die if you don't rebel

Chapter 131 The beginning of the martial arts conference

Chapter 131 The beginning of the martial arts conference

Silent all night.

On the second day,
Because of Jia Zhengdao's "attentiveness", when Jiang Duming and Hu Dali got up the next day, there was a large group of servants from Jia's family rushing to serve them outside the room.

This made the other guests very jealous.

Because when the other guests get up,
Not to mention the servants of Jia's family came to serve,

Even a single sparrow is not in front of the door!

Very deserted.

So when they saw Jiang Duming being taken care of in such a special way, they were all sour, and talked about everything:

"What is the identity of this little boy?"

"I do not know."

"Fuck, why is he treated like this?"

"It's just that people are better than others, and I'm so mad!"

"Don't be angry, I heard that Patriarch Jia accompanied this little boy all the way yesterday."

"Is there still this?"


Just when these people turned into "lemon essence", the person in charge of the Jia family came over and asked them to wash up as soon as possible, and after washing, go to the main hall of the Jia family to participate in the martial arts conference.

Only then did the guests turn their attention away from Jiang Duming, and washed up one by one.

And at this moment,
They saw another scene that made them uncomfortable,
That was the manager of the Jia family, who had already trotted all the way outside Jiang Duming's house. Seeing Jiang Duming stretching his waist, the manager personally squeezed Jiang Duming's shoulders, smiling all over his face, showing his courtesy to Jiang Duming.


A servant of Jia's family personally brought Jiang Duming breakfast.

The other guests could only watch from a distance,

Nothing at all.

Without exception, these guests immediately remembered Jiang Duming's little boy, and they couldn't figure it out.
Why are they all guests?
Why is this treatment different?
"Is it just because he is more handsome than us?"

Someone spoke like this.

Hearing this, the others looked at him like idiots.This person looked embarrassed, but he still asked a question that everyone couldn't answer:
"If it's not because he's handsome, what else could it be?"


An hour later.

In the main hall of Jia's house.

Jia Zhengdao, who was dressed in a fine attire, sat on the main seat in the main hall, and beside him sat a woman in the same attire, presumably it was Jia Zhengdao's wife.

in the hall,
Including Jiang Duming and Hu Dali, the stands were already full of people, and there were countless rows of seats on both sides, all of which were full.

Outside Jia's house, warriors from the rivers and lakes kept entering,
Jia Zhengdao smiled all over his face.
He was a martial idiot,
A grand event like the Martial Arts Conference gathered many martial arts masters, and he wished for such a grand event every day.

Seeing that it was almost time, Jia Zhengdao stood up from the main seat,

After scanning everyone's eyes, Jia Zhengdao said:

"Thank you very much for being able to attend this year's martial arts conference on time..."

Jia Zhengdao made some opening remarks.

Spit stars flying around,

good moment
Only then did he formally address the subject,

When it comes to the subject,
Jia Zhengdao also understood that this is what everyone wanted to hear the most, so he paused, cleared his throat, and said solemnly:

"This year's martial arts conference, as in the past, will elect a martial arts leader. Last year's martial arts leader was Jiang Badao from the Jiangnan family.

He has the right to continue to be,
of course,

Everyone present here also has the right to re-elect,

As long as you feel qualified, then we will not bury any friends! "

Speaking of which,

Jia Zhengdao stopped talking.

Because his role is to throw bricks and attract jade, the next highlight will be these "guests".


When Jia Zhengdao's voice just fell,
Someone said:

"I still support Jiang Badao as the leader of this martial arts alliance!"

"I also support Jiang Hegemony from the Jiangnan family!"

Listening to many people supporting the name "Jiang Ba Dao", Jiang Duming and Hu Dali quickly saw the middle-aged man sitting on the left, the first seat under Jia Zhengdao, when everyone's eyes shifted. man,

Needless to say,
This is the overbearing Jiangnan Jiang.

After hearing these voices, Jiang Badao couldn't help but smile. Obviously, he was very useful to these voices.

but soon,
There was a voice of opposition shouting out:
"I'm not convinced by Jiang Dao, I want to recommend another person to be the leader of this martial arts alliance!"

"I'm not convinced either!"

"Although Jiang Badao's martial arts are high and his name is also very domineering, but in my eyes, he looks a bit unmanly and feminine, so I don't want him to continue to be the leader of the martial arts alliance!"


That Jiang's overbearing face suddenly darkened,

almost dripping water,
I can't wait to get mad now, and take needles to kill those who oppose me one by one.

Other than that,

Others call out the names of other people to recommend,
Some people even said that Jia Zhengdao should be the leader of the martial arts alliance.

Jia Zhengdao didn't answer,
Let them play freely at this moment, free speech.

One after another voices,
filled the hall,

Jiang Duming and Hu Dali listened with gusto. The role of the two of them is now a spectator, a theatergoer.

Just when everyone was arguing red-faced,
Jia Zhengdao looked at Jiang Duming,

Jiang Duming didn't notice that Jia Zhengdao was looking at him,
Jia Zhengdao's expression was complicated, and no one could see what he was thinking at this moment.

Jia Zhengdao thought very simply at this time,
He wanted Jiang Duming to run for the martial arts leader.

Just when everyone is arguing with each other,
Jia Zhengdao spoke:

"Everyone be quiet!"

Jia Zhengdao spoke vigorously, his voice seemed to be speaking in the hall with a loudspeaker, and the warriors with blushing faces and thick necks quieted down one by one.
After all, in the eyes of most people,
Jia Zhengdao is the authority.

After the voice in the hall gradually decreased until it disappeared and became quiet, Jia Zhengdao continued:
"I am very happy to see everyone actively recommending the martial arts masters I admire.
I was even happier when I heard that some friends volunteered and recommended themselves.
After all, the rivers and lakes are so big,

The contention of a hundred schools of thought can make the martial arts world full of vitality and prosperity.

It seems that it is impossible to use the literati method of counting votes to elect the leader of the martial arts, so it is still the old rules, and we will see the truth.

So please,

Excuse me, walk out of this hall and go to the square outside the hall. There is a martial arts competition stage ready. We will let our recommended masters compete and use the most intuitive method, that is, martial arts competition to elect the leader of this martial arts. "

Many people agree.

But there are also some people who have opinions,

I feel that the election of the leader of the martial arts alliance depends not only on the level of martial arts, but also on the quality of character and reputation, in order to be able to convince the public.

For this,

Jia Zhengdao also made an explanation, saying that the comparison should be made in terms of martial arts first, and then the comparison should be made in terms of character and prestige.

This achieves the temporary satisfaction of all.

Then the dark crowd stood up,

Walk out of the hall and come to the center of Jia's square.

(End of this chapter)

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