a chance to be rescued.

"No, no, no," Katz shook his hand, "This matter has already spread in the capital of God, and everyone knows that you are the hero who captured Hardison."

Immediately, Katz showed another look of regret.

"Originally, I did have selfish intentions and wanted to monopolize this honor, but my sense of responsibility told me that I was an impartial law enforcement officer. As compensation, I also specially applied to the Pokémon League and asked them to do it for me. You commend." Kaz said.

Upon hearing that Katz had reported to the Pokémon League, Li Xiaoyao's face was ashen, and he had given up any hope.

It might as well let Katz snatch the reward and honor for himself.

He doesn't need the honor at all.

Now, people all over the world knew that he had captured Hardison.

The ghostly poachers would certainly not let him go.

"Thank you." Li Xiaoyao's hands subconsciously tore off a corner of the newspaper.

He had restrained himself very much.

Maybe it would be ecstatic for someone else, but for him, it was a lurking danger.

The ghost poacher will pop out at any moment and stab him in the back.

The thought of being stabbed in the back by someone inexplicably while walking on the street gave Li Xiaoyao a chill down his spine.

"Student Li Xiaoyao, I still have something to do with you." Skaven said with a smile.

After Katz delivered everything to Li Xiaoyao, he left the house and stood outside waiting for Skaven.

Inside the house, Li Xiaoyao and Skaven sat at the table and talked.

However, Li Xiaoyao couldn't help but get angry when he looked at the pennant in his hand.

Too bad.

If I had known about him, I would have asked Shangri to take him in. At least Shangri seemed calmer and smarter than Katz, and he wouldn't be able to drag the Pokémon Hunter incident on a high school student.

"Senior Skaven, tell me." Li Xiaoyao replied.

No matter how much Li Xiaoyao sighed, but all this happened, he had no choice but to face it.

There is no regret medicine in life.

"How did you see Xanadu's trauma? How did you heal Xanadu?"

"We have tried Mind Vanilla before, but the effect is to no avail." Skaven asked doubtfully.

Li Xiaoyao smiled lightly, he knew that Skaven would ask him that.

After telling Skaven the truth between Yinhui and Xanadu and what happened in Xanadu's spiritual space, Skaven suddenly realized.

"Isn't there a charming relationship between them?" Skaven asked in surprise.

"No." Li Xiaoyao replied.

"Then why did Yinhui do this? Does it do him any good?" Skaven was puzzled.

Li Xiaoyao shook his head.

"Who knows, maybe he found out with his conscience."

"After all, you still have to ask Yinhui who is in prison." Li Xiaoyao got up slowly and began to pack his luggage.

Tomorrow is the last day of vacation.

I have to go back to Platinum City in the afternoon.

"By the way, there is also information about ghost poachers." Li Xiaoyao suddenly remembered the details he saw in the spiritual space.

"The ghost poacher has a purple paper butterfly hanging around his waist. Maybe you can use this detail to find the ghost poacher." Li Xiaoyao reminded, and then went upstairs.

Sitting on the chair, Skaven was slightly taken aback, propping his chin with one hand, thinking.

"Purple Paper Butterfly..."

"Thank you..." Skaven recovered from his thoughts, and just wanted to thank Li Xiaoyao, but found that Li Xiaoyao had already gone up to the second floor.

Skaven's eyes fell on the pennant on the table, and he couldn't help but sigh.

"17-year-old hunter-killer?"

"He's really a talented trainer."

 Today I played Eternal Tribulation again all morning, and I got a Bifang, oh yeah

  It's a pity that I don't know how to play at all, woo woo woo
(End of this chapter)

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