die if you don't rebel

Chapter 137 Kill Jiang Domineering!

Chapter 137 Kill Jiang Domineering!


When Jiang overbearingly begged for mercy, instead of being merciful, Jiang Duming became even more aggressive, and came with a bang!

Jiang Badao was overwhelmed,
was directly blasted out,
Jiang Badao made a very obvious imprint on the competition platform before he stopped. When he stopped, he had already rolled to the southernmost position of the competition platform, and if he took a step back, he would fall off the competition platform.

at this time,

Jiang Duming, with a bang, his whole body was shot down in front of Jiang Badao like a cannonball,

Jiang Badao repeatedly begged for mercy.

Jiang Duming just looked at him coldly, and finally said:

"I can't beat me now, and I'm begging for mercy again. What do you think I am? The Holy Mother?"

Our Lady?

Everyone feels fresh when they hear this word,
They didn't dare to ask Jiang Duming what the word meant, but according to the context of the scene, it probably meant "a bad guy".

Jiang Badao's eyes froze for a moment. He didn't know the specific meaning of the word, but he could tell that this little boy was determined to abolish himself... no, he wanted to kill himself!
Jiang Badao lowered his head,
Still screaming and begging for mercy,
It's just that at the moment when he lowered his head, what no one saw was that,
His eyes instantly turned dark,
In the cuffs of his hands, two maple leaf hidden weapons have slipped into his hands.

When Jiang Duming took another step closer to him,

Jiang overbearing shot out these two maple leaf hidden weapons from his cuffs, aiming at Jiang Duming's eyes and throat.

When the two hidden weapons were released, everyone was taken aback.

Jiang Badao is really too insidious. At this time, he is still using hidden weapons to hurt people. They thought that Jiang Duming should have been tricked this time.

Say it's too late, then it's fast,

Jiang Duming turned his head to one side, dodging the hidden weapon that was aimed at his eyes. Almost at the same time, Jiang Duming picked up a severed knife with his palm.
Jiang Duming flipped his wrist,
with a bang,
The cutting knife directly bounced back one of the hidden maple leaf weapons, that is, the one that was shot at Jiang Duming's throat.
"Oh, don't—"

Jiang Badao suddenly saw a hidden maple leaf weapon bounced back by Jiang Duming and shot it into his throat. He couldn't help being shocked.
This turn of events came too fast,

Jiang Badao was seriously injured again,

At the same time, its internal energy is consumed enormously,

It was already impossible to dodge the hidden maple leaf weapon that bounced back.


He just watched the hidden weapon pierced into his throat,
Jiang Badao's eyes bulged, and the hidden weapon rebounded by Jiang Duming pierced his throat, and Jiang Badao froze there.

"Is it dead?"

"It seems that there is still a breath..."

"It's true that evil comes with evil. He hurt people with a hidden weapon, but he didn't expect to be wounded by his own hidden weapon in the end. What an irony, what a drama."


Jiang Badao had only one breath left, but when he heard the people in the audience say such words, he was so angry that there was poison on his hidden weapon, he was pissed to death, and swallowed his last breath.

At the time of death,
With bulging eyes, staring at Jiang Duming,
Don't rest your eyes!

Jiang Duming just looked at his expression coldly, making sure that he was out of breath, Jiang Duming's voice seemed to have no emotion at all and said:
"Death is more than enough."

at this time.

The audience was silent.

Even the voices talking about Jiang's dominance disappeared.

All eyes were on the winner on the stage with great solemnity...Jiang Duming!

Those who are unhappy with Jiang's overbearing,
Now it can be said that I have a bad breath in my heart!
Those who supported Jiang's overbearing were stunned, their faces were in disbelief, and they didn't dare to shout anything.


Jiang Badao is dead...

A master like Leader Jiang would die at the hands of a little-known kid. No one thought that such an ending would happen!

Jia Zhengdao in the audience had only one expression on his face at the moment,
Just have fun!

Without saying a word, he immediately boarded the competition stage and came to Jiang Duming's side.
First, he patted Jiang Duming on the shoulder, and congratulated him in a voice that Jiang Duming alone could hear:

"Good kill!"

Then, regardless of Jiang Duming's reaction, he glanced around the audience, and then spoke vigorously:

"Leader Jiang's methods are despicable, but even so, he has not won Brother Jiang, so I think this year's martial arts leader is Brother Jiang!"

Straight to the point,
Hit the nail on the head.

After speaking, he waited for the reaction of the people in the audience.

After hearing Jia Zhengdao's words, the audience in the audience finally recovered from the shock and expressed their opinions one after another.

Some people were completely convinced by Jiang Duming's martial arts, and they agreed to let Jiang Duming be the new martial arts leader.

And some people disagree,
The reason given is that,

Jiang Duming is too young, what qualifications does he have to be the leader?He is so young, but everyone is not convinced.

And more people are silent.

Someone said that Jia Zhengdao should be the leader of the martial arts alliance.

Jia Zhengdao sternly refused.

Then Jia Zhengdao glanced at those who were not convinced, and said again:

"If you are not convinced, come up and challenge Brother Jiang!"


No one dared to respond.

Seeing that no one came to the stage, Jia Zhengdao also spoke directly, without any shame, and said to them:
"You are not convinced, and you don't have the courage to challenge Brother Jiang on stage. What qualifications do you have to disagree with Brother Jiang as the leader of this martial arts alliance?"

What he said made the other party blush, speechless.

"Who else doesn't agree?"

Jia Zhengdao stood on the stage and presided over the situation. Since some people are not convinced by Jiang Duming, let's take advantage of this time to straighten out this matter until they are convinced!
The audience was silent.

At this time, no one dared to raise any objections to oppose Jiang Duming.

Jia Zhengdao felt it was time,

I cleared my throat,

strong voice,

Facing the audience, he first expressed his attitude:

"Everyone, the reason why I recommend Brother Jiang is because I have always felt that Brother Jiang has the appearance of a leader. Anyway, my martial arts are not as good as him, and I am not as handsome as him."

Everyone in the audience: "..."

What word is this?

Is it amazing to be handsome?

Jia Zhengdao continued:
"Furthermore, Brother Jiang has a good moral character and disdains to use hidden weapons. I, Jia Zhengdao, will be the first to admire him, and the first to support him as the new martial arts leader!"

This statement came out.

The people in the audience were moved.

Even Jia Zhengdao said that, what else do they have to say?

at this time,

Hu Dali took the lead and shouted loudly from the audience:

"I support Brother Jiang as the new martial arts leader!"

Hu Dali shouted,
The younger brothers from Qinglongzhai who followed him also shouted, the head of their own family, of course they support unconditionally!

And such a lead,

Immediately there was a butterfly effect, followed by a second wave of people shouting for Jiang Duming.

Then came the third wave,

Fourth wave...

at last,

In the huge Jiajia Square, everyone’s voices, whether voluntary or passive, all sounded a slogan,
That is……

"Leader Jiang! Leader Jiang!"

(End of this chapter)

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