die if you don't rebel

Chapter 179 Preparing for the Final Battle

Chapter 179 Prepare for the Final Battle

Hearing what Mapi Jing said,
Jiang Duming raised his eyebrows and asked:

"What formation is the opponent using?"

"It's the Six Ding Liujia Formation."

"Since you recognize their military formation, then you have a way to break it?"

"There is. But..."

"But what?"

"Master, the formation of three talents I set up was also seen through by the other party, so the other party must be an expert in the formation of troops.

If this fight continues,

I think neither of us can get any benefits, and we will fall into a stalemate.

Even, the opponent is very likely to be more powerful than me, and the formation technique is more sophisticated than me. Maybe I will follow the opponent's way in one battle and put us in a predicament. "

Mapi Jing frowned.

Jiang Duming glanced at him, and seeing his expression, he naturally understood that this made Ma Pijing quite dizzy.

Jiang Duming had no choice but to comfort him:
"Then now we only hope that the court's troops will arrive soon."

"Master, will the imperial court really send reinforcements over?"

"Will do."

Jiang Duming must have told him.

But Jiang Duming still didn't say the second half of the sentence,
That is, it is not sure whether the person who came to reinforce is the prince's person or the nine princess's person?
When Mapi Jing retreats,
Jiang Duming said in his heart:
"If this stalemate continues, I won't be able to show my ability. Besides, no matter who the imperial court sends to reinforce me, it will make me appear incompetent..."

Thinking of this, Jiang Duming's eyes sharpened.


Fighting for the next few days.

Neither the Xiongnu side nor Jiang Duming's side had achieved major victories.

in most cases,

You win my battle, and I win your game.

Mapi Jing won the Xiongnu soldiers by relying on the Jiugong Bagua formation and drove them back five miles. But the next day, the Xiongnu soldiers relied on the long snake formation to beat their brothers in Qinglongzhai to the ground.

So victorious and victorious,
It lasted fifteen battles!
During this time,

Jiang Duming also saw the Xiongnu's Yelu military adviser, Yelu Youmou was extremely contemptuous of Jiang Duming, and General Wanyan, the leader of the Xiongnu army, was also extremely mocking of Jiang Duming.

of course.

This kind of talk,

The two sides are facing each other far away, spraying each other through a long distance of air.

If you disobey me, I also despise you.


this day.

Jiang Duming called everyone to discuss in the tent.

This is the first time Jiang Duming took the initiative to call everyone over.

Everyone is here,
Jiang Duming didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the point:

"Brothers, I am going to fight the Huns for the final battle, everyone, get ready, it's tonight!"

"What? In such a hurry?"

Everyone was surprised when they heard this.

There was an objection in his tone.

The big catcher said:
"But my lord, isn't this too aggressive? As far as I know, the imperial court has sent troops to support us, and now we are in a stalemate with the Huns. Are the army horses coming for reinforcements?
We'll have a better chance then. "

Jiang Duming glanced at him,
I said in my heart:
You're right, but I don't want to wait.If I wait for people from the imperial court to come and help me, what value do I have?
Whether you can win or not, let's not say,

Even if you really win,

That can only be the credit of the imperial army, but not my credit at all.

But it was impossible for Jiang Duming to say this kind of thought.

So he opened his mouth and said:

"The reason why I call everyone over to discuss the matter now is because I am sure."

Think about it,
Putting interests first again, he looked at the head catcher and said:
"Since I am sure that you will win the battle, why do you have to wait for the reinforcements to come to share your credit? Isn't it good that we have all the credit for ourselves?"

When the big catcher heard this, he couldn't help but feel refreshed.

Hu Dali sat on the sidelines and watched Jiang Duming "bragging" without saying a word.

said in my heart,
Second brother, your ability to fool people has not weakened at all. After all, don't you still want to take the credit for yourself?

Regarding this point, Hu Dali felt that there was nothing wrong with it. If it were him, he would think the same way as his second brother.

The head catcher really believed in Jiang Duming,
The first took the lead:

"I listen to my lord. Wealth and honor come from danger. As long as we can defeat the Xiongnu soldiers, then we will be the heroes of the Great Xia Dynasty, and we will be valued by the court and rewarded with great rewards, right?"

He said so,
The other generals were also shaken.

This is a matter related to their own interests. Of course, they hope to get a greater reward. If they are rewarded by the court, it will be a huge profit and a blessing to the door.

at this time.

Mapi Jing raised his hand hesitantly, indicating that he wanted to speak.

Jiang Duming glared at him, and immediately shrank Mapi Jing's head in fright.

But after thinking about it, he still bit the bullet and raised his hand high, ready to speak.

Intuition told Jiang Duming that Mapi Jing was opposed to this guy, but he also wanted to hear what he wanted to say. As a general, he was not afraid to listen to both, but he was afraid of partial belief.

If you listen, you will understand.

Then let Mapi Jing stand up and speak.

Mapi Jinglian stood up, squeezed out a smiling face, and then said to Jiang Duming and others:
"My lord, I haven't found an effective way to break the ten-sided ambush formation used by the Yelu military division on the other side.

When we make a sudden attack at night, I am afraid that he will use this formation with a high probability, because this formation is used for the enemy's sudden attack.

If he really used the ambush from ten sides, I'm afraid we are not going to defeat them, but to give them their heads.

of course,

I believe that my lord has a good strategy. This ambush from ten sides is not a threat to my lord, but I still have to guard against it. "

The brothers in Qinglongzhai all called Jiang Duming "Master" in front of the army in Tianmen City.Mapi Jing is no exception.

Jiang Duming heard him say this,

He squinted his eyes.

The fifteen battles along the way, large and small, were all directed by Mapi Jing behind the scenes, and he became a general who left hands.

So Mapi Jing's words still carry a lot of weight.

But even so,

Jiang Duming still said the same thing, he couldn't wait any longer.

Without further ado, he directly denied Mapi Jing's words and said:

"As I said, I have certainty. And this certainty is to break the magic circle with strength."

Breaking through with force?

Led by Mapi Jing, everyone is fascinated.

Mapi Jing wanted to persuade him, but Jiang Duming was really annoyed, and his tone became a bit cold:
"If it's still a matter of formation, don't say any more. If you exclude this factor and don't take it into account, if you have any other good suggestions, you can tell them."


This time, everyone was quiet.

Even Mapi Jing was silent and dared not speak.

In the end, he was the first to open his mouth and flatter:

"I have no objection! Your Excellency is wise and mighty, and has always led us to win battles. I believe in Your Excellency and firmly uphold your decision!"

As Mapi Jing said,
Others followed suit.

Jiang Duming took a serious look at Mapi Jing, showing a satisfied expression, and made up his mind that after this matter was over, he would help this sycophant to be the third head of Qinglongzhai.

(End of this chapter)

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