The Umbrella Company of Marvel World

Chapter 30 Unfreezing the American Team Part 2

Chapter 30 Unfreezing the US Team II
After Sherlock left the room, Edward called King Ada again.

Similarly, he also took out a letter from the drawer and handed it to King Ada: "You give this letter to the leader of the Hydra organization. But the time is not now, but tonight. "

In this letter, Edward also wrote down the range of the US team's frozen location.

The Hydra organization has always wanted to obtain the serum of Captain America that was originally produced, but unfortunately, during World War II, all the original serums were damaged or lost.The person who made the serum, Dr. Erkins, was also shot and killed by the undercover Hydra organization at the scene when Steve's enhancement was completed.

Therefore, although the Hydra organization has now produced enhanced super soldiers like the Winter Soldier, the serum injected into their bodies is not the original version, and the effect is not as good as the serum in the US team.

If the Hydra organization learns that the US team is still alive, it must want to get this sample and copy the original serum.

The purpose of Edward writing this letter is to lead the Hydra organization to the Arctic Ocean.

S.H.I.E.L.D. or Hydra, it depends on who is more powerful on both sides, who can find the US team first, dig it out, or snatch it from the other party.

But no matter which of the two sides wins in the end, it will delay the time for Umbrella Corporation to concentrate on dealing with the economic blockade launched by Stark Industries against itself.

However, Edward also knows that the current S.H.I.E.L.D. has already been infiltrated by Hydra, which is why Edward insisted on handing over the letter to Nick Fury.

There are many members of the Hydra organization in the upper echelon of S.H.I.E.L.D. If Edward handed over the letter directly to the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., it is very likely that this information will be exposed, and his subsequent plans will be meaningless.

"Boss, I'm going to deliver the letter. Is it okay for you alone?" King Ada took the letter and asked Edward, "Didn't you say that I am in charge of your security? If I leave, what if someone comes to assassinate you? "

"It's okay. I won't leave the industrial park for the time being. There should be no problem. Of course, after you complete this task, you should come back as soon as possible."

Seeing the reluctance on Ada Wang's face, Edward said helplessly: "Miss Ada Wang, you also have a part-time job occasionally, don't be so reluctant."

"No... I just don't feel very comfortable with Hydra..." King Ada said in a displeased tone.

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Uh, maybe it's because I saw those Winter Soldier." The expression on King Ada's face was a bit complicated: "Hydra used mind control to transform those soldiers into puppets and into murderers. Machines don’t even have a mind of their own. For this kind of thing, I really don’t like them.”

"Boss, maybe it's because you haven't been to the battlefield in person, so you can't understand this feeling. I have been working as a spy for so many years, and I have come into contact with many colleagues, and some of them have encountered such things. The whole person has been transformed into a killing machine by the terrorist organization, with rigid thinking and numb action, and will always be like a slave."

Edward raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Miss Ida Wang, are you afraid that they will do this to you? No, the Hydra organization has no motive to attack Umbrella at all. They have no Reasons to hurt the people of Umbrella Corporation. After all, we just worked together before."

"However, if you don't want to go, I can send someone else to go." Edward smiled: "You should stay by my side, Miss Bodyguard, I will send someone else to do this."

"Hmph, that's not enough, boss." Ada Wang shook his head: "I'm not so timid, I was one of the top agents in the organization before anyway. This thing can't scare me .”

After speaking, as if afraid of Edward's repentance, King Ada immediately left the room with the letter without looking back.

Edward: "..."



In the afternoon, Edward got a piece of news. Alice seemed to have finally stabilized her emotions and asked to see Edward.

Edward was naturally happy before it was too late. He immediately put down his work and came to Alice's residence in the industrial park (the residence Sherlock had arranged for her in the industrial park earlier).

After coming into the house, Edward found a random place to sit down. Alice's mental state is much better now than a few days ago, and her appearance and appearance are very tidy.

"Boss, what exactly is the cooperation you mentioned earlier?" Alice asked Edward, "What do you need me to do?"

"Uh... Let me ask you a question first, Miss Alice, what kind of identity do you think you want most now." Edward asked back.

"What kind of identity?" Alice was stunned for a moment: "Aren't I a clone of the top executives of the umbrella company? What kind of identity do I have?"

"No, I don't mean that." Edward shook his head and said: "I mean, if this kind of thing didn't happen to you, you are a complete, normal person. You most hope that you What is your personal identity like?"

"For example, what is your current occupation, for example, what kind of family do you have, for example, what kind of job do you do, what is your favorite hobby, etc..." Seeing that Alice had no idea , Edward tried to remind: "These are your identities, what do you most hope for yourself?"

"No, I don't know..." Alice replied blankly: "I have never thought about this. Before I was brought back by you, I was still wondering why I didn't have a hobby or something. I found a job at the Hive Research Base."

"Looking at it now, it's all because I'm just a clone. The choice of this profession is what they have already arranged for me, including the memory. It's all fake, and it's not me. I'm just a The guy who shouldn't exist..." Alice said very sadly.

"Ahem..." Edward felt a bit of a headache, and he quickly interrupted Alice's memory: "Miss Alice, I know that it is a very, very unfortunate thing to have experienced such a thing."

"However, since things have already happened now, I think we should look forward, right? Don't recall this past that will destroy people's will, forget them all."

"Come on, let's talk about it, even if it's not a hobby, just feel some interest, feel happy about doing this thing, or have a feeling of joy at that time, have you ever had such a moment?"

(End of this chapter)

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