die if you don't rebel

Chapter 199 The general has a sword, but does not cut flies

Chapter 199 The general has a sword, but does not cut flies

Jiang Duming noticed this man.

I saw that this man was strong, very tall, handsome, and imposing.

But his eyes are spraying "citric acid" at him right now,
And look at him from time to time looking at Qing'er,

Jiang Duming immediately understood that he was the one who made him so sour.

Jiang Duming sneered in his heart. He had seen this kind of situation a lot, so he ignored it.

Jiang Duming asked the guard:

"This is my new general's mansion, and I am the master here. Why do these irrelevant people appear?"

That wave of people, especially that "lemon essence" couldn't help but get even more angry after hearing Jiang Duming's words.

Without waiting for the guard to answer, he stepped forward,
Pushing the guard aside, he looked at Jiang Duming with his head held high and said:

"Boy, please watch your words."


Jiang Duming didn't speak, just squinted his eyes.Because Jiang Duming feels that wasting time on such a person is really disrespecting his own life.

And this "lemon essence" saw Jiang Duming not talking, he thought Jiang Duming didn't dare to talk to him.Anyway, very confident.

He continued to say to Jiang Duming:

"Boy, my name is Guan Baisheng. I was very curious when I heard that the Holy Majesty had appointed a new general with great merit, so I came to take a look.
But I see you, nothing special. "

When he said this, the group of people following him burst into laughter, mocking Jiang Duming.

Hu Dali couldn't get used to it, and was about to stand up and get angry.
But it was Qing'er who took the first step,
Qing'er would not allow others to laugh at Jiang Duming like this, so he stepped out to the young man who claimed to be Guan Minmin:
"Are you blind? My elder brother is so handsome, but you say he is ordinary... If my elder brother is ordinary, then what are you?
Shouldn't it be called 'Ugly'? "


When Guan Baisheng heard Qing'er's words, he became very angry.

He was originally sour because Qing'er was too beautiful.He deliberately sarcastically ridiculed Jiang Duming, in fact, he wanted to find a sense of presence in front of Qing'er, a beautiful girl.

But unexpectedly,
This beautiful girl actually stood up directly to defend Jiang Duming, mocking him for coming.

Guan Baisheng only felt that he had received [-] points of critical damage in his heart.

He glanced at Jiang Duming very jealously,

Comparing people to people, it makes people mad...

Hu Dali looked with joy on his face.

With Qing'er here, it's fun to watch.

There is no need to stand up by yourself, Qing'er stands up, and let these "lemon essences" be so sour that they can't find their way.

Guan Baisheng took a fancy to Qing'er,

He has a good attitude towards Qing'er.
But Qing'er made him look bad, so he transferred this unhappiness to Jiang Duming. He looked at Jiang Duming and said:

"I heard that when you fought against the Xiongnu in Xizhou, you were so majestic that you were able to be named a general by the Holy Majesty. It seems that you have some real skills.

My hands are itchy at the next moment, and I really want to ask you for advice. I wonder if you can give me your advice? "

Jiang Duming glanced at Guan Baisheng,

Seeing the finding fault expression on his face, an inexplicable anger arose.But Jiang Duming still didn't intend to do anything, because in his opinion,

A character like Guan Yusheng,

In front of him, at best, he was just an annoying fly.

He answered him very simply:


When Guan Baisheng heard Jiang Duming's words, he ridiculed even more: "A military general who is a majestic sage dare not compete with me. He is really a bastard. What kind of general are you worthy of? You should go home quickly." Let's plant sweet potatoes."

This sentence,
It made the group of people behind him laugh out loud again.

This group of people looked at Jiang Duming with contempt.

"It's really embarrassing for Da Xia Chao to be named a general for such a coward!"


"Can such a person defeat the Huns? I'm afraid it's bragging."

"Anyway, the compensation for the Huns has not been handed over."

"I'm afraid it's just for fame."


This wave of people is discussing.

Hearing them talking about Jiang Duming like this, Hu Dali couldn't take it anymore, he clenched his fists and stepped out.

And at this moment,
Qing'er took another step ahead of him,
Qing'er took a step forward and said to Guan Baisheng:

"You are so annoying. My big brother is very powerful. If you want to compete with him, you have to fight with me first, and then you can beat me."


Guan Baisheng saw that Qing'er was protecting Jiang Duming again,
His heart is bleeding.

Guan Baisheng was so angry that his chest heaved. He still didn't have the same knowledge as Qing'er, but looked at Jiang Duming with contempt, and said with contempt:

"New general, you really disappoint me.

Do you know how to hide behind women? "

Hearing what he said, Jiang Duming was still a little bit angry at first, but suddenly a bad taste arose. Jiang Duming squinted his eyes, and finally said to Guan Baisheng:
"Being able to hide behind a woman is also a kind of capital. Do you have it?"


Guan Baisheng only felt that he was cheap.

Why are you telling him this?
In a fit of anger, he wanted to attack Jiang Duming.


As soon as he took a step, Qing'er took a step forward, as long as he took another step forward, Qing'er would attack him.


Guan Baisheng still didn't want to fall out with Qing'er in the end, seeing Qing'er defending Jiang Duming like this, all he felt in his heart was anger towards Jiang Duming.


Guan Yum compromised.

He took a step back,
Finally, yin and yang looked at Jiang Duming strangely and said:
"At first, I thought that the newly-appointed general would be such a powerful figure, but I didn't expect that he would only stand behind women. I don't care if I don't compete with such a general."

Jiang Duming glanced at him coldly and said:
"Then what are you still doing here? This is my General's Mansion, and you and your friends are not welcome."


Guan Yusheng was aggrieved.

But in the end nothing happened.

He could only say to the group of people behind him:

"Let's go, don't be as knowledgeable as such a coward."

As he spoke, he gave Jiang Duming a hard look. If eyes could kill, Jiang Duming would already be a corpse.

After staring at Jiang Duming, he led the people away.

Hu Dali couldn't take it anymore, and came to Jiang Duming's side and said:
"Second brother, as long as you say a word, I will immediately catch up with this person, ruthlessly ravage him, and teach him to be a man."

Jiang Duming didn't care, and said leisurely to Hu Dali:
"A general has a sword, but he doesn't kill flies."

Guan Baisheng, who had just walked not far away, was stunned when he heard Jiang Duming's words.

I just think this sentence is ugly.

It's just that he doesn't understand the meaning...

He couldn't help but turned his head and asked a friend who knew literature beside him:
"What does he mean by that?"


That friend was speechless, didn't understand?It is said that generals have well-developed limbs and simple minds, but they can't be so simple, can they?
"What do I mean by asking you, why are you in a daze?"

"It means that the other party doesn't pay attention to you at all."

(End of this chapter)

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