Chapter 181
In the melee, the flames were shining brightly.

sword light, sword shadow,
Shields, feathered arrows, stone chariots... all mixed together, causing blood to flow like rivers!
As Fan Chunqiu led the masters of the Kunlun Sect to enter,
The Huns quickly lost their positions,

Even though Yelu Youmou was very calm and laid out his formation calmly, Jiang Duming's soldiers still rushed to kill him if he couldn't stand it.

No matter how good the formation is,
I can't resist it anymore.

In just one stick of incense,
The Xiongnu soldiers have lost all their advantages, and their barracks have become a death field, with countless casualties and bloodshed.


in melee.

Hu Dali, Mapi Jing and others had long seen the sudden appearance of Fan Chunqiu and other experts,
at the very beginning,
Because of the cover of the night, they couldn't see the faces of Fan Chunqiu and others clearly. Hu Dali was still worried that he was a master of the Huns, which made him feel that the battle was going to be cold in an instant.

But it soon became apparent that

These masters are helping themselves.

Moreover, it gradually became clear that the one who took the lead was Fan Chunqiu, the interim head teacher of the Kunlun Sect, which surprised Hu Dali, and instantly understood that this was the second brother's second brother.

As for why the Kunlun Sect came to help?

Hu Dali couldn't think of it for a while, and he didn't have the energy to think about it. He only cared about killing the enemy.

Mapi Jing and others were even more overjoyed.

They have never met Fan Chunqiu,
So when Fan Chunqiu and others joined the battlefield, Mapi Jing, who had no confidence at all, cried out in his heart, and immediately ran away from his mother's back after thinking about it.
But never imagined that,
These masters actually helped them!
No, it's to help them take charge of the family!

Seeing the joining of these masters, Mapi Jing disrupted Yelu's ambush on all sides by virtue of their excellent martial arts, making Mapi Jing's confidence come back all at once.

It was only at this time that Mapijing and the others felt that Jiang Duming, the head of the family, was really too powerful.

He said sure.

Really did not deceive them!
Mapi Jing slapped Jiang Duming loudly in the air:

"The master's inscrutability, I am so admired that I can't wait to hang out with the master, and I will be popular and drink spicy food in the future!"


The Huns here.

The leader of the Xiongnu was forced to retreat again and again, and he asked the military adviser beside him with a bitter face:
"Mr. Yelu, what should I do now?"

"General Wanyan, keep the green hills, don't be afraid of running out of firewood, we are powerless tonight, retreat quickly!"


The leader of the Huns was extremely unwilling.

Because tonight's loss was really terrible.

From his experience,
If he escapes this battle, he will be hunted down by the opponent for a long time to come.


Seeing that the leader didn't answer, Yelu quickly reminded him, "General, you must make a decision. You can't look forward and backward and hesitate, otherwise, you will be buried here."

Hearing Yelu Youmou's words,

The expression of the leader of the Huns became more complicated.

But he cut through the mess quickly, and after sighing heavily, he issued a military order:


"Get out!"

Following the military order issued by the leader of the Huns, the soldiers of the Huns will be passed on to ten, ten to a hundred...

They began to withdraw their troops one after another, no longer interested in fighting.

Jiang Duming led his army in pursuit,
Kill as many as you can.

Originally, he wanted to rush into the Xiongnu army and capture the leader of the Xiongnu and Yelu Youmou, but the strength of the Xiongnu army was indeed very strong.

is to flee,
Also very disciplined,

Usually well-trained, no matter how good Ren Jiang Duming's martial arts are, it is quite difficult to rush in and capture the leader of the Huns and Yelu Youmou.

That is, from this moment on,
The Huns were defeated like a mountain.

The generals of Daxia, the brothers of Qinglongzhai, and the masters led by Fan Chunqiu of the Kunlun Sect chased them for three miles before giving up!

Back on the battlefield, the generals of Daxia seized the food and grass of the Xiongnu soldiers, cleaned up the mess,

Unknowingly, this night passed, and the first ray of sunshine came to the east.

When the light shines on the earth,
On this bloody battlefield,

The blood all over the ground has dried up, and there is no fresh smell in the air all over the mountain, only the disgusting smell of blood permeates it.

"Soldiers, return to camp!
After fighting all night, everyone must be very tired. After returning to the camp and taking a good rest, we will reward you for your merits! "

Riding on a tall horse, Jiang Duming said to the soldiers and brothers.



When Jiang Duming led his army back to camp, he was on the official road south of Tianmen City in Xizhou.

A mighty army marches,

Among the army, there were flag bearers carrying flags with the word "Xia" written on them, telling everyone who saw them that they were the army of the Great Xia Dynasty!
In the middle of the army,
There is a tall carriage, in which sits a magnificent female general, she is none other than Ninth Princess Xia Qiuluo.

outside the carriage,
There are generals in armor.

The leader among them was Han Zhang with a full beard.

at this time,
On the right side of the army, there was a horse riding retrograde. He also wore the military uniform of the Great Xia Dynasty. He was traveling retrograde to report to the Ninth Princess.


From a long distance, this rider shouted loudly, for fear that others would not hear or see.

Han Zhang asked the army to make way for them to come in.

and led him to the carriage,
The embroidered curtain of the carriage was lifted, revealing the face of the Nine Princesses, who asked the soldier who reported the news:

"How did the investigation go?"

The messenger soldier took a look at Xia Qiuluo's face. He was so beautiful that he was in a daze. He didn't dare to take a second look, but lowered his head and hurriedly replied:

"Return to Your Highness, Master Jiang has good news ahead!"

"Good news?"

"Yes. Just last night, Mr. Jiang led his army to defeat the Hun army, causing heavy losses to the Hun soldiers. The death toll alone reached more than 8000!"


Xia Qiuluo couldn't help being surprised.

He knew that Jiang Duming was capable, but he didn't expect that he would kill more than 8000 Xiongnu sergeants in one night?
To know.

When he came this time, he brought only 1 elite soldiers.

More than 8000 people almost wiped out an army.

"My subordinates didn't believe it at first, but I personally went to the battlefield and saw that there were countless Hun soldiers killed and injured, and there were indeed more than 8000 people.


After this battle,
The Xiongnu army was hit hard this time, and Master Jiang hadn't even chased them down, they had already retreated ten miles away. "

After hearing the report of the messenger soldier,

Xia Qiuluo blinked her beautiful eyes,
Jiang Duming's handsome face kept flashing in her mind. She really didn't expect Jiang Duming to defeat the brave Hun soldiers by himself.

"It seems that we all underestimated him..."

Xia Qiuluo said in his heart.

Then he didn't ask any more questions, and waved his hand at the soldier who reported the letter, indicating that if he had no other information to report, he should back down.

The messenger soldier retreated respectfully.

After it retreats,

Xia Qiuluo shouted to Han Zhang:

"General Han."

"The end is here!"

"Since there is news of success for the Tianmen City Army, they will go directly to Tianmen City and go to the Zhou Yamen to wait for Master Jiang's triumphant return."


(End of this chapter)

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