Chapter 355 Supreme God

"You win, kill me.

Get rid of me, and you will be the new Demon Lord. "

Chong Lou fell to the ground, and for a while he had no strength to get up.

His whole body was tattered, and a large part of his body was turned into a pulp, revealing all the broken and broken bones.

"is it necessary?"

Naruto laughed lightly.

"Are you looking down on me?"

Chong Lou's face, which had already become a little hopeless, was suddenly filled with anger.

As proud as he is, he can accept death and failure, but he cannot accept being despised by those he recognizes.

"No, I just hope that you can continue to become stronger after today.

After all, with only you of this level, you can't even arouse my desire to fight. "

Naruto laughed softly, "This is how the other systems I have sorted out become stronger.

Keep crawling until you beat me.

I hope you can make me more satisfied next time we meet. "

Naruto stretched out his hand, and a golden-red light carried a lot of information, heading towards Chonglou's head lying on the ground.

Chonglou didn't dodge, or in other words, he was already unable to dodge.

This stream of information carrying a large number of ways to cultivate the forces of all worlds was integrated into Zhonglou's mind.

Seeing Chong Lou's suddenly surprised expression, Naruto smiled, then opened a space-time tunnel, and went away through space.

After all, Naruto also wanted to subdue a natural god of war like Zhonglou.

"A strong man from a foreign land?

Since you are so arrogant, you handed over the cultivation methods of other worlds to the deity.

Then, don't blame the deity for seizing your power after surpassing you.

Before that, how about being loyal to you? "

Demons worship the strong.

On Chong Lou's face, his fighting spirit was rekindled.

He feels invincible, and he feels lonely because there is no way to advance.

Only Feipeng can relieve him of his loneliness.

However, now he sees the way forward again from Naruto's giving.

He is confident that his strength will improve by leaps and bounds in a short period of time.



Fuxi, the emperor of heaven, is taking a nap.

Nine Heavens Xuannv practiced her own Heavenly Soldiers in New Immortal Realm.

Most of the other gods either live in their own dwellings lazily, or stick to their posts in the heavens.

Only at this moment, the entire heaven suddenly changed color.

It seems that someone has split the barrier of the heaven with a sword, and above this world, a scar of the sky has been cut.

"Where is the evildoer?
How dare you come to my heaven to cause chaos! "

The first to speak was Fuxi's daughter, who was honored as the Nine Heavens Xuannv, the goddess of war in the heavens.

In the heavens, she is recognized as the strongest besides General Feipeng!
It's just that at this moment, despite the stern voice of Nine Heavens Profound Girl, there was unavoidable panic in her eyes.

Without him, the scene in front of him was too terrifying.

Where is this place?

The pinnacle of the entire fairy sword world!
Not to mention making a hole in the sky, even if you want to smuggle in, it will be extremely difficult.

The scene in front of her was actually beyond the comprehension of Nine Heavens Profound Girl.

"Is this the heaven in this world?"

A faint sigh came from the scar of the sky, and the next moment, a golden-red stalwart figure slowly stepped out of it.

"It's true, but that's all."

Naruto looked around, and at the same time sensed the powerhouses in this world.

Above the eighth level, there are only two.

Nine Heavens Xuannv at the beginning of the eighth stage.

And the late eighth stage...

"God, right?"

Naruto chuckled, and suddenly stretched out his hand.

A small whirlwind wrapped around the fingertips, and then turned into a spiral breakthrough, stabbing away in a certain direction.


Seeing the direction of the spiral, Nine Heavens Profound Girl's face suddenly changed, and she wanted to stop it even more.

It's just that the speed of the wind spiral is too fast.

In an instant, it broke through everything and arrived at its destination——

Heavenly Emperor's bedroom!

"Unknown powerhouse!
You are so rude! "

An angry roar came from the Heavenly Emperor's bedroom, and a figure quickly rushed out of it.


Unparalleled majesty.

Even though the Quan Wang of the Dragon Ball world is far stronger than the one in front of him, he does not have the majesty he possesses after all.

Naruto thought he had been the emperor for a long time.

But it is far less majestic than the one in front of him.

It's like heaven and earth, only one is the only one!
What's just a little discordant is that the person in front of me looks a little embarrassed now.

Golden blood was flowing from a finger-sized wound on his chest.

The Heavenly Emperor Fuxi was hit hard by Naruto's finger!
"Too much nonsense!
Two choices, surrender, or die. "

"A friendly reminder, after surrendering, I will lead you all to transcend the barriers of this world and see the real heavens and worlds."

Naruto bowed his head, chuckling.


world! "

Fuxi's originally angry expression froze suddenly, and then turned into ecstasy.

He has been trapped in this world for too long.

Countless years ago, he had already reached the pinnacle of this world, and there was no way to advance.

Even in order to go one step further, he calculated everything and turned against his former friends Dihuang Shennong and Wahuang Nuwa.

Intrigue for hundreds of millions of years.

Until now, he has not found a chance to completely defeat those two old friends and win the foundation of transcendence.

As a result, someone told him now that he could be taken beyond this world.

Surprise, not unexpected?
Fuxi did not doubt Naruto's words, after all, Naruto's strength was too strong.

He himself is the most peak existence in this world, even Nuwa and Shennong are inferior to him.

In the heavens, at the home position, his strength can go one step further.

As a result, he couldn't even stop the casual blow from the person in front of him.

Fuxi simply suspected that the existence in front of him might be an existence at the level of the father god Pangu (Pangu in Immortal Sword.)
In the world of Immortal Sword, the Three Sovereigns existed after the creation of the world.

It is the world's first innate god.

Naruto is definitely not an existence in this world!

"I surrender."

Under the unbelievable gazes of the Nine Heavens Xuannv and the gods of the heavens.

Fuxi, who has ruled the Three Realms for hundreds of millions of years and is truly the only one in heaven and earth, lowered his head.

"very good."

Naruto smiled and nodded, Fuxi's understanding of current affairs satisfied him.

Soon, under the leadership of Fuxi, the leading party, Naruto quickly subdued Nuwa who was hiding in the human world, and Shennong who was hiding in the demon world.

At the moment when the three gods respected each other, Naruto suddenly had a new understanding.

"Your Majesty, this is the supreme god in this world.

The reason why I turned against Nuwa and Shennong is because I want to transcend the current state, and we have only one person who gathers the three emperors. "

Fuxi looked at the three rays of light emanating from his, Nuwa, and Shennong's bodies with a wry smile, with nostalgia on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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