Descendants of the Heavens: Uzumaki Naruto Ginseng

Chapter 17 Silver 3-Star Monster Bloodline

Chapter 17 The Silver Star Monster Bloodline

Congratulations to the descendants of the heavens. Your Excellency Uzumaki Naruto has completed the task. Do you choose to return?

If you don't return, you will stay in this world for a maximum of one month.

"Not going back."

Naruto said silently in his heart, he wanted to hunt and kill monsters as much as possible in this world, and improve his monster bloodline and strength realm.

After all, in that world that belongs to him, the great world is coming!

The remaining little demon wolves were killed by Naruto, and most of the medicinal herb Jiulixiang was collected.

Seeing Little Platycodon and Tanlang having fun together in the open space by the lake, a gentle smile appeared on his face.

In Konoha, he would never have such a life.

No, maybe there is another person who really cares about me.

Naruto suddenly thought of Hinata, that shy little guy.

This white-eyed girl may be one of the few in Konoha who really cares about herself.

Hmm, I almost forgot about Iruka-sensei, it seems that I'm a bit ungrateful...

Naruto laughed.

As for the others, such as Iba, Choji, Shikamaru and the like, they just regard themselves as classmates with a good relationship.

She will never dare to defend herself with her life like that white-eyed girl.

As for the third Hokage,

Heh, after all, Naruto couldn't tell if the old man really had feelings for him, or if he was just pretending.

"Okay, Little Kikyo, we should go back.

Your master Hanami Miko still needs our herbs. "

Naruto yelled as he waved the wrapped herb towards the little Kikyo.

"Has Brother Naruto rested already?

When he arrived in the village, Kikyo must ask his mother to cook Kikyo's favorite food for Naruto's brother. "

With a happy expression on his face, Little Kikyo pulled Tan Lang and headed towards Naruto.

"Come on, little one."

Naruto chuckled, but a little regret flashed in his eyes.

He also wants to live happily with Little Kikyo in that village where he has never met.

But, after all, I am not reconciled!

He whirlpool Naruto, since he has the Descendant of the Heavens system, he must not want to live in a small world, let alone a small village.

Not to mention, although this is the real world, it is also a mission world.

Naruto doesn't belong here, and will leave after a month.

After returning to Maple Village where Little Kikyo is, Naruto is greatly welcomed by the villagers.

Not only did he save the future witch in the village, but he also brought healing herbs to the current witch.

You know, in the Warring States Period where humans and monsters coexist, the existence of a witch is the confidence for the village to survive.

To put it bluntly, Naruto saved their village.

Naruto is also the first time that people love him from the bottom of his heart.

This made Naruto, who was used to being cold-eyed in Konoha Village, feel strangely moved in his heart.

Time passed slowly, and soon a month later, during this time, Naruto went out to hunt monsters during the day, and came back to play with little Kikyo at night.

Life is very comfortable.

This made Naruto even more reluctant to return to that cold Konoha.

But, the time has finally come.

Character: Uzumaki Naruto

Level: Tier [-] and Tier [-]

Bloodline: High-level vortex bloodline (gold one star), monster bloodline (silver three-star)

Skills: Sanshenjutsu (Black Iron [-] star), Double Jeet Fist (Silver [-] star), Psychic Beast (Silver [-] stars, can evolve)

From Heaven to World: Double Dragon I (completed), Life of Pi (completed), Inuyasha (in progress)
Mind Beast: Ravenous Wolf

Level: Tier [-] and Tier [-] (matching the master's level)
Quality: Silver Three Stars (evolvable)
Bloodline: Monster Bloodline (Silver Three Stars)

Skills: Devour Evolution (Diamond Three Stars), Devour Feedback (Diamond Three Stars), Wind Roar Cannon (Silver Two Stars)

Introduction: The wolf of infinite evolution, which is realized by the power of the mind, has the two taboo abilities of devouring back-feeding and devouring evolution. Its level matches the master's level. evolution.

During this period of time, although I didn't encounter any monsters stronger than the leader wolf, some miscellaneous monsters and low-level monsters Naruto let Tanlang kill a lot.

After devouring a large number of monsters, the strength of Naruto and Greedy Wolf has reached the level of the second and fifth levels, and the blood of the monsters has also reached the point of silver three stars.

And the Greedy Wolf has inherited the innate abilities of many monsters, of course, except for the super mysteries of the Wind Roar Pao, which is as high as two silver stars.

Others such as Foxfire, Charm, Water Polo, etc., most of them don't even count as Bronze abilities.

But it can be regarded as enriching the ability of Greedy Wolf.

Today's Greedy Wolf, in addition to its energy reserves, its strength may have completely surpassed Naruto.

After all, Tanlang has two natural abilities.

Devouring evolution can not only obtain the body and soul essence of the devoured person, but also inherit part of the devoured person's natural power.

As the beneficiary of devouring and feeding back, Naruto can only get the energy, blood and other substantive things of the devoured, but not their abilities.

After all, the wolf of the greedy wolf is the first beneficiary, and Naruto just accepts the feedback.

"This world has come to an end, but even if I can stay for a while, my strength will not make a big jump for the time being."

Naruto felt the blood of the monster that was about to move in his body, and his expression was a little dignified.

He felt that if he continued to let the greedy wolf devour monsters and raise the blood of silver-level monsters to gold, he might not be able to control the evil power of this level and start to be affected by it.

Hanami Miko looked at him with a hint of worry in her eyes.

Once the monster bloodline up to three silver stars is stimulated, Naruto may be able to transform into a terrifying monster immediately. At that time, his strength may not be much worse than that of Er Gouzi before he got Iron Broken Tooth.

Unlike other villagers who respect Naruto's daily slaying of demons, the well-informed Hanami Miko has already become suspicious of Naruto.

The demonic aura on Naruto's body, which was almost hard to conceal, probably wasn't the demonic aura that was contaminated in the process of killing monsters.

And it's more like being eroded by the power of a powerful monster, and has transformed into a half-monster!

"Brother Naruto, do you really want to leave?"

Outside the village, little Kikyo had teary eyes, she was reluctant to leave Naruto.

Although, after getting along for this period of time, she already knew that Naruto was not a god, but a "mage".

But this made Kikyo closer to Naruto, and even created a great dependence.

Compared with parents who are not good at expressing feelings in this era, Naruto, who likes to play with him, seems to be more cordial in the heart of little Kikyo.

"Little Kikyo, don't act like a little girl, be strong.

Brother Naruto is a man who vows to destroy all evil monsters, so of course he won't stay in one place forever.

When the little Kikyo grows up, he can come and help Naruto! "

Telling a white lie, Naruto patted Little Kikyo's head.

(End of this chapter)

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