die if you don't rebel

Chapter 216 Undercurrent

Chapter 216 Undercurrent
"It's actually him?!"

Jiang Duming was very surprised and surprised.

Seeing that the little Xiongnu prince did not seem to be lying, he decided to ask again:
"Little prince, don't lie to me."

The little Xiongnu prince immediately turned pale with fright, and said:

"My Lord Jiang, how dare I?! Everything I said is true!"

Seeing the young prince speak so convincingly, Jiang Duming has no doubts.

He began to think.

Then he turned his head and asked Hu Dali:
"Dali, do you remember what Fan Chunqiu said when he rescued the ninth princess at the Kunlun Gate?"

"Remember. He said that the Xiongnu soldiers were taught by someone and knew the method of breaking the formation of the Kunlun Sect, so the person who told the Hun soldiers is probably from the Kunlun Sect."

Speaking of which,

Hu Dali finally came to his senses, his eyes brightened, he looked at Jiang Duming and said:
"Second brother, this Confucius is from the Kunlun sect?!"

Jiang Duming nodded, still speculating about the true identity of Confucius, and then said:

"According to Fan Chunqiu, the interim head teacher of the Kunlun Sect, since he knows the method of breaking the formation of the Kunlun Sect, then it is the upper-level figures of the Kunlun Sect.

Since this Confucius is inseparable from the Kunlun Sect, who is he in the Kunlun Sect? "

Hu Dali pondered for a while, then smiled and said:

"Second brother, the answer is almost ready."


"Think about it, the four elders and the two guardians of the Kunlun sect. We have all seen the four elders, including Zhang Qing, one of the elders who died in your hand. That Fan Chunqiu is actually the right hand of the Kunlun sect. Shi, the left side of the Kunlun Gate, I heard from Brother Han Zhang that he has been following the noble man that the nine princesses are looking for...

Such an exclusion,

The real headmaster of the Kunlun Sect has never shown up..."

Speaking of which,

Hu Dali's tone became slower. He looked at Jiang Duming, and saw that Jiang Duming agreed with his reasoning very much.

So the next moment,
The two of them said in unison:

"In this way, Confucius should be the head teacher of Kunlun Sect!"


at the same time,

The news that Jiang Duming had killed Kong Rulong spread like wildfire and quickly spread throughout the capital.

"Have you heard? On the first day the deputy head of the Military General Academy took office, he slaughtered the chief of the Military General Academy!"

"Is this new deputy chief so ruthless?"

"A newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger!"


that night.

Prince's Hall.

Confucius came to see the prince, and when he saw the prince, he made the prince back away, and then Confucius told the prince what happened in the general's courtyard.

After listening.

The prince pondered for a moment, then said:

"I didn't expect that this man surnamed Jiang would be so powerful."

Confucius nodded:
"So Your Highness, my nephew has been killed by Jiang Duming, and the position of chief of the Military General Academy has been vacated.

According to my guess,

Most likely, His Majesty would not blame the surname Jiang, but would most likely promote him to the position of chief of the Generals Academy.

If it really comes to that time, the situation will really be at a great disadvantage to His Highness. "

The prince nodded:

"So the master means, when will I mutiny?"

"The sooner the better!"


The prince hesitated for a while, he thought for a while, then looked at Confucius and said, "But Master, is this too aggressive? I don't think we are fully prepared yet."

Confucius was a little anxious,
"Your Highness, the situation does not allow me to wait to make sufficient preparations. Think about it, once the Generals Academy is really secured by that Jiang, it will be equivalent to the Military Generals Academy from now on listening to the nine princesses. This is an extremely crucial step!"

"I know……"

The prince responded, and he couldn't help frowning, "But Master, the Ninth Princess is extremely powerful and has high prestige. If we rush forward, if we fail, it will be a matter of losing our heads!"

When Confucius heard this, he immediately became angry.

Cursing secretly in my heart, how brave is this prince!
Is this a missed opportunity?

But he still understood the etiquette of a monarch and his ministers, so he could not dare to explode, so he continued:

"Your Highness, the crisis is gone, which means that our opportunities are gone. You have to seize the opportunity."


The prince was forced to feel his scalp numb, thinking forcibly, and finally had no choice but to make up his mind:
"Since the master has said so, then I will obey the master. I will send someone to notify the people from the north to come to see me..."

Speaking of which,

The prince's words were interrupted by Confucius,
Just listen to Confucius saying:

"Your Highness, the speed of soldiers is very important. In the north, just let them send troops directly. It will be too late if they are notified to come over and launch a mutiny."


While Confucius was conspiring with the prince,

Jiang Duming also came to the Princess Hall of the Ninth Princess.

After Jiang Duming let the princess drink away, he went straight to the point and said to the ninth princess:
"Your Highness, now I know who told the Xiongnu soldiers that they are going to kill you in the Kunlun Gate."

Ninth Princess Xia Qiuluo said:
"Didn't you know this a long time ago, it's the prince. It's just that we don't have proof now..."

Before the ninth princess could finish speaking, Jiang Duming interrupted her and said:
"I mean, I know exactly who the whistleblower is, and there are witnesses!"

Hearing what Jiang Duming said,
Xia Qiuluo's glamorous face became even more charming. She stared at Jiang Duming with her beautiful eyes and said, "Really?"



The night was peaceful, and the east was white.

When the first rays of sunlight shone into the Golden Luan Hall in the early morning, the civil and military officials of the Xia Dynasty also stepped into the Golden Luan Hall one after another.

Among them was Jiang Duming.

Jiang Duming entered the palace with Xia Qiuluo.


Today, the Holy Lord is facing the court.

After the civil and military officials shouted long live, the Holy One looked down with displeasure, his eyes moved away, as if he was looking for someone.

at last.

His eyes fell on Jiang Duming.

Seeing Jiang Duming, the emperor's eyes became complicated again.

Jiang Duming met the emperor's eyes without any fear.

When Jiang Duming saw the emperor looking at him with such eyes, Jiang Duming had some answers in his heart. He was afraid that the news of him killing Kong Rulong had already reached the emperor's ears.

as predicted,

The first thing the emperor wanted to talk about was the killing of General Kong Rulong.

Just said a few words,
The emperor looked at Jiang Duming, and then asked:

"Jiang Duming, is there such a thing?"

"What you said back to your majesty is indeed what your majesty said."

The emperor nodded,

Jiang Duming dared to act and act, which is not offensive.

Then the emperor no longer cared about Jiang Duming, but glanced at the ministers, and then said:

"Dear dear friends, Kong Rulong, the leader of the Military Generals Academy, has been killed. The Military Generals Academy cannot be left alone for a day. Who do you think should be the new leader of the Military Generals Academy?"

As soon as this problem arises,
The civil and military officials each said a word.

The nominees are also different.

And among these voices,

The loudest, of course, was the voice criticizing Jiang Duming.

I only heard some officials say:

"Report to the Holy Majesty, Jiang Duming disregarded the court system and killed the leader of our military general indiscriminately. He deserves to be punished for his crime!"

"Please punish Jiang Duming for his crime!"

(End of this chapter)

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