Chapter 65 Hulk Potion

When Edward saw General Ross in the room, he looked a bit decadent.

The "hate" incident that happened in the New York neighborhood that year hit him hard.

He wanted to create a super soldier, but in the end he accidentally created a monster, which made him very frustrated, and has been criticized by many people in the military.

Therefore, his behavior has become very low-key, and he almost no longer appears in the public eye.

Edward did not expect that he would take the initiative to ask to see him.

"Hello, General Ross." After he walked in, Edward stood up and offered him his hand.

General Ross reached out to shake back his hand and nodded.The two exchanged pleasantries.

Afterwards, General Ross looked around, sighed suddenly, and said to Edward, "Your Excellency, I won't talk nonsense. I'm here this time, and I hope you can tell me in detail... those biochemical weapons things."

"Oh? Does General Ross know about these things?" Edward asked knowingly, pretending to be surprised.

"My friend in the military told me that he saw the video of those biochemical weapons at the meeting today." General Ross replied: "To be honest, I also felt shocked after watching those videos. Those biochemical orangutans The results look good, and I think it should be an opportunity."

"Opportunity? Uh, general, can you tell me what you think?" Edward asked, "What does the general think?"

General Ross' expression became embarrassed, and he hesitated for a moment, very hesitant.

In the end, it seemed that he had made up his mind, and said in a bleak voice: "To be honest, Mr. Edward, anyway, this is not a secret."

"You should have heard, what stupid things did I do back then?"

"The general means, that green monster?" Edward tried to ask.

"That's right, it's him." General Ross nodded, gritted his teeth and said, "It's that monster that ruined my future!"

"After that disaster, I was stripped of all my military powers, and I was almost expelled from the military. If the former Secretary of State hadn't interceded for me, I would be squatting in prison now."

General Ross cursed: "That damned soldier, he insisted on me injecting him with the Hulk potion, but ended up entrapping me! I didn't expect him to become an abomination in the end, damn it!"

"Oh, General, this sounds like really unfortunate news." Edward said "sentimentally", "General Ross, I express my regret." Although he knew that General Ross was just trying to excuse himself.

"It's over, it's all over." General Ross shook his head and sighed: "What I have to do now is to try to make up for my mistakes."

"So——" General Ross changed the subject and looked up at Edward: "I will only come to you today, Mr. Edward, I really need the research materials on the T virus in your hands."

"Uh, general, what do you want to use it for?" Edward asked cautiously: "Does the general want to use reproduce a monster?"

"General, you should understand how dangerous the T virus is. The previous tragedy in the lakeside town is an example. Do you want to use it to create a new batch of monsters?"

"No, that's not the case." General Ross immediately denied.

"I want the research data of these T-virus agents just to create a new batch of superpowers!" General Ross vowed: "As long as I can create a new batch of superheroes, those I committed in the past will be destroyed." What is a mistake? Can't I return to my original position in the end?!"

"Oh, well, I see." Edward nodded.

As expected, General Ross was still thinking about super soldiers.

Because of the "hate" incident, the plan of super soldiers in the United States was abolished.But looking at it now, General Ross is still ruthless and wants to keep trying.

Edward thought for a while and said, "General, your proposal is not impossible. In fact, personally, I also support your plan very much, General."

"But—" Edward's expression suddenly became serious, he sat up straight from his chair, stared at General Ross, and said: "General, you also know that our umbrella company has been conducting research on the T virus for decades. During this period, countless manpower and material resources were spent, and countless pharmaceutical materials were wasted, and only then have the few experimental data now been obtained."

"But now the general wants to take these experimental data from the umbrella company with such a simple sentence, I'm afraid it's not very appropriate?" Edward was very embarrassed.

"Even if I agree, will the other high-level executives in the company agree? They won't do these loss-making transactions. After all, Umbrella Company is not my word, and I still want to convince everyone, General Ross."

Hearing these words, General Ross fell silent.

He sighed and said, "Well, I'm actually mentally prepared for this. After all, my request is too outrageous. Then, Mr. Edward, what do you... want in return?"

General Ross looked into Edward's eyes and asked, "What kind of remuneration do I have to offer before you are willing to give me information about the T virus? Don't say it's impossible, I don't think Mr. Edward is the kind of stubborn person." .If you say you don’t want it, it must be that the price I offered was not high enough.”

"Haha..." Edward smiled: "It seems that General Ross has done his homework for me."

"Then, let me just say it straight, General Ross, I want the Hulk potion." Edward said the answer he had already prepared.

In fact, after learning that General Ross was coming to visit him, Edward already had this idea in his heart.He has always wanted to get Hulk's blood and use it for research, but he never had the chance, and now the chance finally came.

General Ross, with the help of the Hulk, captured the abomination and put him in prison.Edward believed that after General Ross put the hatred in prison, he would not let it go.It's hard to say what experiment he conducted on the body of the abomination.

And when General Ross sent the army to arrest Hulk before, he also seized a large amount of diluted Hulk blood from the professor of Greyburn College.Edward didn't think that General Ross would obey the orders of the high-level army to really destroy the Hulk blood.

"..." General Ross frowned: "Mr. Edward, why did you think of asking for these things?"

Edward shrugged his shoulders: "General Ross, Umbrella is a biotechnology company. Is it normal for us to want some weird blood and reagents?"

Edward said very easily: "General Ross, don't worry, we won't use this blood to do bad things, we just want to study the relevant characteristics of Hulk cells. For the development of science."

PS: Thank you for the reward from "Eternal Sleep of Pines and Cypresses", the reward from "Warhammer Brotherhood", the large reward from "Ying Fu Che", and the reward from "The Promise of 20 Lies" and "Book Friends 20190203122203649".There are too many rewards, it’s embarrassing not to explode
(End of this chapter)

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