die if you don't rebel

Chapter 140 Xiaoxiang Academy

Chapter 140 Xiaoxiang Academy
Even though he said so,
But Jiang Duming was still muttering in his heart,
Because Jiang Duming had a skin-to-skin relationship with this sister-in-law, how can the friendship with negative distance be comparable to that of ordinary people?
So he was very familiar with Lin Yuee's back,
The figure just now is too similar...

Is it really dazzled?
Jiang Duming asked himself in his heart, now that he can't find anyone, he had no choice but to give up, and left the second floor with Hu Dali and went downstairs.

After Jiang Duming and Hu Dali left,
In the room at the corner of the second floor.

"My dear lotus~ Who is this beautiful sister? Why don't you introduce me?"

"You are so stupid~ You don't even know about our sister Qiaoqiao? This is the famous number one card in our Chunxiang Pavilion~"

"Tsk tsk tsk... She is really pretty. Since you broke into my room, why don't you drink and play with me together."

"Quickly get rid of your stinky hands. Let me tell you, if you want to order our Chunxiang Pavilion's top card, it is a lot of money. If you take out the money, our Chunxiang Pavilion will naturally do your business."

"This one……"

"Oh! Man! If you don't have that much money, don't think about such beautiful things. What a toad wants to eat swan meat... Sister Qiaoqiao, why did you suddenly enter my house?"

"Don't ask if you don't know."


The girl whose stage name was "Lotus Flower" had to shut up obediently, because the status of the top card was higher than theirs, so she didn't dare to ask more questions or say more.

The door of this room was opened, and a graceful figure walked out of it, but at this moment, this figure cautiously glanced outside a few times, and then left slowly after seeing no one she didn't want to see.


Jiang Duming and Hu Dali came to the first floor and sat back on the seat next to Jia Zhengdao.
Jia Zhengdao asked curiously:
"Brother Jiang, what were you doing upstairs just now?"

"I saw a very punctual girl."

"Really? Come and listen."


Jia Zhengdao's reaction was very real.

This left Jiang Duming and Hu Dali speechless for a while.



Jiang Duming rolled up the windows and the bed in Chunxiang Pavilion... Early the next morning, he was in great spirits, not at all sluggish.

This made Jia Zhengdao quite envious, young is good.

Come out of Chunxiang Pavilion,

Back to the station for a short rest,

Jiang Duming followed Jia Zhengdao to meet the big man he was going to meet during his trip to the capital.

Hire a sedan chair and walk through the streets of the capital,

Jiang Duming was worried, and would lift the curtain of the car window to look outside from time to time, trying to remember the streets he walked on, and the landmark buildings in his heart.

Because Jiang Duming can't fully guarantee,

This trip to Beijing,

In the end, is it beneficial or detrimental to oneself.


arrived at the destination.

The bearer stopped and lifted the curtain to let Jiang Duming get off the sedan chair. Jia Zhengdao walked over and said to Jiang Duming with a smile:
"Brother Jiang, we're here. It's here."

Jia Zhengdao stretched out his right hand and pointed to today's destination.

Jiang Duming raised his eyes, and saw that this was an academy, and there were four large characters written on the plaque at the gate of the courtyard:

【Xiaoxiang Academy】

Hu Dali, who was sitting in the sedan chair behind Jiang Duming, also followed. He raised his eyes to look at the four big characters. After reading for a long time, he knew the characters, but he didn't. He asked Jiang Duming curiously:
"Second brother, what does this word read?"

"Xiaoxiang Academy."

"Xiaoxiang Academy?"

Hu Dali couldn't help being taken aback, "This isn't Qing..."

"Dali, the girl who accompanied you last night must be very beautiful. Look at your sleepy look. Do you want to go back and catch up on sleep?"


Hu Dali was a little puzzled, why did the second brother suddenly mention what happened last night?But the next second he saw Jiang Duming winking at him, he immediately agreed,
He smiled naively and said nothing more.

It was strange for Jia Zhengdao to see the two of them playing charades like this. He looked at Hu Dali intently, trying to get some clues from Hu Dali's expression.
But other than a silly smile, this guy is just a silly bark,
can't see anything,

I can't help but wonder:
This guy Hu Dali obviously knew about Xiaoxiang Academy, so why was Jiang Duming covering up his words?

He just said green... green what?
Unable to figure out why, Jiang Duming was urging him to go in at this moment.He had no choice but to shake off this thought and stop thinking about it.


Hu Dali wanted to say that this Xiaoxiang Academy is the academy where young children study?


It's Liu Qing'er,
When Jiang Duming saw the name of this academy, he also reacted here, but Jiang Duming remained calm,

He didn't want to expose too much, for fear that Qing'er and that girl would get involved, because Jiang Duming didn't know whether what happened next would be good or bad.


When Liu Qing'er was studying in a private school in Jiangyang Town, he had already been picked up by the magistrate of Jiangyang County, and he sent Liu Qing'er to study in the capital at his own expense.

The magistrate of Jiangyang Town just wanted to behave better in front of Jiang Duming.
He used the resources in his hands,
took them all out,
As long as he can help Jiang Duming, or the resources of people around Jiang Duming, he will be very proactive. The purpose is to make Jiang Duming happy, save his life, and the status of the county magistrate.

this matter,
When Jiang Duming went to Liu's house to look for Qing'er when he was destroying the Killing Heaven Gang, Liu Qing'er's grandfather told him,


Jiang Duming also received a letter from Liu Qing'er to himself. In the letter, she said that she knew a lot of words and could write a letter, and mentioned the interesting things about her study in the Xiaoxiang Academy in the capital.

Hu Dali was also mentioned in the letter,
So Jiang Duming and Hu Dali knew very well that Qing'er was studying at Xiaoxiang Academy in the capital.

They were going to,

After dealing with this incident, they wanted to visit Qing'er, but they didn't expect that, by such a coincidence, the destination they came to was this 【Xiaoxiang Academy】.


Xiaoxiang Academy is huge,

The architecture inside is also very grand!

walked a long way,

Jiang Duming and Hu Dali followed Jia Zhengdao to a different courtyard.

This other courtyard is an independent small courtyard.
Take it out alone,
It is equivalent to the detached villa in the earth world where Jiang Duming lived.

Just before the gate,
Two servants came over and stopped them.
Said to be a servant,

But both Jiang Duming and Hu Dali could tell that these two people had strong footwork, and they were not ordinary servants at first glance.

The two stopped them and asked:
"Who are you?"

"I'm Jia Zhengdao. Today I'm here to bring the new leader of the martial arts alliance to visit Confucius."

Hearing Jia Zhengdao's self-reported family name,

The two servants didn't stop them any more, and made way for them to go in and talk.


Jiang Duming followed Jia Zhengdao into the main hall. In this hall, an old man with silver hair was writing with a pen brush.


He finished writing, put the brush on the pen stand, and was not in a hurry to look back at Jiang Duming and the others. Instead, he stroked the beard on his chin, watched his masterpiece with great interest, and nodded with relish.

(End of this chapter)

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