The Umbrella Company of Marvel World

Chapter 69 The Paranoid Hero

Chapter 69 The Paranoid Hero

"Pepper, do you know how many times I have faced strange looks from others since I became Iron Man?" Tony squatted next to Pepper's chair, holding her hand and said.

He knew what kind of person Pepper was usually. He was calm and alert, and could always handle various affairs properly. He was a very competent secretary and won his trust.But maybe it was because she was too worried about herself, that's why she lost her former calmness and rationality today.

Tony raised his head and looked into her eyes: "In the eyes of those people, there is jealousy, greed, and fear... Well, although I have experienced this kind of gaze in the past, I am a little different now. I am Iron Man, I am no longer the lackluster arms dealer of the past, I am not the same as I used to be."

"But, Tony, what does this have to do with your illness?" Pepper cried, "Why did you make yourself like this? You go to the hospital and remove this damn reactor on your chest?" okay?"

Tony shook his head: "No, I can't remove it, at least not yet."

"Why?" Pepper didn't understand.

Tony was silent for a while, as if hesitating to say something.He finally said it.

Tony's expression became a little lonely, he shook his head and laughed at himself: "Pepper, do you remember what I said at the press conference before?"

"I will no longer engage in munitions production, nor will I develop munitions and weapons used to kill people. Stark Industries will shut down the munitions department forever. Although this process is a bit long, after all, Stark Industries is not the only one who has the final say Yes, but I have been working hard, and now Stark Industries has hardly sold any weapons."

When Tony said this, he was a little at a loss.

Perhaps it is only with Pepper that he will reveal his weakness and put away his publicity and rebelliousness that he has revealed to the outside world.

"Then you..." Pepper was about to say something, but was interrupted slightly by Tony.

"Pepper, do you know what is the hottest existence among those greedy eyes I met?" Tony sneered and said, "That is the US Department of Homeland Security."

"They... no, it should be said that they are all outsiders. They always think that the mark armor I developed is a weapon, which is used to kill people and win the war. But in fact it is not the case at all! "

"Why did I develop this armor in the first place? What was the reason? It was because when I was in the Middle East, I was kidnapped by a group of terrorists there. In order to survive and escape, I had no choice but to create the first A suit of Iron Man armor."

"But no one in the world will care about the original reason for the birth of this armor. They only value the result. After this armor was exposed to the public's sight, many, many people smelled the business opportunities of arms. .”

"In their opinion, this kind of battle armor is perfect for making weapons. It has rough skin and thick flesh, and is quick to move. If it is equipped with high-power weapons, the lethality will be even more amazing."

"So this kind of battle armor was followed by the Ministry of National Defense. They wanted to snatch all the battle armor from me immediately and transform them into military weapons for their own use. But if everything goes back to the starting point, who will remember it?" What about the sentence I said at the beginning? I, Tony Stark, will no longer develop arms and weapons, weapons for killing people."

Pepper was shocked by Tony's words.

She covered her mouth, not daring to speak: "Tony, never told me this..."

Tony sighed and said, "I didn't tell you because I was afraid you would worry."

"Pepper, in fact, until now, occasionally in my sleep, I still recall what happened in the Middle East. If it wasn't for that doctor, I would have died a long time ago. But you know, the one who saved me Doctor, he ran out with a submachine gun in order to buy me enough time to start the machine, and finally died under the guns of terrorists. It was his death that made me think about my arms business is it right or not."

Tony knocked on the Ark reactor in his chest, and made a crisp knocking sound: "What's more, I was going to wear this thing on my chest, and it was also killed by a weapon I developed by myself. I was almost killed by a weapon developed by my company. The weapon was blown to death, and it was also harmed by this weapon to the point where it is now."

"But Tony, you, why can't you replace this thing on your chest?" Pepper wiped away tears, pointed to the Ark reactor on Tony's chest, and asked, "With your technology, can you still replace it?" Can’t you replace the thing on the chest and use other elements to provide energy? Do you have to use palladium?”

"That's exactly what I'm trying to do." Tony smiled helplessly: "But I can't find a suitable element, and I can't help it. If other elements are used, the power of the ark reactor will not be able to Speaking of how high it is now, I can't use the Mark Armor anymore."

"You can put the reactor inside the steel suit." Pepper suggested: "Then use other energy cells on your chest to provide energy. Or, you can go directly to the hospital to dispose of all the remaining shrapnel Take them all out, relying on the current medical methods, it is possible to do this. I know a very good surgeon, he will definitely be able to..."

Tony shook his head slowly: "Pepper, the core technology of the steel armor lies in the reactor, and the armor without the reactor is as harmless as scrap iron. But if I put the reactor outside, then the Mark armor will not Is it available to everyone? So how do I explain to the outside world that this is not a weapon?"

"I said that I don't want to develop weapons anymore. As long as I am still in the steel armor, I can control the armor by myself, and rely on the reactor body embedded in my body to power my armor, then I am Iron Man, Iron Man can only be me. Iron Man will always be a hero, not a weapon that will not fall into the hands of terrorists."

"But if I put the reactor outside into the Mark Armor, then anyone can wear this armor and become Iron Man. Iron Man is no longer Iron Man, it's just a weapon, and I made it myself The strongest murder weapon ever made."

Tony laughed at himself: "Isn't this ironic? I said that I would no longer develop weapons, but instead made the strongest weapons. Ha, this is really interesting."

PS: There are a lot of people complaining about this chapter, so let me explain it (according to the summary of many film reviews, and a little personal opinion), Tony does not dismantle the palladium element reactor, and does not install an external reactor, not because it cannot be done (a few shrapnel in the area, based on Tony’s technical means can’t be removed? Then why did he have surgery to remove it in Iron Man 3?) This is just a symbolic question.

Tony said in Iron Man 1 that he will no longer produce weapons for killing people.Is Iron Man a weapon?doesn't count.As long as Tony is in the steel suit, controls the suit himself, and charges his body, then Iron Man is a hero, not a weapon, and will not fall into the hands of bad guys.When the reporter asked Tony why he made Iron Man such an evil weapon, Tony could answer confidently: "I didn't make a weapon, I just made myself a hero, and a hero is not a weapon. Look at the lamp on my chest, it Big and round."

Before his death, Tony's uncle mocked Tony: "I clearly said that I don't make weapons, but I also made this ultimate murderer. I want to be a bitch and want to set up a torii". Therefore, in order not to be a bitch, Tony is determined not to install an external reactor.After all, strictly speaking, a battle suit without a reactor is not considered a weapon (it was said in Iron Man 1 that the core part of the suit is actually a reactor), and Tony argued in the same way at the beginning of Iron Man 2: "This is a high-tech watch. Bones, not weapons, only me (powered by flesh, personally controlling the suit) is Iron Man."

This kind of emotion is very complicated. On the one hand, after the external energy source is installed, the steel suit is a murder weapon in any sense, and there is no way to quibble. Then Tony wants to be a bitch and also wants to set up a memorial archway, disband the weapons department, the World Expo, and benefit the world. The words of human beings and so on become lies. (Iron Man 1).On the other hand, if external energy is installed, then Tony is no longer the unique Iron Man. The iron suit is just a weapon, and he is no different from a pretender with a gun. (This is the main content of the first half of Iron Man 2)

As for the battle armor on the later Colonel Roddy, it was left to him by Tony. Why did he leave it to him?Because the reactor had already been cracked by the outside world at this time, and Ivan took two big whips to the racetrack to kill him. He wouldn't naively think that he was the only one who could make the reactor, would he?The Patriot Armor (of course it’s not called this name at this time) can be given to the military, it doesn’t matter, the government has to have the bad guys.

Then in the next few movies, why did Tony install an external reactor?That's because there's no need for secrecy anymore.What level did the entire earth technology enter at that time?Spaceships are flying all over the sky, alien technology sucks (Avengers 1 and Avengers 2 are enough proof), and the reactors of the last century are not eye-catching. Tony doesn’t need to hold on to such an obsession.

In fact, Iron Man 1 and 2 are Marvel's pioneering works, and they are handled very carefully. They are also the two most complete and logical worldviews.The way the government handles Iron Man, the public's reaction, etc., etc., this series of operations has no sense of disobedience in Iron Man 1 and Iron Man 2.

But the subsequent movies will not work. At any rate, Iron Man can be imagined by our current technology, and it is difficult for Protoss to have a sense of substitution.It is estimated that later Marvel also found that no one cares about his well-designed script (like this chapter, the readers who complained even said that I have never seen the movie at all), and the audience prefers to watch fighting and special effects, so they naturally I don't bother to make up the plot anymore, because no one cares about it anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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