Chapter 76 Weapon Names
The sudden burst of intense electric current startled Justin.

He hid back for a while, because he drank too much wine just now, and now he almost fell down.

Ivan smiled: "Mr. Justin, let me demonstrate its power to you now!"

After speaking, Ivan turned off the switch of the whip, and then put on the whole whip device in front of the two of them.

He walked to a pile of waste beside him, and pressed the power switch in his hand.

The sound of electric current hummed, and the blue-purple current lingered on the two wires again.

Ivan walked to a few steel plates, raised his hands high, and whipped them hard towards the steel plates.

With a loud noise, under the high temperature of the light whip current, the steel plate was instantly cut into two halves.

Ivan didn't stop, he walked a few steps quickly, jumped up suddenly, and swung two whips towards the wall in front of him.

There was another booming sound, and amidst the dust that exploded, the wall fell down in response.

In the middle part, there are two broken marks made by the light whip.

The nearly half-meter-thick steel and concrete wall was crushed by the blow of the whip.

The applause sounded, and Justin exclaimed: "Amazing! This weapon is too powerful!"

He was full of praise to Edward: "Director Edward, I really don't know where you got so many talents, I really envy you!"

Edward smiled and said, "Mr. Justin, these are just trifles. As long as we continue to cooperate, you will see more new weapons."

While the two were talking, Ivan had already taken off the whip device on his body and walked over.

"The reason why the whip is so powerful is because there is this ark reactor in the middle, which can provide enough energy." Ivan explained.

"This reaction furnace is the core. The two light whips of the whip device are just the rational use of this energy. Under the guidance of the two wires, this densely vented energy will generate a very high temperature. , plus lightning is a very aggressive way of energy existence, that's why it looks so powerful."

Justin nodded repeatedly to show that he understood, to show his erudition.

He suddenly asked: "By the way, both of you, does this weapon have a name?"

Edward wondered: "Huh? We've been saying it all the time, the name of this weapon is the whip."

"Oh, sir, this is such a terrible name, can this be called a name?!" Justin shook his head frantically.

"Why don't you just let me rename this weapon, um... let me see... how about we call it 'ex-husband', what do you guys think? Oh my god, that sounds like a good name, It still smells of nostalgia, doesn’t it?” Justin felt very good about himself: “After all, we are all people who like to miss the past. This is really a good name, and I believe people in the military will also like it very much. The name."

Edward: "..."

Ivan: "..."



Under the cooperation of multiple parties, Stark Industries is now unable to impose economic sanctions on the umbrella company.

The original economic blockade has naturally become a joke now, and it is self-defeating.Umbrella's business operations are back on track.

Among Umbrella's management, the impression of Edward is also changing.

At least this time, Edward was in charge of solving the Stark Industries crisis.The results shown now are also very impressive. The size of Umbrella has not only returned to its original level, but has even gone one step further. Taking advantage of the current sluggish market of Stark Industries, it reverse acquired some of its business departments.

The leaders and employees in the company no longer regard Edward as a stupid and incompetent leader.

Seeing this situation, Sherlock, as the old butler of the Ashford family, was naturally very happy and relieved.

The old dude who only thought about drinking and having fun all day long is no longer there.Now that he has become a shrewd and capable heir to the family, Sherlock feels that he can finally have an explanation for the old patriarch who passed away.



Umbrella headquarters, high-level conference room.

Umbrella's current Big Three sat inside, and two of them were silent, just quietly looking at the financial statements in their hands.

"How about it, two, I said that I will solve the problem of Stark Industries' encirclement and suppression?" Edward said coldly, lying on his back on the chair.



Dr. Isaac coughed: "Hey, our chairman has suddenly become enlightened? It's rare, it's really rare."

Alicia curled her lips: "Okay, this incident can barely be regarded as your credit. But I still hope that you can continue to maintain it."

Next, the three of them discussed some things that Umbrella Company had encountered during this period, and the distribution of benefits in the future.

Although Edward didn't know anything about these things in the company before he traveled, he relied on the memories left by the original owner of this body in his mind and Sherlock's careful cultivation during this period of time.

Edward is no longer as dull as before when talking with the two of them.

"Also, there is one thing I need to mention." At the end of the meeting, Alicia suddenly said.

She looked at Edward with suspicion in her eyes: "Director Edward, your staff in Raccoon City are not very honest these days."

"Oh?" Edward pretended to be surprised, and asked, "What's the matter, did something happen?"

"Hiss—" Alicia frowned, as if she didn't know what to say.

In fact, she was just speculating about this matter, and she didn't know the details of what was reported by her subordinates.

She hesitated and said: "Director Edward, you should know about the escape of the clone at that time, right?"

"You're talking about your clones, right? I know, what's wrong?" Edward pretended to be innocent, and asked in great confusion, "Did something happen to them?"

"According to the information I got, the escape of the experimental subject at that time seems to have something to do with your people?" Alicia asked suspiciously: "If it wasn't for your staff to respond inside, how could this experimental subject escape from the ground?" Escaped from the hive?"

"You know how closely the monitoring of the underground hive is. If it wasn't for the support inside, I really can't think of how an unarmed woman can escape from this cage."

"Besides, I recently discovered that your hands have started to move frequently in the underground hive again. What are you trying to do?" Alicia stared into Edward's eyes.

PS: Thanks for the tip from "Unnamed Wuxing" and "Rabbits must be carried by dogs", thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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