die if you don't rebel

Chapter 183 Intentionally Flying a Kite

Chapter 183 Intentionally Flying a Kite

See Jiang Duming stick to his own opinion,

Xia Qiuluo understood in his heart,
Jiang Duming really doesn't need her "reinforcement", which makes her happy for Jiang Duming, but she can't show it too much in front of so many people.

Then he agreed:

"If that's the case, then listen to Mr. Jiang's advice. I still say the same thing, we have only one purpose in coming to Xizhou this time,
Drive out the Xiongnu, and return me to the peace of Daxia! "

"Your Highness, don't worry, if your subordinates can't do it, bring your head to see you!"

Jiang Duming spoke with a straight voice,
But in my heart I said:

If it really failed, I would have run away long ago, and would I still be here to work with you?

Silent all night.

the next day.
Jiang Duming led the soldiers of Tianmen City (including the brothers from Qinglongzhai) to set off to chase the Xiongnu soldiers.

The Ninth Princess brought a group of horses, about a hundred riders, and asked Han Zhang to follow them, and set off for the Kunlun Gate with Fan Chunqiu.

last night.

Princess Jiu stayed alone with Jiang Duming for a while.

Due to the many eyesight in Zhou Yamen, Jiang Duming didn't dare to make a fuss, but just chatted quietly with Xia Qiuluo.

while chatting,
Jiang Duming intentionally or unintentionally mentioned that important figure from the Kunlun Sect,
But Xia Qiuluo pretended not to hear, and didn't tell him who that important person was. Jiang Duming's temptation failed, so he had to give up.


this afternoon.

The army led by Jiang Duming chased towards the border in mighty force.

At this time, on the side of the Huns,

They suffered a great defeat, their morale was shattered,
Now they are stationed on a hill five or six miles away from the border,
And here,
But it is in the territory of Daxia!
"Mr. Yelu, I think we should go back to the Huns. Now we don't have the capital to fight the Daxia soldiers again."

The leader of the Xiongnu was in the camp, and he was very worried and said to the military adviser Yelu Youmou.

"General Wanyan, don't be so discouraged... If we retreat now, it will only appear that we are really afraid of their Great Xia Dynasty this time,
We did lose the night before,
But the Great Xia Dynasty also suffered a lot of casualties,

The situation is not as pessimistic as you think,
The sentinels we sent out have already replied to the letter. The Great Xia Dynasty did not lead troops to catch up yesterday, so it shows that they are also afraid.
We just need to be stationed here, and when our reinforcements arrive, we can turn the tide of the battle and fight back again! "

"I'm afraid we won't be able to wait for our reinforcements... If I had the surname Jiang, I would have chased him down today. It's impossible to give us a chance to breathe."


Yelu's plans are annoying.

I really want to yell and tell this guy to shut up.

But he is the leader, he is just a military adviser, he dare not do this, so Yelu Youmou gritted his teeth, clenched his fists again, and could only say:
"Don't be impatient, general. If you are right, then it will not be too late for us to retreat. The reason why I choose to station here is that it is not far from our Xiongnu country, so I have a backup."

And as soon as he finished speaking,


A Hun soldier ran over quickly, very panicked.

"What is it?"

Yelu Youmou and the leader of the Xiongnu asked the question almost at the same time.

"It's urgent ahead, that Jiang, surnamed Jiang, is catching up!"


The leader of the Huns was taken aback.

Take a look, you have a crow's mouth, you can say whatever you want.

Yelu Youmou was still calm, and asked the soldier:

"Can you see how many people are coming?"

"Very, many!"


Yelu really wanted to kill this soldier with a knife,
This answer is tantamount to not answering him,
He forcibly suppressed his furious emotions, telling himself that morale is low now, everyone is panicking, and they can't hold on to this problem.

He picked up his feather fan and walked out quickly, saying as he walked:
"Follow me!"

He wants to go and see for himself.

Only the leader with a disturbed expression was left standing in place.


Yelu Youmou followed the soldier to the viewing platform, and looked into the distance from the height of the mountain.

Yelu Youmou was still thinking about it,

If the opponent doesn't have many troops, he can fight by arranging troops, but when he saw the dust flying in the distance and the sound of horseshoes, he immediately changed his expression, waved the feather fan in his hand, and even attacked the opponent. The soldier said:

"Let the soldiers run for their lives!"


Waiting for the soldier to react,

Yelu didn't care about his schemes, the soles of his feet seemed to be oiled, and he ran away.


In this case, in the next few days.

Happens all the time.

During these few days,
Jiang Duming and the others recovered all the lost counties in Xizhou. The local people were very grateful and loved Sergeant Jiang Duming very much.

until the fifth day.

Finally, the Huns were driven back to their land.

At this time, Jiang Duming was in the barracks.

Hu Dali said:

"Second brother, if you go further to the west, it will be the border of the Huns. Should we continue to attack?"

"Why don't you fight?"

Jiang Duming narrowed his eyes and asked with a smile.

Hu Dali looked at him like this, and felt that Jiang Duming was thinking of bad ideas again, he looked like a cunning fox.

"Entering the territory of the Huns, it is easy for them to wait for reinforcements, which is not good for us."

"I know."


Hu Dali was speechless and almost flicked his tongue.

Jiang Duming glanced at him, and from the expression on his face, he knew he wanted to say, why do you want to go deeper?Isn't this going to the latrine with a lantern - courting death (shit)?
Jiang Duming stopped playing around with him and said with a smile:

"Dali, in the past few days, we have had the opportunity to capture the leader of the Huns and his so-called military adviser every day, but I just kept them alive like flying a kite. Do you know why?"

Hear this.

Hu Dali was shocked.

His rough and subtle character has long made him question this,
Now that Jiang Duming mentioned this point, he immediately frowned and asked:

Jiang Duming smiled slightly, pretending to be very mysterious:

"You really want to know?"

"Of course I want to know."

Hu Dali was aroused by Jiang Duming's curiosity, and he couldn't help but feel a little anxious. He couldn't wait to know the reason, so he asked: "Why? Second brother, hurry up and tell me!"


Jiang Duming deliberately paused, and said leisurely to him:

"I want to pretend to be a bigger pussy!"


Hu Dali was very speechless.

Seeing Hu Dali's speechless reaction,

Jiang Duming laughed loudly, and said again:
"I just want to let them go back to the Huns on purpose, wait for their reinforcements to arrive, and then I will give them a hard time, so that they will always remember me as a Daxia person,
Let the old emperor see how capable I am! "

There are only Jiang Duming and Hu Dali here, so Jiang Duming speaks like a bandit without any scruples.

Hu Dali couldn't understand Jiang Duming's "conspiracy".

But he is also used to Jiang Duming's style of doing things.

His second brother is so confusing.

(End of this chapter)

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