die if you don't rebel

Chapter 38 Recruitment

Chapter 38 Recruitment
By the second day.

Jiang Duming discussed with the Zhaizhong brothers about "applying for the job".
In the end, it was decided that Jiang Duming should apply for the job.

Of course, this is not because Jiang Duming is the most handsome,

The core reason is that,

In Qinglongzhai, only he and Hu Dali, the two inner strengths,
Hu Dali would most likely be recognized if he went, but Jiang Duming could do it himself.

Jiang Duming still pretended to be an ordinary person, and deliberately made his appearance ugly.

Because being too handsome is not a good thing.

So eye-catching!

He is going to sneak into the enemy army, it is definitely not a wise move to be too conspicuous!

Just when Jiang Duming was ready to apply for the job,
On the other side, in the county office of Jiangyang Town,

The grandson of the county is half happy and half worried about making money!


The notices posted by the yamen were finally exposed, and more than one was exposed. According to reports from subordinates, five notices were exposed.

And worried...

It is the resentment of the people in the city!

Public grievances have not diminished but increased!
This is very unreasonable!
I have followed Master Zhou's orders to "pacify" those troublemakers, so how could I still rebound?

"My lord, did you skimp on comfort supplies?"

At this time, Mr. Zhou, who was next to the county magistrate, asked a question.

"No...Master Zhou, you know me. Although I love money like my life, it is impossible for me to skimp on such a big matter."

Zhou Youzhi nodded,
This, he believed.

Think for a while,
And said:

"Then my lord, are you personally supervising and distributing these supplies to the families of the arrested men?"

"That's not true. Now there are not enough manpower in the yamen, and they are all serving as soldiers to guard the city, so I handed over this matter to my sister. After all, she has a lot of servants and let her handle it. It saves effort..."

The county magistrate said truthfully.

And before he finished speaking, he suddenly realized something, the following words stopped abruptly, his expression tightened, and he raised his eyes to look at Master Zhou.

Seeing that Zhou Youzhi's expression also changed, he was sure that there was something wrong with his consciousness.

Don't wait for him to say it,

Zhou Youzhi then spoke:

"Adults are confused!"


"My lord, that sister of yours... Oh! It's not that you don't know her character!"

Zhou Youzhi said this very implicitly.

He wanted to tell the magistrate that your younger sister has the same virtues as you!

But this kind of words can only be said in the heart.

Hearing Master Zhou's words, Sun Lian got angry and immediately shouted:

"Come on!"

"Yes, my lord!"

"Go and summon Sun Mei'e!"


The subordinates felt the strong anger of the county magistrate, responded, and did not dare to slack off, turned around and went to do it. As for who Sun Mei'e is, no one in Jiangyang Town knows, she is the county magistrate's sister!
After the subordinates leave,
Sun Liancai asked Master Zhou for advice:
"Master, what should we do next?"

"Your Excellency must distribute the embezzled materials to the families of the arrested men as soon as possible, so as to make up for it and eliminate public grievances. In addition..."

"What else?"

"This public grievance is so deep, I'm afraid it's not just because of the arrest of strong men."

"What does Master mean?"

"My lord, I suspect that the gang of thieves in Qinglongzhai are secretly inciting the people, such as spreading rumors or something... At this critical juncture, we must not lose the hearts of the people.

In this way, they immediately sent people disguised as ordinary people to investigate the matter secretly. "

"I'll arrange it immediately!"

After all these arrangements were made, Sun Liancai, the uninitiated county magistrate, asked Zhou Youzhi what he was going to do next.

Zhou Youzhi said:

"The next thing is another more important thing."

Sun Liancai immediately understood what was going on.

That is recruiting masters,
It's a matter of rebuilding an elite army.


At this moment, a subordinate rushed over to report, "My lord, someone outside came here with a notice to respond!"

"Let them in quickly!"



At this time, Jiang Duming was waiting outside the yamen with a notice.

"It turns out that I am not the only one who applied for the job..."

Jiang Duming glanced at the three strong men in front, and couldn't help beating his heart.

Plus myself, four people!

This recruitment, choose one of four,

The competition is still fierce.

Jiang Duming is very aware of his own strength, and he has just stepped into the inner strength.

If we want to talk about advantages,

That is the Lingbo Weibu that I just learned [-]%.

But the key is that I don't know what force value these three competitors are!
If you reach the state of great strength,
Then my plan will be in vain.

"You four, come in with me."

Just as Jiang Duming was beating a drum in his heart, a small official from the yamen came out and told them to come in.

Jiang Duming then followed into the county office.


In front of the magistrate and Zhou Youzhi,
Jiang Duming saw that standing on both sides were a dozen strong men dressed in government uniforms, all of whom seemed to be the sons of the Lian family.

It turned out that Zhou Youzhi had already made preparations.
They are applying for martial arts masters,
Naturally, I want to find a good yamen servant who knows martial arts to try it out.

This is not the core,
What really asked Zhou Youzhi to bring these dozens of "bodyguard"-level strong men over was actually to let these "bodyguards" protect him and the county lord.

Because he couldn't guarantee that some thieves from Qinglongzhai would take this opportunity to sneak in and assassinate him and the county magistrate!
Jiang Duming had already guessed this.

Naturally, I also thought, should I take advantage of the present and give him a shot at the man first, shoot the horse first, capture the thief first and capture the king first.

But this idea was quickly rejected by Jiang Duming.

Because Jiang Duming didn't have much confidence.

Even though he had Lingbo Weibu as his hole card, Lingbo Weibu only learned 100% of it by himself!Even if you learn it all, it doesn't guarantee [-]% escape invincibility!

Let's apply honestly.
I hope that the three strong men in front of them have just stepped into the inner strength state. In this case, if they show their skills, they will have an absolute competitive advantage.

"Why are there four people here?"

At this time, the county magistrate asked.

Five copies of the notice were uncovered, so it stands to reason that five people should come.

"Going back to the adults, there are only five people, and the other person should have given up."

"In this case, let's start testing one by one."

The county magistrate nodded,
He doesn't care if someone abstains from voting. Abstaining from voting means that the other party is not good and has no confidence. If such a person is really coming, he dare not use it.

"Recruitment starts now, the first one to come forward."

As the yamen official opened his mouth, the person who was first in line stepped forward.


Among the dozen strong men standing on both sides, five came out and surrounded him.

The five of them have nothing to say,

Together they attacked this person.

Very simple and rude.

Whether you are a master or not, let's talk about one-to-five first.

And just as Jiang Duming and the others were waiting to see a fight, the man who came out from No.1 shouted loudly:

"I was wrong! I'm actually not an inner strength, please don't hit me..."

(End of this chapter)

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