Chapter 6 Short Arrival

It has been detected that you are in extreme danger.

Are you asking for the descendant of the descendants of the heavens, His Excellency Naruto Uzumaki?
The body was exhausted, and Boy Pi heard such a voice in a daze.

who is it?

How did he know I was in a dangerous situation.

Waking up suddenly, the boy Pai looked around in a panic.

In the eyes, it is still an endless ocean.

Directly opposite, a lazy tiger was looking up at him.

The pressure from the top of the food chain made the heart of this teenage boy suddenly palpitate.

"Please, come down.

No matter who you are, as long as you can save me.

Please. "

There was a wail in the boy's heart, and he shouted loudly to the sky.

Is it the messenger of the god who saw his distress at the moment?
Boy Pi didn't know, but what he did know was that the voice came from nowhere, and it was the last straw.

"Hope, it won't be my hallucinations before I die."

Boy Pi smiled wryly, he was worried that the voice he heard just now was just an illusion produced by hunger and hunger.

"As you wish,
Lord Uzumaki Naruto, who descended from the heavens, is about to descend! "

The cold voice sounded again.

Suddenly, a breath that seemed to come from a long time ago descended!

In the sky, pure white light appeared, and finally condensed into a simple and noble light gate.

"Well, are you asking for my presence?

Foreign boy? "

Boy Pai looked up at the golden figure, and suddenly felt an unreasonable emotion in his heart.

Did the gods descend?
Naruto jumped out of the light gate and landed on the life raft where the boy pie was.


Please save me! "

Although Naruto looked like he was only in his teens, much younger than himself, but the boy pie's eyes were still pious.

The way Naruto appeared on the stage has already shown that he is by no means an ordinary teenager.

"as you wish."

Glancing at the dark-skinned boy, he looked so embarrassed.

Naruto turned his head and looked at his enemy.

A mighty Bengal tiger!

"There seems to be something wrong in this world."

Naruto had a little doubt on his face, and at the same time thought of his previous understanding of this world.

He felt more and more the strangeness of the world in front of him. It seemed that this world was full of illusions.

"But let's get rid of the tiger first.

Although in my previous life, it belonged to the top of the food chain.

But compared with me at the moment, this tiger is probably not much better than a cat. "

Soon, Naruto stopped thinking about it.

No matter how weird this world is, as long as the tiger is killed, he can complete the task and leave.

After all, the task he received was to rescue the boy Pi from the tiger.

"Then, super flying feet!"

Without wasting any more time, Naruto jumped up, with blue flames on his feet, and kicked violently towards the tiger.

It is a new flying foot developed by Naruto after combining the esoteric flying feet with chakra.

Because of the addition of the power of Chakra, the power of this mystery is multiplied.

"Fly, fly!"

Seeing Naruto's kick, as if flying extremely fast in the air, Boy Pi's face was full of shock.

Although Naruto's standing in the light gate in the sky just now was shocking, but compared to the violent kick at this moment, it is still a bit worse.


Humanized fear appeared on the tiger's face, but with its speed, it definitely couldn't avoid Naruto's flying feet.

A kick hit the tiger's head, making a crunching sound of broken bones, and the tiger was kicked into the sea.

After struggling for a while, the tiger sank to the bottom of the sea and never came up again.

It was kicked in the head by Naruto just now, under the inertia, the neck bone was fractured, and the head was also plunged into great shock.

Even if it doesn't fall into the sea, I'm afraid it will become paralyzed or a fool.

"So simple?"

It was unexpectedly simple, but Naruto frowned even tighter.

This task is kind of easy.

But in the next moment, Naruto's face changed slightly.

He looked up, the whole world began from the end of the boundless sea.


No, it is the world of the soul! "

Naruto screamed strangely, and the whole world collapsed in an instant.

When Naruto gasped for breath and looked at the world again.

It was still an endless sea, but there was only one white boat left.

The life rafts are gone, the tigers, zebras, hyenas, orangutans are gone.

Only the boy Pai collapsed on the white boat with a panicked face.

Surrounded by three dead bodies.

This made Naruto's body tremble.

Combining his knowledge of this world in his previous life, he is now completely certain that the world just now is just the spiritual world of the Boy Pi.

The fierce tiger just now was just an evil thought in the youth school's heart.

Zebras, orangutans, hyenas.

It's not real, it's just the corpses in front of you!

His task is not to kill the tiger, but to expel the evil thoughts and animal nature in the heart of the youth.

"It's a little troublesome, compared with the evil thoughts of the heart like animal nature.

It is more suitable for me to fight the tiger directly. "

Naruto rubbed his head in some annoyance, his heart was the most complicated.

But the next moment, Naruto's face turned into astonishment.

Congratulations to the Descendants of the Heavens. Your Excellency Uzumaki Naruto has completed the task. Will you return?
Naruto lowered his head, looking at the panic-stricken young man on the boat with an inexplicable expression.

Mission completed like this?

Thanks for coming!

You must have come to save me from leaving! "

Boy Pi didn't have the memory in the spiritual world just now, he just asked Naruto to come after hearing an inexplicable voice.

Then I saw Naruto walking out of the light gate.

"Maybe, this guy thought I was a god?

Out of fear or gratitude, he discarded the evil thoughts in his heart. "

Naruto thought of it strangely, but inadvertently poked the truth.

In fact, the three corpses on board are Pai's mother - the orangutan, the sailor - the zebra, and the chef - the hyena.

During the food crisis, the chef killed the sailor and Pi's mother, which brought out the tiger in Pi.

Then Pie killed the chef.

If there is no Naruto's arrival, maybe Pai's animal nature will still exist.

At sea, what would a pie do without food?
eat human!

Completely release the beast!
However, Naruto came in the form of a god, after Pai killed the cook and before he truly released his animal nature.

Because of the longing for the salvation of the gods, it is very interesting that Naruto completed the task in a daze.

Of course, this is easy to say, but it is because Naruto has enough power, and the process of descending is also enough to bluff.

Otherwise, Ruo Naruto is just an ordinary person, just descending in an ordinary way, without the special effect of the light gate like a god descending into the world.

I am afraid that he will die in Pai's spiritual world at the very beginning. Even if he is lucky enough to break the spiritual world, he may be hunted and killed by Pai in the drifting of He Pai because he has no food.

In that way, not only will the task not be completed, Naruto will also die.

 Vote if you can, folks.

  new book needs pampering

(End of this chapter)

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