Chapter 176
The soldier's self-deprecating and black humor,
The soldiers around me reacted differently,

Some are silent, which is really broken, and no amount of funny black humor and self-deprecating can make them happy.

And some laughed loudly, obviously they didn't collapse.

And at this moment,

The trumpet sounded in the army,
As soon as they heard the sound of the horn, the soldiers immediately changed their faces, because it meant that the Huns were attacking again, and they had to raise their weapons immediately and prepare to fight.



From the northwest of their army, a very powerful Xiongnu army rushed over. Soon, arrows flew randomly, and the sound of killing was loud.

The soldiers of Tianmen City had fear written all over their faces.

"Why are there so many Hun soldiers this time?"

"It's over, it's over..."

"It's impossible to retreat safely this time."

These troops in Tianmen City were already on the verge of collapse, and now they are being attacked by so many Huns, it can be said that they were directly pushed into the abyss of collapse.

So at first,
Morale dropped to the extreme.

On the other hand, the Huns soldiers,
One by one, like beating chicken blood,

After chasing them for so long, they finally got the chance to strike one last time. This time, they wanted to wipe out all the soldiers of the Great Xia Kingdom.

The battle situation is also one-sided.

The generals of the Tianmen City army really felt that they had reached a desperate situation this time, because the several retreat plans they had prepared all came to naught because of too many Huns.

There is no way to evacuate,

Now they are like beasts trapped in a cage,
Being killed is only a matter of time.

"At first, I thought that after following Mr. Jiang, I would be popular and hot in the future, but I didn't expect it to end like this..."

"Master Jiang has been sending letters to us, telling us that reinforcements are coming soon, let us persevere and persevere... Hold on to the hammer, I believe Master Jiang's nonsense!"

These generals are desperate,

In desperation, send out the most sincere thoughts in my heart.


During these seven or eight days, in order to maintain the morale of the army, Jiang Duming kept drawing cakes for these generals, so that they could strengthen their confidence and wait for the arrival of reinforcements.

Jiang Duming understands people's hearts.

Doing so is the same as Cao Cao's "Looking for plums to quench thirst".

I just hope that these generals can last one more day.

But in the end,
After truly experiencing the taste of despair, these generals finally woke up.

Got it, it's over...


And just when these generals were getting ready to die, suddenly, from the outer periphery, there was a louder shout of killing.

The sound of killing was very wild, as if a hundred mountain bandits came together to attack.

Then they were surprised to find that,
The target of these "bandits" was the Huns.

The Xiongnu soldiers who were still very rampant were suddenly attacked, and they were in chaos for a while. Even though they had a large number this time, they still quickly became a mess.

"What's going on? Are there any reinforcements?"

The soldiers of Tianmen City who were in a desperate situation showed joyful faces one by one.

experienced adversity,
Knowing the great joy of rebirth!

"Look, the leader is Master Hu!"

I don't know which soldier called out.

Then many soldiers saw that among the leaders on the periphery, there was a person they were very familiar with, and that was Hu Dali!
Hu Dali usually followed Jiang Duming, so almost everyone in Tianmen City recognized him.

"So there really are reinforcements!"

"Great, our reinforcements have arrived!"

"Master Hu is here to save us!"


The soldiers of Tianmen City immediately became enthusiastic and excited. Seeing hope, they were full of energy and no longer depressed. They raised their weapons and slashed at the Xiongnu soldiers.

As such.

This wave of Xiongnu soldiers can be described as being attacked by the enemy.
They never thought,
They were still in an absolute advantage, but they became the targets of a joint attack and were in a dangerous situation!

Because the men and horses rushing over from the periphery are really too tough.

Potential like a broken bamboo!

"Things have changed suddenly, everyone retreat!"

"Get out!"



At the beginning of the beacon smoke, the soldiers of Tianmen City blew their horns again, this time it was an inspiring horn.

Because this time,
They were chasing the Huns and killing them,

Seven or eight days,

They have always been chased by the Xiongnu soldiers, and now they can finally come back, and the soldiers who blow the horn are very energetic.

trumpets of rage,

It made the soldiers even more excited. Many people were red-eyed and gritted their teeth. This time, they wanted to kill enough to avenge the dead brothers and soldiers!

Killed until dark.

The Huns suffered heavy casualties this time.
Hu Dali didn't let anyone chase him, the so-called poor bandits don't chase him, and it was dark, so the battle was stopped.

"Master Hu, you are so timely!"

"Master Jiang sincerely does not lie to us, we are finally looking forward to reinforcements!"

"Mr. Zhang, I heard from others that you didn't say that before, and that you believed the nonsense of Mr. Jiang."

"...Is there any? Which soldier made rumors about me?"


Of course Hu Dali didn't take this matter seriously.

Instead, the commander of the raid, Mapi Jing, was called.

Discuss with him how to deal with the Huns next.


When Hu Dali was discussing with everyone to fight against the enemy,
at this time,

In the barracks of the Huns.


"But there is a good news? Have you wiped out all the soldiers of the Great Xia Dynasty?"

The leader of the Huns in the camp asked expectantly.

"No, no..."


When the leader of the Xiongnu soldiers listened to the report, his face became very gloomy: "How could this happen?!"

He thought,
The army of Tianmen City is at the end of the road. It only needs the last blow to completely defeat the army of Tianmen City. Tomorrow, they can attack Tianmen City in a large scale and plant the banner of the Huns on the gate of Tianmen City. .


"The team that rescued the Tianmen City soldiers used the three-talent formation."

at this time,

A man who had been standing aside and hadn't spoken spoke.

He held a lupine in his hand, his face was fair, and he looked very calm.

"Master Yelu, what's your opinion?"

The leader of the Xiongnu army looked at the man and said, this is the military adviser in his army, he is wise in ancient and modern times, and he is best at arranging troops.

The man's name was Yelu Youmou. When he heard the leader of the Xiongnu soldiers ask him this question, he retracted his mind and replied:
"General Wanyan, the defeat in this battle was unexpected.
In the enemy army, there are experts who know how to form a three-talented formation. Our army suffered heavy casualties this time, all due to the power of these three-talented formations. "

He fanned the feather fan in his hand, then continued:

"To deal with the three-talented formation, you only need to do this..."


Silent all night.

the next day.
Jiang Duming stayed in the Zhou Yamen in Tianmen City. He usually slept soundly, but last night, he unexpectedly suffered from insomnia.

Because he knows

The news of the previous defeat must have reached the capital through other channels, so the impact on him must have been considerable.

If you want to impress the old emperor, you have to stand up.

(End of this chapter)

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