die if you don't rebel

Chapter 188 Defeating Wanyan Zhang

Chapter 188 Defeating Wanyan Zhang

When you see someone, you have to do it.
Jiang Duming said again:
"Wait a moment."


Wan Yanzhang looked at Jiang Duming coldly, his expression was saying, let go of your fart, kid.

"Just now you fought hard with my strong brother for more than 70 rounds. Are you sure you don't want to take a break and fight with me again? If you lose, you can't make excuses."


Wan Yanzhang regretted hearing Jiang Duming say such nonsense,
Take a break?
rest you uncle!

"...You junior! Dare to be arrogant in front of me. Is the number one master of the Huns still afraid of you?"


Wan Yanzhang couldn't bear it and started to do it, why would he listen to Jiang Duming's hateful words again.

Jiang Duming squinted his eyes, but he didn't dare to be careless.

When Wan Yanzhang and Hu Dali fought just now, as a bystander, he saw very clearly the number of martial arts of Wan Yanzhang,
His martial arts are not inferior to Fan Chunqiu at all.

and so.

Jiang Duming used all his strength as soon as he came up, each of the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon was as strong as one palm, and the Dragon Yin was full of energy and roared away.

"You kid..."

When Wan Yanzhang first started, he saw that Jiang Duming's palm technique was the same as that used by Hu Dali just now, so he felt that Jiang Duming should be easy to deal with.

But when the dozen or so rounds were played,
Jiang Duming's palm changes and power are much stronger than Hu Dali's!

at this time,
Only then did he feel that it was really not an easy task to deal with a kid like Jiang Duming.

Jiang Duming didn't care about his reaction, relying on his "Yi Jin Jing" as a foundation, he went on a rampage, fighting Wanyan Zhang with his powerful internal strength.

At the same time, they are also looking at the opportunity, how can they "shame" the other party.

But after another thirty rounds of fighting,
Still can't find a good opportunity.

Until nearly fifty rounds of fighting,
Wan Yanzhang consumed a lot of internal energy and became fatigued. Jiang Duming immediately sold him a flaw and made him fall for it. Wanyan Zhang struck Jiang Duming's chest with his palm. Jiang Duming had sharp eyesight and quick hands.

The right hand is like a spirit snake climbing a tree,
He squeezed Wanyan Zhang's wrist,

Wan Yanzhang does not doubt that there is him,
He wanted to take this opportunity to give Jiang Duming a fatal blow.With this thought in mind, the inner strength in his hand surged out, and he was about to strike a palm.

And at this moment,
The inner strength mobilized in his hands suddenly disappeared without a trace.

No, not disappearing...

It's like being sucked away by someone!
Wan Yanzhang couldn't help being startled, and subconsciously mobilized the energy in his body, but soon, the energy that was mobilized seemed to be sucked away by someone!

Even if he didn't mobilize his internal energy, his internal energy was still forced out.

at this time,
Wan Yanzhang's face changed drastically, and only then did he realize Jiang Duming's way, it was Jiang Duming who was sucking his internal energy!

"Suction power?!"

Wan Yanzhang was quite surprised, his eyes were wide open, and he looked at Jiang Duming. He couldn't understand why this kid was so young, how could he be able to absorb such evil skills as Xing Dafa?
Jiang Duming ignored him.

He was still absorbing Yan Zhang's internal energy.

It's just that when Wanyan Zhang was looking at him, he showed a very provocative smile to the former.

He wanted to lure Yan Zhang into a fit of rage, and then stimulate a stronger internal force to come out,
Then he can absorb Yan Zhang's internal energy faster.


After seeing Jiang Duming's expression, Wan Yanzhang became more angry and his hands became more powerful, and just as Jiang Duming thought, Jiang Duming sucked his internal energy faster and faster.

"Not good..."

Wan Yanzhang's heart was trembling,
His martial arts are similar to Fan Chunqiu's, but his knowledge is not as good as Fan Chunqiu's.

The most direct manifestation is that he didn't know how to crack this evil kung fu for a while.

When his inner strength was absorbed by Jiang Duming,
His whole body seemed to be electrified, and his limbs were trembling a little.

After several more breaths,

Only then did Wan Yanzhang realize that he could no longer use his internal energy, because the faster he used his internal energy, the faster the opponent would absorb his internal energy!
understand the principle,

Wan Yanzhang immediately stopped using his internal energy, and at the same time started to back up, and with the other hand he charged up, and slashed hard at Jiang Duming's face.

Jiang Duming had already reacted after seeing Wan Yanzhang,
Immediately stop,

She backed away, dodging his blow to her face.

And just steadied himself,

Jiang Duming didn't pause for the slightest bit, relying on the berserk internal strength he sucked in, he charged towards Wanyan Zhang.

At this moment, Jiang Duming,
Like a cannonball,
Very powerful!

Wan Yanzhang fought angrily, but a lot of his internal energy was sucked away. With the blessing of the absorbed internal energy, Jiang Duming's strength went up to a higher level.

This pair of boom.

When first contacted, Wan Yanzhang knew that he was not an opponent.

But one move has already been used, and it is too late to withdraw the move and dodge it.

Jiang Duming used the No. 18 form of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms - Shenlong Wagging Tail.

It was very easy to break through Wanyan Zhang's strength protection,


There is a faint dragon cry,
Jiang Duming hit Wanyanzhang's chest with a palm, Wanyanzhang's face changed wildly, and he immediately relieved his strength, but no matter how much he relieved his strength, his chest was hit hard,
He vomited blood on the spot.

and his body,
Like a kite with a broken string, it wobbled above the canyon and fell backwards.


Wanyan Zhang fell to the ground.

I don't know if the butt has blossomed,

But the little prince of the Xiongnu who was sitting on the tall carriage tightened his buttocks, and almost couldn't sit still, and fell from the carriage.

To know,
Wan Yanzhang is the number one expert in the Huns,

This support,

But it's all because of Wanyan Zhang that he's not afraid,

Now that Wan Yanzhang has been knocked down and lost a bit, how can he sit still?

He jumped out of the carriage in a panic, ran to Wanyan Zhang's side, and kept yelling:

"Master Wanyan, how are you doing?"

"Your Highness, I—poof—"

Wanyan Zhang stood up strongly, not wanting to show his weakness in front of the young prince, so he wanted to say that he was fine.But before he could speak out, he spat out a big mouthful of blood again with a puff.


The young prince of the Xiongnu had an ugly expression, because it was equivalent to telling him that Wan Yanzhang had lost.

Jiang Duming flew down in front of them, put his hand behind his back, looked at Wanyan Zhang and the little Xiongnu prince indifferently, and said:

"The number one master of the Huns is nothing more than that."


Wanyan Zhang was extremely unconvinced.

But when he got angry, he spurted blood again.

At this time he,

The qi and blood in the body surged violently. Just now, Jiang Duming slapped him, and he was seriously injured by Jiang Duming. Now he can't recover for a while, so he can only watch Jiang Duming "sarcasm" him.

Jiang Duming didn't make any more moves.

Because he has received the information prompted by the brain system:
[The task is completed, the reward is being generated...]

Seeing that Wan Yanzhang could no longer fight, the little prince of the Huns stopped counting on him.

He is sullen,
He said to the general behind him:

"Arrest all these Daxia soldiers to vent my hatred!"

(End of this chapter)

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