The Umbrella Company of Marvel World

Chapter 95 Desperate Soldier

Chapter 95 Desperate Soldier
Maya Hansen was extremely surprised: "This... I'm just an ordinary researcher..."

"No, not now..." Edward shook his head slightly: "You can understand it as an agreement. Do things for Umbrella, and you will get all the research materials you want."

"Your current stage of the experimental process can continue as usual, and will not be affected in any way, I can promise."

Edward paused for a moment before continuing, but this sentence was not so friendly: "But on the other hand, if you refuse, then you may have to leave here immediately."

"Umbrella Corporation acquires AIM, and the patents and research results related to Extremis Virus will also be transferred to Umbrella Corporation. You will be strictly prohibited from engaging in this research work, otherwise you will be sued."

"Oh, my God." Maya Hansen was a little out of breath for a moment: "Mr. Edward, you...can't you be friendly when you speak? You seem to be threatening."

"I like to lay out the consequences first, because I think it will show that I am more sincere." Edward raised his head and looked at Maya Hansen, his expression suddenly became playful: "Dr. Maya, I know you are a A botanist, scientific research worker."

"But I actually know that you have done a lot of illegal experimental research with the support of Killian's private consortium over the years. Don't think I don't know about it."

Hearing this sentence, Maya Hansen was stunned.Her expression became embarrassed.

Over the years, through the research on those experimental subjects, she also knew part of Killian's true thoughts.The Extremis Virus was originally a healing potion, but it has been gradually used by Killian as a human weapon.

Although she also protested during the period, it had no effect at all.And if she chooses to leave, all her research achievements will come to naught, and half of her life's hard work will go to waste.For a scholar, this is an extremely painful blow.

So she has been deceiving herself all the time, pretending that she doesn't know these things.

But now that the truth was exposed by Edward, the beautiful picture she drew was torn apart.

The faces of those who were unwilling to die in the injection experiments in the past clearly appeared in front of her eyes.

"Mr. Edward, just tell me what you need from me."



After dealing with the matter here and leaving the laboratory, Edward came to the Florida branch of the umbrella company.

It is closer to the AIM company, so it is convenient to do business.

In the office, Sherlock sent over a document: "Master, this is the list of those who were arrested and confessed. The first batch of members of the 'Ultimate Transformation' project are all here."

"Are you sure they've finished speaking?" Edward took the information, flipped through it, and asked.

"I'm [-]% sure, they should have told them all." Sherlock said with a smile, "That fellow Sean has a lot of tricks, scaring these fat old foxes quite a lot."

"In addition, we also injected them with Starscream Potion (a veritaserum developed by Umbrella Corporation), and the results were basically consistent with what they said when they were awake. It is certain that these members were arranged by Killian The list of the first batch of desperate soldiers."

"Okay, I see." Edward read the name and image information on it.

They are basically the same as the boys of Killian who appeared in the plot of "Iron Man 3".

One is a retired soldier with many honors and medals, but due to years of combat missions, he is left with ailments; the other is an unknown disabled person, a young woman, who is missing an arm; There is another one, who is a strong man with a disabled physique. It can be seen that because of his own disability, his life is in a mess.

These people are the first group of people that Killian is going to attack.He is going to lure them to participate in his own experiments and do things for himself on the condition that they can restore their normal bodies.

Except for these three people, the rest of the personnel Edward has no impression.

It is estimated that in the list of this group of experimenters, only those three guys survived in the end, successfully fused with the Extremis virus, were transformed by the virus, and possessed the ability of the Extremis virus.

"The order is passed on, and the White Umbrella Department is asked to use all available information channels to find these three guys for me! And hurry up!"

Edward circled the names and images of the three personnel from these materials, and then handed the materials to Sherlock.

"Remember, be fast!"

Sherlock nodded, took the documents, put on his tall hat, and left with his head bowed.

Watching his leaving back, Edward suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

My old butler is not young anymore, but now he is still like a model worker, working hard to complete the tasks and instructions he issued, and finally completed them very satisfactorily.

Edward sighed secretly, mainly because he was short of manpower now.It would be great if there were more people under him.

Thinking of this, Edward could only encourage himself to speed up his pace.

When there are more guys that can be used in the future, the old housekeeper can be allowed to rest for a while.

Sherlock's work efficiency is very high. Under his arrangement, the three people were pulled onto the plane by him and brought back in less than one afternoon.

When they got off the plane, the three guys looked terribly confused.And except for the retired soldier, the other two looked a little scared.

They don't know why a large group of people suddenly broke into their home and took them away forcibly.If they hadn't seen those people come fully armed and armed with guns, they would have called the police a long time ago.

"Your Excellency, what's the matter with you bringing us here?" The retired soldier, a guy named Chad Davis, stepped forward and asked.

He walked with some bumps, and his mental state was very bad, as if he was suffering from some kind of illness.

He glanced at the red and white umbrella signs around him, and then said, "Your Excellency, are you from the Umbrella Company?"

"Yes." Edward nodded with a smile.Before the plane landed, he was already waiting here.

Edward also walked forward, reached out his hand, and shook hands with the retired soldier.

"First of all, I would like to apologize for the rude behavior of my subordinates. But this is also because of the urgency of time, so I asked them to take special measures, and please forgive me." Edward patted the soldier on the shoulder.

"Sir, what are you bringing us here...for?" The young woman with one arm missing came up and asked, she looked at the surrounding buildings: "Well, and it seems Still a big guy."

(End of this chapter)

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