I have a super illustrated book of elves

Chapter 116 It would be great if I could prostitute Joey for nothing

Chapter 116 It would be great if I could prostitute Joey for nothing
"Because I'm going to the Ether Paradise to greet the Ether Foundation in person, so it's up to you to find the members of the Ether Foundation hidden in Melomele Island. Maybe the Skeleton Team may also be with the Ether Foundation. Dr. Kukui might be there too." After finishing speaking, Hara bowed deeply to the two.


When the words fell, Hara slipped his foot and almost nodded his head to the ground, becoming a kowtow.

"Island Master Hara, I promise you that I will pay you a favor." Li Xiaoyao hurriedly stepped forward to support Hara.

He couldn't bear Hara's bow.

Even if it was just a slip of the foot, accidentally landing on the head, I bowed down to him.

The most powerful island owner in the Alola region kowtowed to him, as outrageous as the male Xanadu and the female monster mating together.

He is just a high school student now, and he is not a Pokémon League champion, so how dare he take advantage of other island owners.

"Island owner, don't worry, I will leave this matter to me. I will definitely find out the members of the Aether Foundation hidden in Melomele Island, defeat the skeleton team, and rescue Dr. Kukui and the imprisoned ghost treasures." Kemeng." Yilima said confidently.

"I found this in the ruins, even if it's a gift I gave you in advance." After thanking Hara, he took out two heart scales and handed them to Li Xiaoyao and Yilima respectively.

"Well, thank you, Island Master."

"Thank you, Lord Hara."

After talking briefly, Hara quickly left.

In the empty space, only Li Xiaoyao and Yilima were left.

On the way down the mountain to the water conservancy town, Yilima was walking on the cobbled path, not knowing what he was thinking, touching his chin all by himself.

"Ghost-type Pokémon..." Ilima murmured.

At the same time, Yilima's broken thoughts reached Li Xiaoyao's ears.

Ghost-type Pokémon are indeed rare in the Alola region.

In particular, the four islands are still separated, and different ghost-type Pokémon live on different islands.

On Melomele Island, there are very few ghost-type Pokémon. In addition to being developed by the Aether Foundation, the ghost-type Pokémon on Melomele Island is almost extinct.

However, Li Xiaoyao quickly thought of a ghost-type Pokémon.

A few days ago, they met and helped.

Shoot the tree owl.

Before the Sniper Tree Owl evolved, it was always a Grass-type plus Flying-type Pokémon, but after it evolved into a Sniper Tree Owl, its attributes changed accordingly.

The Sniper Tree Owl is a Pokémon of the grass type and the ghost type, but after evolving, its flying attribute will also disappear, but this does not mean that it has lost the ability to fly.

To be precise, the sniper tree owl has three attributes, but the flying attribute is temporarily classified as lost, losing the resistance and weakness of the flying attribute.

"Shoot the tree owl." Li Xiaoyao blurted out.

Being reminded by Li Xiaoyao, Yilima quickly reacted, with a look of sudden awakening.

"Yes, you can ask the sniper tree owl for help." Yilima hammered one hand into the palm of the other, as if he had figured it out.

Li Xiaoyao just looked at Yilima quietly.

The ghost attribute of the sniper tree owl is actually often forgotten.

When he was playing the Pokémon game PVP before, he also used a sniper to shoot the tree owl.

That time his opponent was a Kirby beast, but the opponent directly gave the sniper tree owl a huge blow, and he directly put the old woman into the bed, laughing at him.

So it's normal for Yilima not to think that the sniper tree owl is a Pokémon with ghost attributes.

After all, Sniper Tree Owl gives the impression that it is a flying grass-type Pokémon.

"Li Xiaoyao, I'm going to the Tree Shadow Forest to find the sniper tree owl, do you want to go with me?" Yilima asked eagerly.

"Hmm..." Li Xiaoyao hesitated for a moment, for some reason, he had an ominous premonition in his heart at this moment.

"No, you can go find the sniper tree owl. I'll go to Shuili Town and ask the people nearby if they know the whereabouts of other ghost-type Pokémon." Li Xiaoyao said.

"Okay, then take care." Yilima waved to Li Xiaoyao and ran down the mountain.

For a moment, only Li Xiaoyao and Mu Muxiao on his shoulders were left on this path.

"Mu Muxiao, do you think that the sniping tree owl might still be in the Tree Shadow Forest?" Li Xiaoyao doubted himself.

"I have a bad feeling."

Regarding Li Xiaoyao's words, Mu Muxiao only yelled happily.

Judging from Mu Muxiao's expression and movements, Li Xiaoyao guessed that Mu Muxiao was so happy just because he heard the name Sniper Shuxiao.

Li Xiaoyao gently stroked Mu Muxiao's little head, and Mu Muxiao just shook his little head coquettishly, lively and cute like a groundhog.


Behind Mu Muxiao, there are bright red lives.

Whenever he saw Mu Muxiao, Li Xiaoyao couldn't help but think of geraniums and the tragic state of Tsinghua Forest.

"Mu Muxiao, Li Xiaoyao, you and I both have the same pronunciation of Xiao." Li Xiaoyao flicked Mu Muxiao's beak, "It seems that we are also destined."

Mu Muxiao just gently shook off Li Xiaoyao's hand, spread his wings, and slowly flew to Li Xiaoyao's palm.

Looking at it now, it looks like a moving doll.


After arriving in Shuili Town, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon. At this time, the sun was already hanging high in the sky, the temperature was over 30 degrees, and the air gradually became scorched.

"Oh my god, it's so hot." Li Xiaoyao wiped his forehead, looking at the glare of the sun and the scalp-numbing temperature, his brain hurts just thinking about it.

If he had known that the cave was so cool, he would have stayed a little longer.

There were not many people in Shuili Town, and with the hot weather outside, Li Xiaoyao hardly saw anyone on the street.

After turning a few turns, Li Xiaoyao quickly saw the familiar landmark building.

Elf Center and Elf Gym.

Li Xiaoyao quickly ran to the elf center and entered the elf center. He could see many people resting here.

Judging from the clothes on their bodies, almost all of them are locals here.

But in front of a long table, he caught a familiar figure at a glance.

Dark skin, a pair of sunglasses in the hair, and a blue summer suit.


Oh no, it's not cursing, it's the person's name.

Li Xiaoyao deliberately distanced himself from Sabi, and walked quietly to the nurse's counter.

What he is most dissatisfied with in this world is why the sister nurse at the Elf Center is not Miss Joy, and why is the police not Miss Junsha?
Are you looking down on the genes of Joey and the Junsha family?

"Hi." The nurse smiled politely.

"Please heal my Pokémon." Li Xiaoyao took out the poke balls of the first egg and the second egg.

"Does this wooden owl need treatment?" The nurse asked kindly, her voice was very soft, as soft as if she was trying to put a child to sleep.

Of course, it is impossible for the nurses here to show affection to you for no reason.

If you don't have a trainer ID card, you need to pay for treatment in the elf center.

This is why Li Xiaoyao misses Miss Joy every day.

Compared with the nurses in this world and Miss Joy, Joy is simply an angel.

Because he can go to the elf center every day to prostitute Joey for nothing.

Don't think about it, it's a free treatment at the Fairy Center.

 The favorites are falling all the way, the increase is slow, absolutely, even the subscription is the same, this is going to break my way
(End of this chapter)

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