I have a super illustrated book of elves

Chapter 182 The Cream Fairy's Mischief

Chapter 182 The Cream Fairy's Mischief

Li Xiaoyao walked very lightly, trying his best to pretend that he was just casually looking for Xanadu.

Because Xanadu has been watching his every move all the time.

This is surrounded by Xanadu's super power energy route grid, and any small movements will be particularly clear within the range of her super power route grid.

If he rummaged around directly, with an eager look, it would only make Xanadu feel that the visitor was not kind.

Li Xiaoyao put down the backpack on his body, took out a bottle of wound medicine from it, and shouted around.

"Xanadu, come out quickly, you need to be treated if you are injured."

He yelled like this, but he had other plans.

The elf illustrated book in his mind began to quickly analyze the surrounding environment.

Xanadu was staring at him in the dark, and did not attack him actively, or meant to drive him away, indicating that his current actions had not angered Xanadu.

As long as he maintains his care and respect for Xanadu on the surface, while secretly using the elf illustration to observe the surrounding environment or find out if there are any key items, then he will definitely find the key to breaking the game.

"Xanaiduo, if you are afraid of me, I will put the wound medicine on the ground." Li Xiaoyao deliberately raised his voice so that Xanadu could hear his voice.

Immediately, Li Xiaoyao squatted down and put the wound medicine on a small mound of soil.

Suddenly, a card half inserted into the soil came into his vision.

But Li Xiaoyao just stayed for a second, instead of reaching out to pull out the card, he put the wound medicine away and got up.

This second is enough for him to see clearly the card stuck in the soil.

It's a trainer's ID card!

Because it was half inserted in the soil, he could only see the first half of the content.

silver gray.

Elite trainer.

Possess Pokémon: Ailu...

The contents behind are all buried in the soil and cannot be seen.

How could an elite trainer's ID card be discarded in such a place?
You must know that once a trainer's ID card is lost, it is very difficult to reissue it. Once it is used by someone with a heart, it will even bring endless troubles for oneself.

Li Xiaoyao didn't think too much, he still couldn't reveal his true purpose.

He tries to act like a trainer who cares about Pokémon very much, one who wants to help injured Pokémon.

He hid all his true thoughts and malice, and showed his kindness as much as possible to confuse Xanadu's views on him.

No matter how violent and evil Xanadu is said by others, she is a tolerant Pokémon from beginning to end.

As long as there is no malice towards her, Xanadu will not be hostile to you.

After putting away the wound medicine, Li Xiaoyao took out some Pokémon snacks from his backpack, including a can of jackfruit.

Seeing the jackfruit, Mu Muxiao didn't hold back, and flew over quickly, wanting to have a bite.

"Hey, hey, Mu Muxiao, this is for Shanaido." Li Xiaoyao shook his hand.

Hearing what Li Xiaoyao said, Mu Muxiao had no choice but to obediently fly to Li Xiaoyao's shoulder again, looking pitiful.

"Okay, don't be sad, I'll treat you to some jackfruit when I get back." Li Xiaoyao comforted him.

After putting the things away, Xanadu still did not appear.

But there was no malice towards Li Xiaoyao's actions.

After the things were put away, Li Xiaoyao had no reason to stay any longer, so he could only leave here with regret.

I heard that Xanadu looked very irritable when he lost his unborn child, and would actively attack humans who invaded this maple forest.

But Li Xiaoyao has gone to Xanadu's residence now, and he didn't see Xanadu appear.

Maybe it was his sincerity that touched Xanadu's heart?
Maybe, maybe, maybe it's just that Xanadu was injured and just didn't want to attack him?

Anyway, Li Xiaoyao went down the mountain first.

Even if he knew that Xanadu was hiding in that cave, Li Xiaoyao would not break in easily.

It is very impolite to break into the territory of wild Pokémon, or even the place where they live, and it will make Pokémon hate you very much.

Even if this Xanadu was raised by the Shangri family, it has a very high sense of territory.

On the way down the mountain, Li Xiaoyao looked back reluctantly from time to time.

Of course, I didn't think that Xanadu would stop him suddenly, not let him go, and then be very grateful to him and repay him.

He only hoped that Xanadu would really use that bottle of wound medicine, and don't leave the root cause of the disease.

This kind of wound medicine is different from ordinary herbs. It can not only restore Pokémon's physical strength and HP value, but also help Pokémon reduce internal injuries after being attacked, or reduce mental damage.


In the evening, return to the villa in Shangri-La.

As soon as he opened the door, Li Xiaoyao could smell a tangy fragrance and the fragrance of fruit.

"Brother, try the fruit cake I made."

When Li Xiaoyao half-stepped on the threshold, Li Jiaran excitedly ran over with a plate of strawberry cakes.

On the plate, next to the strawberry cake, was a small plastic fork.

Li Xiaoyao simply smiled and didn't think much about it.

Just as he was about to pick up the fork, the two small strawberries on this piece of "strawberry cake" moved. After a while, the cream on top began to move, as if it came to life.

In the blink of an eye, a cute Frost Milk Fairy appeared on the plate, startling Li Xiaoyao.

Li Xiaoyao's body shook slightly, but his face remained calm.

"Prank?" Li Xiaoyao was not angry, but smiled kindly.

How could she be angry at the appearance of such a cute Frost Milk Fairy?

He even wanted to feel what it would be like to touch Milk Fairy's face, and what would it look like if Milk Fairy used a fork to pierce Milk Fairy's face?

Or a sip of the creme de la crème...

"Huh?" Regarding Li Xiaoyao's performance, Li Jiaran showed surprise, "Brother, aren't you scared?"

Li Xiaoyao smiled and walked into the room naturally.

Shangri, who was hiding at the side, also stood up, covered his mouth and laughed secretly.

"I didn't expect your brother to be such a calm boy." Shangri said playfully.

"Where, he was still..." Li Jiaran stopped talking in the middle of speaking.

Almost forgot, her dear old brother has been reborn.

He was no longer that depressed and autistic boy.

He was already a good elite trainer, even surpassed himself.

"Yeah." Li Jiaran blushed.

"Brother, he..." Li Jiaran paused, "He is already an elite..."


Li Xiaoyao quickly covered Li Jiaran's mouth with his palm, and couldn't help being surprised.

Almost got this guy talking about his elite trainer.

However, the blush on Li Jiaran's face was even more delicate, like a firecracker that would explode at any moment.

"Brother, you didn't wash your hands again!"

 Frosty Milk Fairy is so cute, I really want to hand a strawberry to Frosty Milk Fairy, and then put a fork, what will happen

  (Remember to cover the ATM when withdrawing money in the New Year, so as not to be seen by criminals)

(End of this chapter)

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