Chapter 79 Killian

In "Iron Man 3", Killian is the developer of the Extremis virus, the founder of the AIM organization, and the villain in "Iron Man 3".

In 1999, he was originally a crazy fan of Tony Stark, but he was snubbed by Tony.

When he committed suicide by jumping off a building, he saw the Christmas fireworks blooming all over the city. While feeling lonely and miserable, he also developed a desire for revenge, so he decided to conduct research on his own to create an impenetrable virus.

Edward thought to himself, since he wanted to create enough chaos in the underground hive, the effect of this virus would be very good.

After the virus agent is injected into the human body, some bodies will explode within themselves because they cannot adapt to the sudden change in energy.

At the moment of the explosion, it can generate a high temperature of up to 3000 degrees, melting everything around it.

It's perfect to use this kind of virus that looks like a human bomb to create chaos.

More importantly, this virus is very concealed, and it is difficult to find their source after the explosion.

If you don't know the characteristics of this virus, who would associate it with the human body?

Moreover, it is easy to throw the blame afterwards.

Thinking of this, Edward called Sherlock.

"Master, what are your orders?" Sherlock asked after he walked in, taking off his tall hat.

"Help me contact the person in charge of the AIM organization, a biologist named Alderezy Killian." Edward tapped his fingers on the table and said in a deep voice.

"Okay, master, I understand." Sherlock nodded, and left here, ready to proceed immediately.

He didn't ask the reason at all, because after so many experiences, he was already used to Edward giving himself all kinds of strange orders suddenly.And what surprised him all the time was that the results of these orders were very satisfactory in the end.

The young master is like a prophet, always able to know when, where, and what will happen.It is clear where there is an enemy's opponent and where there is a hidden partner.

Sherlock also wondered where the young master got so much private information, but after thinking about it for a while, he gave up these doubts.These things are not something I should worry about, I just do what I am told.

As long as the final result is correct, then these decisions should be implemented according to the order.

After Sherlock left the room, Edward thought for a while, took out his mobile phone, and called General Ross.

He now needs to log in to the internal system of the US military to find some information.

These materials are all related to Killian. There is also cooperation between Killian's AIM organization and the US military, but it is very private.

When Killian used the human body to conduct experiments on the Extremis virus, he registered information about the experimental process with the National Security Agency, and recorded video data of the entire experimental process.

Edward wants to copy these materials, and this information will come in handy when he talks with Killian.

After the call was made, General Ross was very surprised to hear Edward's request.

He is different from Sherlock, he is not Edward's subordinate, he immediately asked: "Mr. Edward, what do you want these things for? These are all internal documents and cannot be easily viewed by the outside world."

"I once had an acquaintance with the biologist named Killian. You know, we are both engaged in biological research, and it is normal to know each other." Edward said with a smile.

"I want to see how his experiment is progressing recently. One of our research projects is very close to his current experimental direction."

"If General Ross can help with this," Edward paused deliberately, "If there is any breakthrough in Umbrella's research on the T virus, I will definitely tell the general as soon as possible."

General Ross hesitated for a moment, he naturally knew that Edward's words were problematic.If he really has friendship with Killian, he can ask him for research materials, why use his own medium.

Between the inside and the outside, don't you just want to make things happen.However, General Ross was soon relieved that commercial competition was normal with these methods.

After careful consideration, he thought about the T virus more strongly, and they had cooperated before, so he said: "Mr. Edward, I will send you the AIM report information, but I also hope that you can keep your promise." .”

"Of course." Edward said with a smile.

Ten minutes later, the registration information about the human experiments conducted by Killian was sent to Edward's mailbox.

He randomly clicked on a file, which showed Killian's description of the Extremis virus.

And an analytical pattern of the brain, which depicts a diagram of the network neurons of the brain. Some parts are marked with special colors, which should be the working mechanism of the Extremis virus.

After Edward looked at it for a while, he packaged the information and sent it to Sean at the T virus research and development base, asking him to have a look at the relevant information of these viruses and see if it would be of any help to the research of the T virus.

"In addition, see if you can imitate this virus agent." Edward typed at the end of the email: "If you can, this will be a great help to us. We need this virus now."

After dealing with this matter, Edward turned off the computer.

He rubbed his swollen head, he kept spinning, and felt a little tired after working for so long.

He decided to take a walk outside, so he called King Ada.

Ask her to follow him to the orphanage on Golden Avenue to see how the work is going there.

After an assessment by the FBI staff some time ago, the staff of the American Children's Protection Association had left, which made Edward breathe a sigh of relief.

Anthony, the current dean of the orphanage, also started to restart the plan after they left, looking for gifted children with potential.

Riding a black Mercedes-Benz, I came to the Golden Avenue Children's Welfare Institute.

Edward didn't inform anyone this time, and it was still a private visit via Weibo.

The vehicle was parked on the side of the road, and Edward wore a hat and a mask to cover up his face.King Ada beside him changed his hairstyle, and under the cover of makeup, he couldn't see his original appearance.

The two walked in together.The sculpture at the entrance of the orphanage had already been removed in response to Edward's original request. Now that Edward walked in, it was much more natural.

PS: Thanks to "Rabbits Must Be Dogs", "Silly Mo'an", "czjtzhy", "Book Friends 20190203122203649" for their rewards again!

(End of this chapter)

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