The Umbrella Company of Marvel World

Chapter 18 Welcome to the Umbrella Family

Chapter 18 Welcome to the Umbrella Family
After settling William Birken in the industrial park, Edward came to the security processing center.

He gathered his men, formed a special attack team, and told them to go to Raccoon City and bring William Birken's family here.

After arranging this task, Edward asked them to act immediately, and it must be fast.

"Understood! The members of the team saluted Edward.

Under the leadership of the captain, they quickly put on their equipment and entered the Apache helicopter parked in the industrial park.

Amidst the huge roar, the helicopter slowly lifted into the air, and Edward took a few steps back as the strong air flow blew it.

Watching the team ascend to the sky in a helicopter, head towards the direction of Raccoon City, and finally disappear into the sky, Edward turned and returned to his room.

This time, along with William Birken, a newly developed product from the underground beehive of Raccoon City, the Starscream Controller, was sent over.

After William Birken got out of the car earlier, the two soldiers who escorted him handed over the box containing the Starscream controller to Edward.

But because Edward was busy with William Birken at the time, he asked them to put the Starscream controller in their room first.

Now back in the room, Edward was able to take a closer look at the so-called Starscream controller.

The Starscream controller is a will control system developed by researchers with the help of the "Red Queen" system.

Its overall structure is in the shape of a spider. It is equipped with a short-headed syringe on the edge of the abdomen. When the Starscream controller is attached to the chest of a person, it can use this finely made syringe to inject targeted blood vessels into the human body. drug.

Targeted drugs respond to certain special signal fluctuations. The controller uses a remote computer to allow the core processor inside the Starscream controller to send out a uniquely modulated variable frequency signal. Under the stimulation of the signal, the drug passes through the blood circulation Concentrate on the brain to reduce people's will to resist.So as to achieve the purpose of controlling people.

Edward weighed the Starscream controller, it was quite heavy.But because it is not activated yet, there is no response at all.

The Starscream controller was developed with the help of the "Red Queen" system, and the Red Queen system was in charge of the three senior executives of the Umbrella Company, so the Starscream controller had no effect on the several senior executives of the Umbrella Company.

Because the controller cannot bypass the prohibition of "not to harm the internal employees of the umbrella company" of the Red Queen system to manipulate humans through remote computers.

Even if they forcibly send mission instructions, the Red Queen system will reject the request after identifying the target.

This is the moat measure that the designer made when developing the Starscream controller, in order to prevent the Starscream controller from being used by others to harm the umbrella company.

Edward vaguely remembered the scene of Jill, who was held hostage by the Starscream controller, fighting Alice to the death in Resident Evil.Later, it was Alice who took advantage of the chaos and took off the Starscream controller on Jill's chest, which made Jill restore himself.

"I don't know how effective this thing is," Edward muttered, putting it back in the box.

In the afternoon, Edward received an unexpected message.

It was the leader who had been sent to follow Ada Wang before, and sent a message saying that Ada Wang was going to accept the employment of the Umbrella Company.

Edward was extremely surprised, why did this icy beauty suddenly agree to his request?

Edward asked the leader: "What's going on? Did something happen when you were following her?"

"Uh..." the leader didn't seem to know how to explain this matter: "After Ada Wang left the industrial park, we have been following her. During the period, she tried to sneak across the coast several times, but we secretly sabotaged them." .”

"But yesterday, she made a phone call with someone who she didn't know, and had a big fight with the person on the other end of the phone. She looked extremely angry. In the evening, she was hungover in a pub all night. Then This morning, she came to us and said she agreed to accept employment from Umbrella."

Edward was speechless: "Do you know who she is calling?"

"This is not very clear, but we can determine that the source of the signal is located in a city in Asia through the signal location." The leader hesitated, and then said: "We guessed, Miss Ada Wang may want to She tried to seek help from members of her organization, but failed. This we can infer from the few words she quarreled with the other party."

"Obviously, this should be Lord Sherlock's bribery. Although it cost a lot of money, it managed to cut off all the past relationships of King Ada in that organization."

Hearing what the leader said, Edward nodded.After all, the professional identity of a commercial espionage, the friends around him are not very safe.

Both of them know that the other is wearing a hypocritical mask, so it's not surprising that they turned their faces for money now.

However, no matter what, it seemed that this person could be brought under his command.Edward asked the leader, "Where is King Ada now?"

"She's rushing over there, and she should be in the high-tech zone soon. She may go directly to the industrial park to find you."

"Okay, I understand." Edward hung up the phone and began to prepare for King Ada's arrival.

Ten minutes later, the guard at the gate of the industrial park told Edward that a young woman had come to look for him.

Edward could see through the monitor that it was Miss Ida Wang who came.

"Let go, let her in." Edward gave the order.

After a few minutes, the door of Edward's room was pushed open, and King Ada walked in.

She smelled of alcohol all over her body.After entering the room, she directly found a chair and sat down.Leaning back in the chair, I sank myself in.

"Hello, Miss Ida Wang, we meet again." Edward smiled and reached out to her, wanting to shake hands.

King Ada didn't reach out, and put Edward aside: "Your Excellency, you are really amazing, you can do this for a small agent like me."

"Oh, one billion is really a big deal, a big deal." Ada Wang carefully and repeatedly savored this number.

"This amount of money is higher than the bounty of all my past missions combined. Your Excellency, do you understand that with this amount of money, you can hire ten spies who are more powerful than me in the organization. Why do you just stare at me?" fucked me?"

"It's not important, Miss Ida Wang." Edward shook his head and said, "I heard that you are willing to accept our employment, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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