I have a super illustrated book of elves

Chapter 140 Alien Beasts, Chapter Closed (updated on time at 8 o'clock every night)

Chapter 140 Alien Beasts, Recovery (updated on time at 8 o'clock every night)
After the black robe was torn off by Solgaleo, the last trace of beauty on Lucien's face was also swallowed up by hatred.

"I'm going to kill you!" Lucien took out all the Poké Balls on his body and released all the Pokémon.

After a while, three Fire Pokémon appeared in front of Li Xiaoyao.

Flame Monkey, Wind Speed ​​Dog and Flame Roaring Tiger.

Li Xiaoyao also took out the elf balls of Dan Boss and Dan Lao Er to deal with it.

"It seems that the members of the Blazing Group really deserve a Blazing Roaring Tiger."

As soon as he saw the blazing roaring tiger, Li Xiaoyao felt angry all over his body.

For some reason, whenever he saw the Blazing Roaring Tiger, he would think of the ugly face behind the Blazing Group.


Facing the three fire-type Pokémon, Li Xiaoyao already had enough experience to deal with them.

The same goes for his egg boss and egg second.

I don't know how many times I have fought with fire-type Pokémon.

For fire-type Pokémon, the first egg and the second egg even have some advantages.

In order to deal with the fire-type Pokémon, they have already practiced their unique skills. They know how to deal with each fire-type skill and counterattack. It can be said that they have experienced many battles.

Without Li Xiaoyao's command, the boss and the second egg have cooperated very tacitly and started to organize an attack to deal with Lucien's three fire-type Pokémon.

Dan Boss first opened up the situation with the strong light version of the sunny day. After Dan Lao Er ate the persimmon fruit, the ground produced a strong vibration, and even the flame monkey's big-character explosive flame was interrupted, falling into a passive situation.

After being harassed by Dan Er'er's ground attribute Nature's Grace, Lucien's three fire-type Pokémon were forced into hand-to-hand combat and wrestled with Dan Er Er.

At the same time, Mu Muxiao also used the seam shadow to restrict the action of the flame monkey from the commanding heights, and then Solgaleo and Dan Boss defeated them one by one.

The flame monkey controlled by the shadow can't move, and the wind speed dog restrained by the egg boss can't give full play to the advantage of speed on the collapsed ground.

Soon, Dan Lao Er's hypnosis attack and Solgaleo's awakening slap defeated the Flaming Roaring Tiger.

After the Blazing Roaring Tiger was dealt with, the outnumbered Flame Monkey and Wind Speed ​​Dog were also defeated by Solgaleo and Dan Boss one by one, losing their ability to fight.

Everything is like a pre-rehearsed general.

Even Li Xiaoyao was amazed by their cooperation.

Especially Solgaleo, although he can feel that Solgaleo has a lot of bond speed with other Pokémon, but he didn't expect to be able to cooperate so well with his other Pokémon so quickly .

The learning ability of the divine beast was somewhat beyond his expectation.

Watching the defeated Flame Monkey fall, Lucien's legs went limp, and he looked desperately at Solgaleo who was walking towards him.

"You, don't come here..." Lucien kept dragging his heavy body that seemed to be mired in a quagmire with his hands.

She still remembers how she treated Cosmog before.

When catching Cosmog, all kinds of electric shocks, fire tortures, and even the torture of the heart, the pleasure of torture is deeply engraved in her heart.

Heaven is good to reincarnate.

Now it was Cosmogu's turn to torture her.

However, Solgaleo had no intention of torturing Lucien.

It hates humans.

But it is a rational beast Pokémon, and it is a trainer Pokémon.

If it hurts people around like a wild Pokémon, what's the difference between it and a wild Pokémon?
It will always only obey the people it believes in, and will not do anything against its trainer.

Of course, if Li Xiaoyao ordered to crush Lucien now, it would not hesitate.

Right and wrong, black and white, it is clear.

Lucien's eyes became obsessed, tearing his face frantically.

On that tender white face, the flesh and blood torn by Lucien himself was blurred.

"Come on, come and torture me..."


Li Xiaoyao quickly covered Mu Muxiao's eyes and turned around.

"Give her a ride, don't pollute everyone's eyes." Li Xiaoyao said coldly.

This kind of unpardonable person, although he is not the turn of a passer-by to criticize him.

But Lucien is not only the initiator of the ultimate space plan, but also a member of the Blazing Group.

If he meets someone from the Blazing Group, then he doesn't need to soften his heart.

This kind of group company, which has survived until now, is a disaster.

Only a distant scream was heard, lingering among the clouds, and the sound dissipated after a while.

After Lucien was disposed of by Solgaleo, Li Xiaoyao picked up the Ultimate Ball that had been left on the ground.

Li Xiaoyao carefully touched the Ultra Ball, and the Pokémon Guide displayed the information of this Pokémon item.

The ultimate ball, when catching strange beasts, the catch rate is increased by five times, and the catch rate of other Pokémon is multiplied by 0.5.

It can be said to be a kind of poke ball specially researched for catching strange beasts.


As soon as the battlefield turned, Mu Luo and the others had retreated steadily, and all the Pokémon of many gym owners were scarred and lost their fighting ability.

The abilities of this group of strange beasts have exceeded their expectations.

"These strange beasts don't look very good, how can they still stand if they beat three of them?" Sabi took back his western lion and sea lion.

His Pokémon have all fallen and lost their ability to fight.

After a while, Wendy also took back her steel armored crow, with a look of surprise on her face.

"The abilities of these alien beasts are too perverted. When you defeat a Pokémon, the more you fight, the more courageous you become. Especially the alien beast, which is less than 0.5 meters in size, has extremely fierce attacks. It defeated my steel armored crow with one move. .”

After a while, the battle situation on the side of the gymnasium owner was directly one-sided. Except for Mu Luo, everyone else was helpless.

Soon, a paper imperial sword approached quickly, and the sharp hand knife slashed towards Sabi.

"Don't, don't come here..." Sabi turned two somersaults in fright.

It had seen the power of this paper imperial sword before. It knocked down Wendy's steel armored crow with a single blow, and its power was enough to destroy a small mountain.

If he was hit by a knife, he would probably be paralyzed.

At the critical moment, Solgaleo suddenly stood in front of Sabi, roared the paper sword away, a red light shot at the paper sword, and in just one breath, the paper sword disappeared.

Sabi looked in the direction where the red light disappeared, and it was Li Xiaoyao who was still holding a few ultimate balls in his hands.

"Li Xiaoyao?" Sabi looked at Li Xiaoyao in surprise.

"It's alright."

Li Xiaoyao sat on top of Solgaleo, holding the ultimate ball of the group of strange beasts in his hand.

"Hmm..." Sabi said anxiously.

"These strange beasts were all caught by Lucien with the ultimate ball, and they didn't come out on their own initiative." Li Xiaoyao then continued to use the ultimate ball to take back the group of strange beasts.

After Zhi Yujian was retrieved from the ultimate ball, Li Xiaoyao rushed into the battlefield on Solgaleo, and retrieved all the other beasts.

But every time a strange beast was taken in, Li Xiaoyao could feel the sinking of the ultimate ball in his hand.

  I'm so tired, it's a bit difficult to update, I can't save a chapter for a long time

(End of this chapter)

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