Descendants of the Heavens: Uzumaki Naruto Ginseng

Chapter 147 Naruto Feels He Has a High Battle IQ (Subscribe)

Chapter 147 Naruto Feels He Has a High Battle IQ (Subscribe)
"Fighting an intelligent enemy is just unpleasant."

Looking at Erwa's command, Naruto remembered the battle with Itachi.

Although this battle will not make Naruto feel that his IQ has been crushed, but his methods are easily cracked every time, which still makes him a little uncomfortable.

"If these seven gourd babies are all idiots, then this battle will be much easier.


Hey, Erwa..."

Looking at the orange gourd swaying on the gourd vine, Naruto's eyes became colder.

Erwa also looked over at the right time and gave him a hard look.

It's just that the eyes on the gourd still make Naruto feel a little funny.

At this time, Wuwa's water spray has already struck.

Although the scale is small, the power is quite terrifying.

"General ninjutsu can't stop it!"

Naruto quickly made a decision, "Greedy wolf!
swallow it! "

The terrifying giant wolf jumped out of Naruto's body, opening its mouth wide open.

The terrible vortex appeared before Wuwa's big water spray, and swallowed every drop of it.

But Tanlang let out a scream and almost fell down from the top of the mountain.

"It's such a terrible water, it can't even be swallowed by the greedy wolf."

Feeling the water-like nourishment in his body from being fed back by the greedy wolf, Naruto looked solemn.

"Besides, that fire boy is also difficult to deal with!"

In the eyes, it was already a sea of ​​flames, Siwa laughed and set fire.

The machine gun shooters who released Naruto burned all of them in a short time.

The fire was still spreading in the mountains, making it impossible for Naruto to release the machine gun shooter repeatedly for a while.

"So what, I have more than one way to restrict this gourd?"

Naruto sneered, and all over the mountains and fields, where there were no flames, packs of wolves appeared.

Then, these demonic wolves opened their mouths, exhaled wind beams, turned into wind and rain, and hit the gourd babies.

It's a summoning of wolves!
As a result, Qiwa had no choice but to raise the gourd again and swallowed the wind beams one by one.

But the pack of wolves spewed out wind beams again, and Qiwa was confined here again.

On the side, Siwa was furious.

"I will burn you all like those plant monsters!"

The fire spewed out and covered the pack of wolves.

It's just that unlike machine gun shooters who can only stay in place, wolves are extremely agile.

They kept dodging Siwa's fire-breathing flames, but they couldn't dodge them, and they could blow a gust of wind from their mouths to force the flames away temporarily.

All of a sudden, not a few of these hundreds of monster wolves died.

Even slowly approaching the gourd babies.

However, when they approached within a certain range, they stopped approaching.

Without him, if you get closer, you will be within the range of Qiwabao Gourd showing its power.

While the fourth baby was breathing out flames, the fifth baby was spewing water, and the seventh baby was taking a break, there was even a wind beam that broke through the sea of ​​flames and hit the gourd babies, making them scream.

It's just that these monster wolves seem to eat the gourd babies to death.

But as soon as it gets close to the power of the Qiwa treasure gourd, it may be swallowed up by the treasure gourd in the first time.

While Siwa kept setting fire, Wuwa kept putting water.

Greedy Wolf was there, passively using Heaven Devouring to catch it.

As he digested Wuwa's water again and again, Tanlang's body gradually developed resistance to Wuwa's spirit water.

It is becoming more and more handy to absorb Wuwa's big spray.

Slowly, as Siwa and Wuwa's attacks became useless.

The two children became more and more impatient.

"I'm going to burn this mountain down!

Let's see where you are hiding! "

The range of the fire erupted suddenly expanded several times, and the entire mountain seemed to be enveloped in flames.

This was indeed useful. For a while, many wolves who had nowhere to hide were completely burned to death.

And Wuwa also brewed a big mouthful of spiritual water, like a waterfall flowing backwards, heading towards Tanlang and Naruto.

Prestige. Greedy wolf! "

Naruto looked solemn, Susano turned into armor and put on Tanlang.

It was the vortex that devoured the sky and devoured the earth again, and the devouring vortex that was blessed by Susano still swallowed Wuwa's big spray.

"Fourth brother, no more!
If you continue to breathe fire like this, we will be roasted to death first. "

Feeling the increasingly terrifying heat around her, Liu Wa couldn't help but screamed.

Siwa had no choice but to stop breathing fire first.

Soon, the flames were withdrawn, but the wolves were re-summoned by Naruto.

Even on the mountain tops that had lost the flames, the machine-gun shooters reappeared.

The wind blows, the bullets turn into barrages, and Qiwa is forced to reopen.

Siwa breathes fire again, and the pack of wolves and machine gun shooters are killed again.

Wuwa sprayed water again, and was caught by Tanlang.

The flames filled the air, and the gourd babies couldn't stand it anymore.

Then the flame retracted, and then the wolves and the machine shooters reappeared...

Back and forth, the gourd babies began to get tired.

"No, we will definitely be consumed if this continues."

Erwa was a little wilted. As a gourd still on the vine, he was even more afraid of flames.

He knew that if they were consumed by Naruto like this, they would definitely not be able to bear it sooner.

"Damn it, it would be fine if the boss and I were all right and the third brother was here."

Erwa lamented, but there was nothing she could do.

You can only let Wuwa stop spraying water to attack Naruto, and take turns with Siwa to eliminate the pack of wolves and machine gun shooters.

Qiwa also stopped releasing the large-scale gourd devouring, and only received these attacks when the wind beams and bullets broke through the sea of ​​​​fire and flood.

Time passed slowly, Naruto's blood was thick and blue, and he returned to blue quickly.

Although not energetic, but not tired.

But the gourd babies gradually lost their energy.

They are just children. Although they are powerful, their willpower is not outstanding.

Slowly, the children began to make more mistakes.

Even missed bullets and wind beams kept hitting their bodies, making them howl miserably.

"No, I can't hold it anymore!"

I don't know how long it took, Siwa first let out a loud cry, and went down with a gulp, only spewing out a spark, and then sat down on the ground.

"Well, not a single drop!"

Immediately afterwards, Wu Wa, who took over from Si Wa to spray water, couldn't stand it anymore, and also sat down on the ground.

When he swallowed it down, it was not much more than boo boo.

Qiwa had no choice but to re-amplify the power of the treasure gourd to block all attacks.

But, it didn't last long.

Even if the consumption of controlling the treasure gourd is much less than that of spitting water and fire, the treasure gourd is different from the greedy wolf's devouring heaven and earth after all.

It can only be swallowed, not absorbed, and it is difficult to continue fighting.

Then, he couldn't hold it anymore, and sat down on the ground again.

So far, except for the six babies who look like I'm useless, all the gourd babies have been wiped out.

As for the eldest baby and the second baby, although they have some abilities in the gourd state, they are far from being a threat.

(End of this chapter)

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