die if you don't rebel

Chapter 191 The Nine Princesses Have an Accident

Chapter 191

and so.

With trembling lips and trembling arms, the little prince said to Jiang Duming:
"I eat!"

Jiang Duming narrowed his eyes, laughed, handed him the pill in his hand, and said like a cunning fox:



The little prince swallowed a mouthful of saliva secreted by fear, stretched out his trembling right hand, and took the shiny black pill in Jiang Duming's hand,
After receiving it,
He hesitated again,
But when he saw Jiang Duming's impatient expression, he finally became cruel and swallowed the pill with his head up.

"This pill is the Three Corpse Brain Pill, it's a poison, you've already guessed it.

But that's not the point,

The only one in this world who can cure this poison is me.

You'd better be obedient and don't go back on your word,


These three corpse brain pills will attack once a year, making your life worse than death, and finally scratching your own flesh and dying.

of course.

If you are very obedient and behave to my satisfaction, then after three years, I will eradicate it and let you live. "

Jiang Duming's words were also very low.

Don't let a third person hear it.


The little prince listened to Jiang Duming's explanation, and every time he listened to a sentence, he became more afraid.

Nodding again and again:

"Don't dare, I dare not..."

Jiang Duming just gave up, no longer talking to this little prince who is greedy for life and afraid of death, and shouted with vigor, his voice shook the canyon:

"The officers and men of the Great Xia listened to the order. This time, the Xiongnu soldiers were beaten to the white flag and surrendered. The Lord of the Huns is willing to compensate the Great Xia Dynasty with 10 taels of gold.

We let them go back for compensation! "

The voice fell.

Jiang Duming's words echoed in the canyon, rumbling endlessly.


The canyon was eerily quiet.

But soon.

The soldiers of Daxia waved their weapons and shouted loudly:

"Big Xia is mighty!"

"Master Jiang is mighty!"

"Master Jiang is mighty and domineering!"


After his subordinates settled the matter properly and Jiang Duming discussed the compensation with the little Xiongnu prince, Jiang Duming led his troops back to Tianmen City.

According to the little prince of the Huns,

It will take time for him to prepare 10 taels of gold (actually 15 taels). When he is ready, he will personally go to Daxia Capital to deliver the compensation to show his sincerity.

Two days later.
Jiang Duming led his troops back to Tianmen City.

at the same time.

In the Xiongnu barracks, the little prince of the Xiongnu ushered in a Daxia man.


days of fighting,
The army led by Jiang Duming and the brothers in Qinglongzhai were exhausted.

So as soon as they returned to Tianmen City, their spirits suddenly relaxed, and they had a good sleep, which was quite comfortable.

So did Jiang Duming.

Jiang Duming didn't get up from the bed until the sun was up three poles the next day.

Then he ordered people to go to the Kunlun Gate to inform the nine princesses that the Xiongnu had been suppressed.

When these things are done,
Jiang Duming hummed a ditty, ready to go to the backyard to bask in the sun.This victory, he was in an unusually beautiful mood. This was all due to himself. After reporting the matter to the Ninth Princess, the Ninth Princess would then pass it on to the court, and then the Hun Lord would bring 10 taels of gold to the capital to compensate ...

In the credit book,
I will definitely record a lot of my credit.

YY like this,

Jiang Duming was so warm from the sun that he squinted his eyes and was about to fall asleep.


And at this moment,
The head catcher rushed in anxiously, reporting the incident to Jiang Duming from a long distance away.

Jiang Duming got excited and sat up from the rocking chair basking in the sun. The big catcher also quickly ran to him. Jiang Duming asked:

"What's the fuss about?"

"My lord, something happened, something happened!"

"What happened?"

Jiang Duming was surprised.

The Xiongnu soldiers had just been defeated, and he used the Three Corpse Brain Pill to control the little Xiongnu prince, what else could happen?Then the little Xiongnu prince doesn't want to live anymore, is he going to rebel?
Just listen to the big catcher saying:

"General Han came back covered in blood. He asked me to report to my lord that Ninth Princess died at the Kunlun Gate!"


All of a sudden,

Jiang Duming stood up from the rocking chair, and the rocking chair creaked and swayed wildly.

"Where is General Han now?"

"He's just outside Zhou Yamen. He was seriously injured and out of breath. I ran over to report to the adults first."

The big catcher only felt an afterimage fly past in front of his eyes,

Jiang Duming disappeared.

It can be seen that Jiang Duming is very anxious.

Of course Jiang Duming was anxious.

That's what happened to the Ninth Princess!

Han Zhang is extremely skilled in martial arts and is also a veteran, but even if he escapes with serious injuries, what will happen to the nine princesses?
Jiang Duming didn't dare to think,

The only way to get rid of the unbearable thoughts is to act quickly.

"Ninth Princess, don't really have an accident. I, Jiang, haven't dated you yet—ah bah, what am I thinking."

Anyway, Jiang Duming thinks,
Whether it's public or private, he doesn't want anything to happen to Princess Jiu.

Jiang Duming used Lingbo Weibu,


He rushed to the gate of the Zhou Yamen, when he saw Han Zhang covered in blood.

At this time, Han Zhang was lying on the horse's back, and the horse's back was also covered with blood, dripping down the horse's belly.

"General Han!"

Jiang Duming yelled, ran to his side, felt his pulse first, took out the elixir on his body, and gave him to take it.

Hearing Jiang Duming's voice, he also took Jiang Duming's elixir,
Han Zhang gradually regained some sanity. He raised his head with some difficulty, and seeing that it was really Jiang Duming, he couldn't help showing a smile, and then said:

"Brothers Jiang, Jiang...His Royal Highness was...attacked at...Kunlun Gate, you...go quickly..."

Jiang Duming frowned.

Injecting the mighty internal force into Han Zhang's body, he wanted Han Zhang to speak clearly, because he couldn't hear the beginning and end, and even if he wanted to save the nine princesses, he would have no way to start.

at last.

Han Zhang could speak a complete sentence.

He briefly told Jiang Duming what happened.


Han Zhang and his group followed Xia Qiu to the Kunlun Gate to meet the important person, and then stayed there.Because Princess Nine wanted to wait for Jiang Duming to return in triumph, and she was bored staying in Zhou Yamen, so she stayed in Kunlun Gate.

In this case,

She will have a lot of time to visit that important person.

But today,

The Kunlun Gate was suddenly besieged by the Huns. The Kunlun Gate was broken through the mountain gate. The Huns killed Xia Qiuluo in the gate.
Han Zhang risked his life to protect the nine princesses.
But there were too many Xiongnu soldiers, and they were too brave. He couldn't beat them with two fists and four hands, so he obeyed the order of the nine princesses and charged out from the Kunlun Gate.

When he rushed out,
He has already been stabbed seven or eight times, and each knife has a deep wound.

Han Zhang fled all the way back to Tianmen City regardless of his injuries.

There were Huns soldiers chasing after him,
Han Zhang thought he was dead and fled to Tianmen City, but when he saw Jiang Duming,
But fortunately, he hid in the Kunlun Inn on the way. The owner surnamed Hou was very shrewd, and let Han Zhang hide in the manger used to feed horses in the stable, and covered it with hay naturally, so he escaped The Xiongnu soldiers tracked down and escaped with their lives.

(End of this chapter)

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