Descendants of the Heavens: Uzumaki Naruto Ginseng

Chapter 21 The Bloodline of the Monster and the Power of the Nine Tails

Chapter 21 The Bloodline of the Monster and the Power of the Nine Tails
"Of course it's Mizuki-sensei!
Both the scroll and this place are what Mr. Mizuki said. "

Naruto's eyes showed admiration and gratitude, he turned and jumped, and turned the sealed book towards Iruka.

"it turns out……

It's Mizuki! "

Iruka's body suddenly turned cold, and he felt that he was caught in a huge conspiracy.

However, before he could continue to ask Naruto something, a terrible crisis had already struck from behind.


Iruka was startled, and subconsciously pushed Naruto away.

rub rub!
Several kunai were shot at Iruka who couldn't hide.

"Unexpectedly, you can find this place."

On the treetops, Mizuki's figure slowly descended. He looked at Iruka with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"So it turned out to be really you."

Suppressing the pain, Iruka looked at his former colleague with an ugly expression.

"Naruto, hand over the scroll."

Turning his eyes slowly to Naruto, Mizuki's usually gentle voice seemed a little strange at this moment.


what happened! "

Naruto looked panicked, he looked at Iruka, then at Mizuki, his face was full of bewilderment.

"Sorry, Iruka-sensei.

Since that person wants to see, then I can only perform.

I have wronged you, Iruka-sensei. "

Naruto felt a little guilty in his heart. In the three generations of scripts, Iruka was destined to be a bitter character.

But it is absolutely essential.

The third Hokage wants to use Iruka's love for him to deepen his bond with the village.

Although he could directly kill Mizuki, but that seemed too clever and unreasonable.

A passionate idiot like myself would certainly not be so decisive.

Even if he wants to gradually show his strength, Naruto must maintain his own personality.

Until, this village can no longer hold back its strength!
"Naruto, even if you die, you cannot hand over the scroll.

It is a taboo thing that was sealed because it recorded dangerous ninjutsu.

In order to get that, Mizuki used you. "

Iruka yelled at Naruto with a grim expression on his face.

This is a ninja who has inherited the will of fire and truly values ​​the village more than life.


Naruto stood on the spot, looking at the injured Iruka-sensei for help, with panic on his face.

This shows that he believes in Iruka's words, but he is unwilling to doubt Mizuki-sensei.

However, Naruto secretly complained in his heart, this thing with only four ninjutsu is also deceiving himself in the original time and space.

As long as there is no problem with IQ, I will not believe that such a mere four ninjutsu can be too dangerous.

Three generations of Hokage, this is provoking the IQ of his uncle Uzumaki Naruto.

"O Naruto!

That Iruka guy is afraid that you will get that. "

Mizuki stood on the top of the tree, as if everything was under control.


Naruto looked at Mr. Iruka properly, his eyes were full of blankness.

"What are you talking about, Mizuki!

Don't be fooled, Naruto. "

Iruka glanced at Mizuki bitterly, then shouted at Naruto.

He was afraid that his students would trust Mizuki.

"a ha ha ha……

Let me tell you the truth! "

Mizuki's expression suddenly became sullen, looking weird.

"I'm coming,

Now comes the real test.

As long as I survive this time, the trust of the third generation in me will definitely increase greatly!

I can also truly become a ninja and start to gain limited freedom. "

Naruto's heart trembled, he knew that the drama of the theft of the sealed book had come.

This is the third Hokage's test of themselves, whether they can still choose to believe and love Konoha under the condition of knowing the truth about their own Jinchuriki.

If he becomes black just like that, then his guardian will probably be replaced by Your Excellency Guoying.

At that time, I am afraid that I will be brainwashed and become a tool.

After all, the village would never allow Nine-Tails Jinchuriki to be an unstable factor.

If you still love Konoha, then you can truly become a ninja, start to accept Konoha's full training, and become the pillar of the village like Kirabi in Yunin Village.

It's just that the third generation still has feelings for Naruto after all, and he is also ashamed of the fourth generation.

For the sake of Naruto, the third generation even added the insurance of Iruka.

He intends to use bonds to leave Konoha with a Renzhuriki who loves the village, not a war tool that has lost his emotions.

"Bagaya Road, shut up, Mizuki."

Iruka's expression suddenly became frightened, he was afraid, he was afraid.

He worries that Naruto knows the truth.

"After what happened 12 years ago, the village made a rule."

Mizuki smiled lowly, with the pleasure of revealing the hidden history.

"A rule?"

Naruto showed a puzzled look in cooperation.

"That is……

A certain secret rule that you must not let Naruto Uzumaki know. "

Mizuki laughed more and more freely, he admired Iruka's fright and Naruto's fright.

"Only me, what is the rule!"

Naruto's words began to become hurried, as if he was eager to know everything.

"Shut up, Mizuki!

can not say! "

Iruka's eyes began to despair, and he growled.

"That is, never tell Naruto's true face, which is actually the rule of the demon fox."

Mizuki's voice began to become wanton and insolent.


Naruto's pupils narrowed sharply, but his lips curled up in his heart.

It seems that what Mizuki knows is only the abridged version circulated in the village.

Come to think of it, he and Iruka-sensei probably thought they were Kyuubi.

No, I was actually Jinchuriki who was used to seal Kyuubi!
"In other words,
You are actually...

The nine-tailed demon fox who killed Iruka's parents and destroyed the village...

Hahahahaha. "

Mizuki finally couldn't help it, and laughed out loud, as if reaching a climax.

He found the panic on Naruto's face and Iruka's despair very interesting.

"Shut up, shut up quickly!"

Iruka roared heart-piercingly, he didn't dare to look at Naruto.

What kind of despair will be born there.

"You've been tricked by the village.

Don’t you think it’s weird?

Obviously you have worked so hard to force a smile, and you have worked so hard to please everyone.

They still hate you like that? "

As if after the climax was dull, Mizuki felt a little unwilling to continue talking for a while.

"Ba qua ba qua, ba qua ba qua...

Say no more, say no more! "

At this moment, Naruto was really irritated, he was no longer acting, but really immersed in it.

Yes, he used to work so hard to please everyone, why do they still hate himself so much?

These people, you, all...

Damn it!

The traces of demon power began to dissipate, and the corners of Naruto's eyes began to drip blood-like lines.

This is, Yaowen!
What was even more frightening was that a blood-red chakra began to spread over Naruto's body.

Naruto, under the agitation of his mood, was actually affected by the blood of the monster and the chakra of the nine tails at the same time!

(End of this chapter)

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