The Umbrella Company of Marvel World

Chapter 20 The Mysterious Caravan

Chapter 20 The Mysterious Caravan

"If you need any other special weapons, you can ask the firearms engineer here to order them."

"Do you have that thing here?" King Ada suddenly remembered something: "It's that robot-like guy who can fly around in the sky in Stark Tower."

Edward was a little dumbfounded: "Are you talking about the Mark armor on Iron Man? This Umbrella company really doesn't have it yet. The technology content of this thing is too high. Although we also involve the military industry, after all, the two companies It’s going in a different direction.”

"If you want to grow a few wings on your back, then we can still do it."

"Then what if he comes to kill you?" King Ada pointed the pistol at his head, then pressed the trigger in the void, making an assassination move for Edward.

"That's impossible." Edward resolutely vetoed: "Let's not talk about whether the competitive relationship between us has deteriorated to that point, even if he really wants to kill me, he will not openly drive that set of iron guys Come here, the pressure of public opinion caused by this is too great."

"Besides, in the end, if the fish is dead and the net is broken, some of Umbrella's secret weapons can also be shown. Maybe you will see giant insects as big as a building in the future, and they can also eject magma, which is not necessarily the case."

After Edward and King Ada came out of the equipment warehouse, they separated.

King Ada heads to the center of the training ground to get used to his new weapons and uniform.

Edward then went to the headquarters of the security force to inform them of King Ada's order to be the captain of the patrol team in the industrial park.

"Boss, is this too sudden?" After hearing this order, many soldiers in the Security Force Headquarters were dissatisfied: "Let a woman we have never seen before be our captain, she is qualified for this task." Working?"

"I don't think she will let you down." Edward explained: "According to the investigation data, she has completed many latent tasks independently in the past, and all of them were successfully completed in the end. If any of you have the same If you have the strength, you can volunteer, and I will transfer the position of captain to you."

It can be seen that although Edward appointed King Ada as the captain of the guard force, many people were not convinced.

But this is out of Edward's control. Being able to subdue his subordinates is in itself the most important thing for a person in power to do.

Edward believed she could do it.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you can't do it in the end, the big deal is to change people at that time.

It's just because there are not many talents that Edward can use at present, so he has to use more than one person.

At night, a group of mysterious large trucks drove into the industrial park.

The outside of these large trucks are all wrapped in leather, and the outermost is covered with a green rope blanket for shelter.There is also a shock absorber inside to reduce the sound coming out of it.

Everything in the truck is alive.

These living animals are monkeys and wild orangutans purchased by Umbrella Company from Southeast Asia, South America, Africa, northern Sumatra and Madagascar under the order of Edward.

The development of the T virus is still in progress. Although Edward has not released the ban on their human experiments, but in order to enhance the power of biochemical weapons as much as possible, Edward asked them to transfer their targets to apes to simulate Human enhancement.

Then, on this basis, wait until the experimental data and process are mature, and then gradually shift to the direction of strengthening humans.

"Boss, if you do this, the experimental data will vary greatly, and the final experimental results will not be good." William Birken looked at the cages of wild monkeys and wild orangutans in the truck, and said solemnly to Edward. .

"Actually, it's nothing. Anyway, we've been doing this for a long time. It doesn't matter if there is a human body or not." Sean looked very optimistic.

"Now is an extraordinary time, so you can make do with it first. Maybe I will lift this ban in the future, but not yet." Edward replied to William Birken: "I am also for insurance purposes."

"However, other people in the company are conducting this kind of human experiment." William Birken didn't understand: "Besides, the mother of the G virus extracted from the Acre Institute is also a little girl. Human experimentation, it doesn't make sense at all."

"I will destroy that mother body in the future, so that no one in the world will see her again." Edward said coldly, "In addition, regarding the production of the G virus, absolute secrecy must also be guaranteed."

"Dr. William, no matter what the two interest groups Isaac and Alicia do, we must ensure that our team is 'pure' enough. Only in this way, when we really encounter a crisis in the future, we will not let the umbrella The company is at a point of no return."

Seeing the still incomprehensible look in William Birken's eyes, Edward couldn't say anything more.They are limited by the current information, and they don't know that there are many hidden superpowers in this world.

The monks in Kama Taj, the Ancient One mage, Wakanda in eastern Africa, and even the protoss and aliens outside the earth.Before the umbrella company can cover the sky with one hand, survival is the most important purpose.

Otherwise, once the news of the T virus acting on the human body is exposed, as well as the developed tyrants, lickers, leech queens, and trackers, Umbrella Corporation will become the enemy of the entire world.It will be wiped out by the world for crimes against humanity.

At present, the strength of the umbrella company is not strong enough, and there is no certainty of victory in the face of those superheroes.

So, before that, in short, two words, be tough!
When the soldiers transported the boxes of wild orangutans and monkeys to the T virus research and development center below the reservoir, Edward called Sean.

"Master, what's the matter?" Sean asked.

"Sean, there may be more and more people in the industrial park in the future. Therefore, the security of the T-Virus R&D Center must be more careful. The authority and security level of the T-Virus R&D Center should be raised to another level, except for me, Except for Sherlock, you and Dr. William, no one is allowed to freely enter and leave the T-Virus Research and Development Center."

After thinking for a while, Edward added: "Also, my newly appointed bodyguard, Miss Ida Wang, she is also forbidden to enter. It is too early to let her touch these things, and the time is too late."

(End of this chapter)

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