Chapter 8 Hostility
You bastard, let me out if you sleep again. "

Before he fell asleep completely, a roar like a lion's roar suddenly sounded from Shikamaru's ears, almost frightening him to excrete physiologically.


Yes Yes Yes! "

Suddenly awakened from sleep, Shikamaru suddenly stood up and shouted habitually.

Looks very skilled.


"Shikamaru is a lazy guy."

For a while, the students laughed in good faith.

The air is full of joy.

Naruto couldn't help but smile, Shikamaru is one of the few people who has never discriminated against himself.

Although Shikamaru is lazy, he is quite popular in the class.

"Okay, everyone, stop laughing and listen carefully to the class."

Teacher Iruka also showed a hidden smile on his face, and he said pretending to be serious.

Soon, the class fell silent.

Except for some little girls who were secretly watching and worried about Sasuke, and Hinata who was secretly watching Naruto, time was slowly passing by.

ding ding ding...

The school bell rang.

"Okay, students.

Go to the training ground and get ready.

In the next class, we will start the practical mock exam! "

Teacher Iruka said loudly, the students should be excited.

Every child thinks that they are unique when they are young. They always think that they are the most special one. It is not until they grow up that they realize that they are so ordinary.

Now, no one thinks that they will be eliminated before the graduation exam.


"A true ninja!

Not sure how powerful it would be. "

On the way to the training ground, Naruto heard some students say this more than once.

It's just that he graduated a few years earlier than us, and he is still a ninja, and his strength is probably the same.

I, Kojiro, will definitely be able to defeat them and become an excellent ninja. "

As if he heard a few little girls discussing quietly, a little boy with a pineapple head poked his head over and said confidently.

"A short way...

Kojiro, stop bragging.

Only a handsome and powerful genius like Sasuke-kun can defeat those Genin who become real ninjas, so forget about an idiot like you. "

A pretty little guy among the girls stuck out his tongue and gave the pineapple-headed boy a white look.

She took a peek at Sasuke, still so indifferent and handsome.

Tch, this guy can't even hit the tail of Naruto's crane. "

Kojiro said disdainfully, but his voice was getting lower and lower. He thought of Naruto's performance that day, and even felt a chill from not far away.

He turned his neck stiffly and looked towards the place where the coolness came from.

There, Sasuke was looking at him indifferently.

There seemed to be a little ferocity in the eyes.

The young man who was full of confidence just now lost his legs and almost lost the strength to walk.

Anxiety is contagious.

Sasuke's indifference seemed to affect the whole class, and the way to the training ground suddenly became quiet.

"Sasuke seems to be a little different."

Feeling the gloomy aura emanating from Sasuke, Naruto was thoughtful.

Soon, he gave up on Sasuke.

As he said, those who have been surpassed by him will never be able to catch up.

He is not the dog licking Naruto in the original time and space, he will not chase Sakura, let alone Sasuke.

Today's Sasuke, the only possible meaning for him is the pair of eyes that may grow into reincarnation eyes.

Soon, the training ground of the ninja school arrived.

Naruto squinted his eyes and saw three figures waiting there.

A boy with a hedgehog head and a shawl head, and a girl who seems to have a rather meek personality.

They wore Konoha Village's unique ninja foreheads on their heads, which were swirl-shaped and had a small horn. They looked about fourteen or fifteen years old, and their faces were still a little immature.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed past, directly inserted in front of Yashen, who was at the front of Naruto's class.

Kiba was taken aback, he backed up sharply, bumped his back directly into Choji who was following him, and was knocked back by his strong ball.

A dog almost fell on top of the shadow after eating shit.

Naruto looked carefully, his eyes turned cold.

That black shadow was a sharp kunai, and Ya almost ran into this kunai.

It's unlikely to be injured, but it will definitely be disfigured.

These guys are a little too much!
"Bastard, are you trying to fight?"

Ya got up and jumped up, shouting loudly at the three people.

He could see clearly that this kunai was thrown out by that hedgehog-headed ninja just now.

"Is this how you treat seniors?
kid. "

Hedgehog curled his lips, with a frivolous smile on his face.

"It's not what a senior should do if you attack us for no reason."

Naruto didn't know when he stood up, he squinted his small eyes, but looked very angry.

A hot-blooded idiot, this is very suitable for the character design, not to mention, Ya is still his good friend.

It's abnormal not to stand up.


Not right.

what happened? "

As soon as Naruto's words fell, he felt a cold breath.

He looked up, only to find that it wasn't the hedgehog-head who was being slapped by him, but the shawl-haired boy beside him who had been silent all the time.

The young man looked indifferent just now, appearing to be very silent.

Now, he was staring at himself with a ferocious expression.

"Ryosuke, what's going on?"

Hedgehog-head thought he had discovered the mutation of his companion, he ignored Naruto's rebuttal, and instead looked worriedly at the shawl-headed boy.


Didn't you agree to give these juniors and girls some serious blows?
This time, leave it to me. "

Ryosuke pulled an ugly smile on his face, but still stared at Naruto.

"what the hell!


You have never liked this set before.

You guy, even if you want to give these impolite guys a blow, you can't say it so openly.

Also, you look so scary.

This acting skill, I would like to call you the strongest. "

Ninatarou under the hedgehog head rolled his eyes at Ryosuke, and said helplessly.

My partner, who usually doesn't like to talk, didn't expect to have such acting skills.

This murderous appearance must scare some elementary school girls.

However, he didn't notice that the female companion beside him, who looked quite docile, was even more worried in his eyes.


Muttering in her mouth, she looked at Naruto's figure thoughtfully.

If she remembers correctly, Ryosuke's parents died that night 12 years ago.

At this time, Naruto also had a little understanding.

He could feel the real killing intent from Ryosuke.

Whether it was from the world of Double Dragon, or facing the tiger that he easily killed, he had felt the real killing intent.

The shawl-haired boy in front of him really wanted to kill himself.

But Naruto really couldn't think of anyone he had offended.

Group possession?

Pot King may want to control himself, but it is impossible to kill himself.

Then, there is only one last possibility left.

The person in front of him had relatives who died at the hands of Nine Tails.

 Everyone, come to some comments and votes, let me be more motivated!

(End of this chapter)

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