The Umbrella Company of Marvel World

Chapter 54 The Heart of Vengeance

Chapter 54 The Heart of Vengeance
The room was silent, only Tony's voice echoed in the TV.

Anton Vanke stared straight at the TV with Tony's vigorous expression.Afterwards, he lowered his head in pain and closed his eyes, as if this scene reminded him of his miserable past, that period of incomparably dark days.

"Don't read it, just close it." Ivan Vanke said indifferently.

Edward signaled his subordinates to press the pause button on the TV.

Ivan Vanke supported his father and sat on the sofa beside him.

"Mr. Anton, I think this picture should be the last scene you want to see. The partner who used to work together, but finally betrayed himself, the prison for several years, the bitter cold in Siberia for 20 years, these It's all brought to you by Howard, the iron man's father."

Looking at Anton Vanke who was panting silently on the sofa, Edward said.

"You contributed to the invention of the reactor, but because of different ideas, he kicked you out of the company indifferently, leaving you in the current situation, destitute."

"Look at the environment around this house. Is it a garbage dump, a scrap yard, or a slum? Comparing it with the residence of Mr. Steel, there are completely two worlds. Mr. Anton, you should agree with this Have you ever felt angry?"

"What... do you want to do?" Anton Vanke interrupted Edward's words, raised his head and looked at Edward quietly.

"Cooperation!" Edward repeated his proposal just now: "I need you to help me deal with Stark Industries. I don't want to see this Mr. Steel always has such a smug expression."

"At the same time, I am also seeking justice for you. Skilled talents should not just be buried like this! Reactors are a new and clean energy technology, which should be popularized to the whole world, so that human beings all over the world can benefit from it. Instead of being so A haughty playboy hiding in his home, going to be his superhero, grandstanding."

Edward said righteously.

"You just said, are you the executive director of an umbrella company?" Ivan Vanke asked suddenly.

Edward nodded.

"I know this company. I remember that there is a branch of this company in Moscow, the capital of Russia. It seems to be engaged in things like biopharmaceuticals." Ivan Vanke said there to himself.

"I seem to have heard some news a while ago that Umbrella Corporation is in business competition with Stark Industries, right? Your company has many new product projects, which have been sued by them and are under investigation."

Edward did not deny it, he said directly: "Yes, you are right, we are indeed competing with Stark Industries and are in a state of commercial hostility."

"So, what you said just now, isn't it very hypocritical? You are just looking for someone to deal with Stark Industries, business competition." Ivan Vanke sneered, and sarcastically said: "What are you talking about? We, skilled talents should not be buried, and the emergence of new technologies should benefit the whole world, isn’t this very false?”

"Yes, you're right. I'm standing up and down again. After all, I'm a successful entrepreneur now, and I often need to say these similar things to maintain my tall image." Edward smiled.

"But, so what, we have common interests to gain, that's enough. I think boring things like personal qualities should never be taken care of by people like you, right? We all I don’t want Stark Industries to have smooth sailing, sir, this is enough.” Edward changed the subject and looked at the old fellow Anton.

"Besides, this old gentleman, his physical condition should not be very optimistic. Old gentleman, I think you should understand what I mean by this."

Hearing Edward's words, Anton Vanke's expression dimmed.Ivan Vanke frowned, and said displeasedly: "You bastard, don't get involved with my father, show some respect."

"No..." Anton Vanke raised his hand, signaling Ivan Vanke not to care, he sighed, and said, "Yes, my body is about to collapse, and I have been drinking for many years. A weak and sick body, dying."

"But Ivan, you are different, you are still young..." Looking at Ivan Vanke, Anton's eyes suddenly softened.

Although he has been drinking for many years, and when he was upset, he often did something to Ivan after drinking, but this is his son after all.He has accomplished nothing for many years, and the guilt of not helping Ivan is still deeply buried in his heart.

"I'm old, and I don't have to worry about everything in the past, but you can't be like me, so poor." Anton's fingers tremblingly pointed to the TV screen, pausing and stopping there. Tony's high-spirited photo: "Ivan, the person standing on this should be yours..."

Anton's voice trembled a little, and the emotions of many years seemed to surge out at this moment.

Anton suddenly turned his head, looked straight at Edward, and said, "You said, you will bring down Stark Industries, right?"

Edward shrugged: "I can't promise, it's difficult, I can only say that I will try my best. But to be honest, Tony has made trouble for Umbrella, and I have been unhappy with him for a long time."

"Okay!" Anton nodded emphatically: "I know what you want when you come here! I am afraid that this is the only thing that will let you, the boss of such a big company, come to my dilapidated house in person. !"

Edward's expression tightened, he knew what Anton meant.The "this thing" in Anton's words refers to the Ark reactor, a hot invention in the 21st century, the new energy core of Stark Industries, and the most important part of Iron Man.

"However, I have one more request, which is also the basis for my agreement to cooperate with you." Anton continued.

"Tell me." Edward's expression returned to normal.

"Ivan can't be like me, and the same thing happened to me. Didn't you say that you are the director of the umbrella company? I need Ivan to be able to enter the umbrella company and serve as the backbone of it!"

"..." Edward frowned suddenly, he didn't expect Anton to make such a request.

But this is also understandable. The two main inventors of the Ark reactor were Howard and Anton. Later, Anton was kicked by Howard, and he fell into this situation.Presumably, he was afraid that his son Ivan would also encounter such a thing, so he made such a request.

PS: Thanks to "Tianjing Shalan" for the three rewards, and "czjtzhy", "Pine and Cypress Eternal Sleep" and "Book Friends 161227022646527" for the rewards, I am very grateful! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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