die if you don't rebel

Chapter 151 The Emperor's Edict

Chapter 151 The Emperor's Edict
Ninth Princess finally sighed,
He raised his bright eyes to look at Han Zhang and said:

"Brother Han, do you remember that he saved our lives on the way to Kunlun Gate, and also helped me at Kunlun Gate?"

"of course I remember."

Han Zhang replied:

"But the princess must also understand the truth between the farmer and the snake."

Ninth Princess eyes flicker,
I haven't spoken for a long time,

It seemed that she was considering Han Zhang's words, but in the end she said:

"Brother Han, don't discuss this matter again. I've said it before, and I believe him."


"Brother Han, if you have nothing else to do, let's do this today. It's getting late, so go back and rest early."

Han Zhang wanted to say something else, but he knew the Ninth Princess very well.

In the end, he had no choice but to bow his head and answer:
"Yes, this subordinate will leave!"

When Han Zhang exited the hall and only the nine princesses were left in the hall, the nine princesses' beautiful eyes flickered and she muttered to herself:
"Hope I don't misread someone...

If I misunderstood, I deserve it, so I will repay him as if he saved me. "


outside the temple.

Jiang Duming was thinking about it.

For today's situation, he certainly didn't think that Xia Qiuluo and Han Zhang were ungrateful. If it were him, he might think so too.

To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to oneself, he understands this truth.

Including now,

Xia Qiuluo and Han Zhang were talking privately, which also showed that they were on guard against themselves.

But that doesn't matter anymore.

Because at the very least,

In the end, Xia Qiuluo chose to believe in herself, and predicted what would happen tomorrow, and even helped herself to make suggestions to prevent herself from getting into trouble... All this shows that the princess still cares about herself.

That is at this moment,

Jiang Duming suddenly understood,
Why did the system issue such a task? The system asked me to rebel against the leader of the martial arts, and let myself be the leader of the martial arts...

If he hadn't come to be the leader of the martial arts alliance himself,

Then these powers in the future are likely to be under the power of the prince, and it will be very unfavorable to Xia Qiuluo...

Jiang Duming squinted his eyes, not sure if what he thought was right,
at this time,

Han Zhang came out from the hall.

this time,

Before Jiang Duming could take the initiative to greet him, Han Zhang suddenly changed his indifference and greeted Jiang Duming, saying:

"Brother Jiang, all of this is a misunderstanding. Brother, I am impulsive. Don't take offense and don't take it to heart."

Seeing Han Zhang's 180-degree change in his attitude towards him, Jiang Duming finally felt relieved when he mentioned his throat, which showed that Xia Qiuluo really believed in him.


Silent all night.

the next day.
While Jiang Duming and Hu Dali were still sleeping in the room, someone knocked on the door.

"Who the hell is knocking on the door!"

Hu Dali was very angry to get up, tried to open his eyes, and yelled uncontrollably.

Jia Zhengdao's voice sounded outside:
"Brother Jiang, Brother Hu, it's time for us to head back."

Jiang Duming and Hu Dali went to see Liu Qing'er after seeing Princess Nine last night, and told her that they were leaving the capital tomorrow and would come to see her in the capital when they had time, until they sneaked back to the inn room , it is already late at night, so at this time, I am still tired.

But since Jia Zhengdao came to knock on the door,
The two agreed to get up after venting their anger about getting up.

A simple and rough wash,
After a brief breakfast at the inn, he followed Jia Zhengdao and prepared to leave.

And at this moment,
Da da da!
The clatter of hooves sounded in the street outside,

The rattling horseshoes stopped outside the inn,
A group of soldiers rushed into the inn, so frightened that the owner of the inn hurried forward to greet him, saying something tremblingly, not knowing what had happened on his side.

at this time,
After the soldiers had lined up in two rows, an official in a yellow mandarin jacket came in. He glanced around, saw the shop owner, and asked:
"Don't be afraid, shopkeeper, we have no malicious intentions here.

Let me ask you, is there a customer named Jiang Duming living in your shop? "

The owner of the inn thought for a long time but couldn't come up with a clue. There are dozens of customers coming in and out of his inn every day. How could he remember Jiang Duming and others?

At this time, Jiang Duming and others,

Just about to leave the store, Jiang Duming's eyes lit up when he saw this scene.

Xia Qiuluo is really predictable,

In this case, Jiang Duming did not evade, so he strode forward, pretending to know nothing, and said, "This official, the villain is Jiang Duming. I don't know why you are looking for me?"

"You are Jiang Duming?"

The official in the yellow jacket couldn't help but smile, he was afraid that he would be late, and it would be difficult to go back to work if he couldn't find Jiang Duming, but now he just met him?

But in the next second, he also doubted Jiang Duming's identity, fearing that someone would appear to impersonate Jiang Duming, so he said:
"How do you prove your identity?"

Jiang Duming took out his token of the leader of martial arts.

The leader of the martial arts...

The official in the yellow jacket immediately confirmed that this was Jiang Duming's real body.

Because the leader of the martial arts is Jiang Duming's very eye-catching identity, now in this capital, who doesn't know that the new leader of the martial arts has suddenly turned into a great poet and a great writer?
and so.

The official in the yellow jacket immediately changed his face. He who had previously shown Jiang Duming his official record, greeted Jiang Duming with a smile, and said enthusiastically and proactively:
"Leader Jiang, please kneel down to accept the imperial edict."

Holy decree?

Everyone present, except Jiang Duming, was taken aback.

This official was actually sent by the emperor?

Looking at his yellow mandarin jacket, it fits him well.

Jiang Duming didn't doubt that there was him, so he had no choice but to respectfully kneel down to receive the imperial edict.

"By God's blessing, the emperor said, Jiang Duming's poetic talent is the best in the world, and his martial arts is very high. I appreciate it very much. I have specially ordered you to meet and arrange an official position. Thank you!"

Enter the palace to meet the emperor?
Everyone understood, this is the emperor's imperial decree, asking Jiang Duming to come and see the Holy Majesty.

Everyone cast envious glances at Jiang Duming.

Jiang Duming has already reached the pinnacle of his life at a young age, and he can see the current Holy Majesty, and he will definitely become a great success in the future.

Jiang Duming didn't want to see the emperor in his heart.

He felt like it was a waste of his time.

But since it is an imperial decree, he can't disrespect it, otherwise he can crush himself to death if he buckles a big hat.

So he had to respectfully accept the order.

After finishing these, the official in the yellow jacket with the imperial decree in his hand hurriedly came to Jiang Duming, helped Jiang Duming up himself, and said with a smile on his face:
"Mr. Jiang is a man of talent, and he really answered that sentence. Since ancient times, heroes have been born from youth.

Mr. Jiang, you can go to the palace with the Sa family to face the saint. "


at this time,

On the majestic and majestic Golden Throne Hall,
The current emperor in yellow robes is sitting on the throne, and below are eight civil and military ministers, including an imposing prince,

There is another slim, elegant and beautiful girl who is none other than the Nine Princesses.

The emperor said:
"This Jiang Duming is a civil and military genius. He should be given a big official position."

"What your majesty said is true, but according to the old minister, all young geniuses have arrogance. This arrogance needs to be polished and experienced before it can be stable."

(End of this chapter)

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