Chapter 82
Naruto's figure appeared at the place where Hinata and Neji were about to clash. He easily grabbed the palm of Neji's attack, and then slammed it against the wall behind him.

Then he wrapped Hinata's waist with one hand, and also broke up Hinata's offensive.

"Stop it, Neji.

I admit defeat for Hinata. "

Seeing Neji who was rushing towards him again after his feet unloaded on the wall, Naruto suddenly spoke.

This made the sprinting guy stop, but the anger on his face remained undiminished.

Soon, Ning Ci adjusted his posture again, and it seemed that he was about to attack again.

The way Naruto dealt with his attack easily just now made his heart tremble a little.

Even knowing that this battle does not belong to Naruto, Neji still wants to fight Naruto.

"I said, stop it.

If you want to challenge me, you will have a chance in the next official match. "

Seeing Ning Ci's eager action, Naruto frowned slightly.

Although he doesn't dislike Ning Ci, after all, the two share the same disease.

And because of his timely stop, Hinata was not really seriously injured.

But if this guy continues to be ignorant, Naruto doesn't mind avenging Hinata in advance.


Looking forward to meeting you in the official game. "

Neji is a calm guy after all.

Especially when Haifeng has come between him and Naruto.

"Then, in this match, Ningji Hinata wins."

Taking a deep look at Naruto, Hayate announced.

"Let's go, Hinata.

I remember I said it.

If you can't beat it, you admit defeat.

Your persistence almost made you really hurt. "

Naruto sighed, he also knew that the existence of ninjas, not to mention injuries, death is commonplace.

However, there will always be differences in treatment when it is about one's own people.

This is human nature.


Hinata just lowered her head, leaned her face gently on Naruto's shoulder, greedily enjoying Naruto's breath.

After Naruto brought Hinata back to the stands, the next battle began soon.


Locke Lee VS Sandfall Gaara! "

Haifeng quickly announced, but Naruto's expression froze.

This battle is not any different from the original time and space. Although Xiao Li's physical skills are really amazing, Gaara is indeed the ceiling of Naruto and the others during this period.

In addition to Naruto, even Sasuke and Neji, it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of Gaara at full strength.

Like the original time and space, Xiao Li was beaten to a disability by Gaara.

Naruto didn't do anything else. After all, Xiao Li was different from Hinata, and Naruto didn't have any feelings for him.

But today's Naruto's blood only flows on the surface, and his heart may not be much brighter than Sasuke.

After Kai rescued Xiao Li, it was time for the final qualifier.

Toss VS Choji!

The name of Six Paths Toss was like thunder in Naruto's previous life.

It has been used many times to tyrannize Heaven Payne.

Although Ding Ci's strength is indeed one of the best among the ninja.

But in the face of Liudao Toss, he still lost a round.

This guy became the only player in the music ninja who passed the qualifiers.

"Then, that's the end of the qualifiers.

cough cough...

The third round of the Zhongnin exam does not start now, but a month later.

Because it takes a lot of time for daimyo and powerful people from other countries to come to Konoha Ninja Village in the Land of Fire, the third exam will be held a month later.

cough cough...

During this time, the village will notify daimyo and ninja leaders from other countries.

Inform them of the start of the official game.

cough cough...

So, during this ample time.

It allows all of you candidates who have advanced to have time to analyze the opponent's information and intelligence, so as to strengthen your practice and make targeted training to deal with the opponents you may encounter.

cough cough...

And the rule of the third test is knockout.

However, it is not the guy who wins in the end as the passing test, but the examiners including Hokage, as well as Kazekage, daimyo and ninja leaders from all over the world watch together.

cough cough...

The examiners will evaluate the performance of the candidates, and if they think that they are qualified to become Chunin, even if they lose, they can be promoted to Chunin.

cough cough...

In other words, the third knockout match is not about winning or losing, but about your performance against the enemy!

So, work hard, everyone, I hope you can represent your country and fight as much as possible!
Cough cough cough......

Cough cough cough cough..."

As if knowing that this is the last time he will say so many words, Haifeng seems to have exhausted all his strength.

Almost died on the spot without coughing.

Naruto was a little worried about what Xiyan would rely on to solve her personal problems in the future.


The beautiful plant town is now being targeted by the terrible biochemical doctor George Edgar. He wants to study the existence of fighting plants to create more powerful evolutionary potions.

Now, the doctor of biochemistry came to this small town with the by-products of the evolution potion he studied - zombies.

All the townspeople have fled, except Crazy Dave.

Task: Help the plant town resist the attack of seven waves of zombies.

Reminder: One wave a day~
During the month of waiting for the start of the Chunin Exams, Naruto hadn't waited for Jiraiya's arrival, and the new world broke into Naruto's practice earlier.

"Plants vs. Zombies………"

Naruto couldn't help but twitched his mouth.

When it comes to Plants vs. Zombies, Naruto thinks of those words that often enter his head.

A big wave of zombies is coming...

Zombies will eat your brains!

In this world, if the gap with Naruto's previous life's game is not too big.

Then there must be a large number of zombies, such as football zombies, clown zombies, giant zombies, and even George Edgar, a doctor of biochemistry who is the ultimate boss of the world and drives a huge zombie robot...

Moreover, these zombies are just like that in the game, but in the real world, they will definitely be very scary.

And those plants, such as sunflowers, pea shooters, sun mushrooms, small puff mushrooms, nuts, potato mines...

Especially super plants like corn cannons must have unusual power.

Otherwise, it would not be enough to fight against the zombie army led by a doctor of biochemistry.

"Help Plant Town resist the seven-day zombie attack?
So after the task is completed, can I take both?

Zombie blood on the zombie side?
No, if it is swallowed by the devouring power of the greedy wolf and its essence is taken, it is more likely to be an evolutionary factor.

After all, the so-called zombies should only be the failure of the evolution potion, and the body must contain evolution factors.

After these zombies are eaten by greedy wolves, will the evolutionary factors fed back from them make my physique evolve?

For example, let my demon blood go further?
Let my vortex bloodline go one step further?
Or even go back to the ancestors and open the immortal body?

Or go a step further, directly with Datongmu's blood? "

For a moment, Naruto became a little excited.

 I lost [-] favorites in two days, I'm a little bit
(End of this chapter)

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