Chapter 87
"Yi Jin Jing"

In the martial art book,

Jiang Duming saw this martial art!

Jiang Duming did not discover its existence;
In the past, Jiang Duming always wanted to find a unique martial arts skill that could quickly improve his internal strength.

after all,

All moves are based on internal strength,
For example, the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms must be based on internal strength.

and so!
Jiang Duming was pleasantly surprised to see "Yi Jin Jing" appearing in the martial arts atlas suddenly!Just what I need right now!

"It seems that after completing some tasks, new martial arts skills will be added to this martial arts atlas..."

Jiang Duming thought to himself,
Instead of picking and choosing, just point out the "Yi Jin Jing", study the secret exercises, and then enter the state of cultivation.

Jiang Duming practiced very selflessly.

Before you know it,
the night fades away,

oriental white,

Jiang Duming, who had practiced all night, practiced all the exercises in the "Yi Jin Jing" at this time.

When Jiang Duming opened his eyes, he was surprised to find that it was dawn.
But more is a surprise!

At this moment, he only felt refreshed and full of energy!


Jiang Duming couldn't help standing up suddenly, and punched out of thin air in front of him,
The punch is surging,

Compared with before practicing "Yi Jin Jing", the difference is not a star!There is a faint whistling sound!
With a click,
The wooden door, which was three meters away, burst open!

Fortunately, there was not much movement, otherwise the younger brothers outside would come over to inquire.

Jiang Duming saw this,

"Eat the three condensed energy gathering pills extracted!"

Jiang Duming thought of this,
act now,
He took out the three condensed energy pills and threw them into his mouth, biting them down and swallowing them like jelly beans...


Jiang Duming planned to give Hu Dali these three Concentrated Qi Pills, but now he urgently needed these Concentrated Qi Pills to help him improve his skills, so he didn't plan to give them to Hu Dali.

Jiang Duming sat cross-legged,
Intention to guard the dantian,

Unknowingly, according to the method learned in the "Yi Jin Jing", the effects emitted by these three condensed essence and energy gathering pills are continuously introduced to the dantian.

The work of a cup of tea,
Jiang Duming only felt that his inner strength had reached perfection, and he tried hard to suppress it, but his inner strength was still expanding, turbulent and turbulent, and he couldn't do without a breakthrough.

"Three levels of inner strength..."


Jiang Duming had to break through again:
"Four levels of inner strength!"

It wasn't until Jiang Duming reached the fourth level of Inner Strength Realm and tended to perfection that he suppressed the inner energy produced by the three Concentrated Qi Pills.

While Jiang Duming was secretly happy,

I also have lingering fears,


If the surging inner strength is not well guided, it will explode the dantian at the least, and useless the martial arts, at most, it will directly explode the body and kill the internal organs!
"Fortunately, after practicing the "Yi Jin Jing", I can easily digest all the internal energy, and the effect is multiplied..."

Jiang Duming was very happy.

This is something he hadn't thought of at all.

"Now that my skills have increased greatly, if I meet a master like Bao Shoufeng again, I should have the strength to fight... When I finish all the training, I must find Dali to practice well and see how it goes in actual combat."


Jiang Duming didn't waste time,
Once again entered the selfless cultivation state,
He wanted to further consolidate his cultivation results, and then run the exercises of "Yi Jin Jing" in his body for a week to lay a solid foundation.

No matter how excited and happy,
Jiang Duming did not forget that the foundation for a tall building to rise on the ground must be extremely solid.

this practice,

Another day passed.


A younger brother told Hu Dali about Jiang Duming's situation a long time ago,
At the beginning, Hu Dali thought that Jiang Duming's practice of forgetting to eat and sleep was a good thing!Gotta support him!

But when the younger brother said that Jiang Duming hadn't left the house all day and hadn't even eaten a bite of food, he became a little worried:
"Follow me to see!"


Hu Dali rushed to Jiang Duming's residence with the younger brother who reported the incident. Seeing two younger brothers standing outside, Hu Dali asked:

"Has the master not come out yet?"


Hu Dali glanced at the reporting boy:
"Then why are you still standing there? Hurry up and knock the door open, God knows if the second brother has lost his temper!"


The younger brother who reported the incident even responded.

Then he gathered up enough strength, gritted his teeth, and slammed into Jiang Duming's door.


The door was suddenly opened,
The boy who reported the incident did not expect the door to open suddenly, and he used all his strength to hit the door. His strength was exhausted, and it was too late to stop the momentum, so——

I saw the reporting boy staggered into Jiang Duming's room, and plunged into Jiang Duming's bed.
With a big ass there twisting painfully,

Hu Dali didn't know what to say for a while,

Next second,
He no longer cared about this unlucky boy, but even looked into the room, and saw Jiang Duming standing on the right side of the door with the same astonishment, looking at the report boy who stuck his head under his bed,


Jiang Duming had already finished his practice when Hu Dali first arrived, and happened to hear Hu Dali's voice, so he put away his posture and went to open the door to see Hu Dali.

Just as he opened the door, he suddenly saw the reporting boy slamming headlong into his door with all his strength.

Seeing that the other party was showing signs of weakness, Jiang Duming didn't even think about it, he automatically used Lingbo micro-steps under his feet, and quickly dodged the impact of the reporting boy,
Then the current scene happened.

"Actually, with my strength, I can completely stop him..."

Jiang Duming glanced at the reporting boy who was still twisting his buttocks, struggling in pain to get out of under the bed, and said a little ashamedly.

The reporting boy finally got out from under the bed, his face was already red and swollen like a pig's head in just this moment.
He did not forget that he was the younger brother, and even said to Jiang Duming:

"Master, as long as you are fine, I don't care."

"You step down, I will let Mapi Jing promote you."

"Thank you Master!"

The reporting boy immediately thanked him again and again, and happily withdrew.

at this time,
Only then did Jiang Duming turn his gaze to Hu Dali.

Hu Dali could not help but breathe a sigh of relief:

"I said, second brother, you scared me to death. You didn't close your eyes all day and night, and you didn't eat. I thought you went crazy after practicing kung fu.

your energy
When you go to Goulan to play, you are not so powerful! "

Jiang Duming: "..."

Hu Dali didn't care about Jiang Duming's speechless expression, and immediately called someone to prepare wine and food for Jiang Duming.

After Hu Dali finished his orders,
Jiang Duming said to him:

"Dali, come on, hit me!"


"I said, come and hit me!"

"Second brother, it's the first time I've heard such a cheap request from you... You still say that you haven't gone mad?"


Only then did Jiang Duming realize that he would be wrong, so he explained clearly to him:

"What I mean is... my martial arts have improved a lot. I want to compete with you. You have to attack me with all your strength. Let me see how strong my martial arts are."

(End of this chapter)

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